Diminishing Returns

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Together with the United States and Australia, Canada is one of the great immigrant-receiving countries. However, Canada's immigration patterns have changed dramatically since 1967. This document takes a look at the economics of Canada's recent immigration policy. It presents studies written on the issue and focusing precisely on the following points: new issues, new evidence, and new immigration; a comparison of Canadian and US immigration policy in the 20th century; family reunification multipliers; asset demand of immigrant and Canadian-born households; the impact of immigrants on Canada's treasury, circa 1990; the British Columbia experience with immigrants and welfare dependency, 1989; Canadian immigrant earnings, 1971-86; labor market outcomes and the participation of immigrant women in Canadian transfer programs; immigration and trade; business immigration to Canada; immigration and unemployment; and, intended and actual occupations of immigrants.

Immigrants and the Labour Force

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First, Canada's primary source for immigrants has shifted dramatically from the United Kingdom and Europe to countries outside Europe. Second there has been a remarkable transformation in the nature of work: Canada's economy has changed from relying on resource extraction to an emphasis on manufacturing, and presently is emerging as post-industrial and knowledge-based. Pendakur combines an analysis of parliamentary debates on immigration issues with an evaluation of the regulatory and policy changes that resulted from these discussions and an analysis of how the work of immigrants changed over a five-decade. He then provides both a political and quantitative analysis by looking at issues that affect not only immigrants but minorities born in Canada in order to assess the degree to which labour market discrimination exists and whether employment equity programs are needed.

The Labour Market Integration of Immigration and Their Role on Innovation

Book Description

This thesis contains three chapters evaluating the role of labour market skills in determining immigrants' labour market integration and Canada's innovation rate. In Chapter 1, I estimate how the impact of entry economic conditions on immigrants' labour market outcomes varies by the versatility of their skills. Skill versatility is measured using information on the sectoral concentration of native-born workers with a particular education field and level. Entry economic conditions are measured using city-level unemployment rates among native graduates from a similar education field and level. Since immigrants' location choices can be endogenous to geographic local economic conditions, I address the endogeneity of immigrants' location choices by exploiting the historical settlement patterns of immigrants from the same countries of origin. I find that immigrants suffer a 5 to 8 percent decline in their annual earnings when there is a one percentage-point increase in entry unemployment rates. When I incorporate the skill versatility measure in the estimation, the earnings loss is mitigated by 1 to 3 percentage points, if there is a one standard deviation increase in immigrants' skill versatility level. This effect is less evident for highly educated immigrants and it may be due to their being more likely to have pre-arranged employment before landing. I also find that city-level onward migration is more likely for immigrants who face unfavourable labour market conditions at entry, and movers do fare better than stayers conditional on initial setbacks. Meanwhile, immigrants' geographical mobility is found to be strengthened to some extent by their skill versatility. Chapter 2 examines the effect of changes in skilled-immigrant population shares in 98 Canadian cities between 1981 and 2006 on per capita patents. The Canadian case is of interest because its `points system' for selecting immigrants is viewed as a model of skilled immigration policy. Our estimates suggest unambiguously smaller beneficial impacts of increasing the university-educated immigrant population share than comparable U.S. estimates, whereas our estimates of the contribution of Canadian-born university graduates are virtually identical in magnitude to the U.S. estimates. The modest contribution of Canadian immigrants to innovation is, in large part, explained by the low employment rates of Canadian STEM-educated immigrants in STEM jobs. Our results point to the value of providing employers with a role in the immigrant screening process. Lastly, in Chapter 3, using inventors' names to identify their ethnicity and Canadian Census and NHS data to estimate ethnic populations, we estimate patenting rates for Canada's ethnic populations between 1986 and 2011. The results reveal higher patenting rates for Canada's ethnic minorities, particularly for Canadians with Korean, Japanese, and Chinese ancestry, and suggest that immigrants accounted for one-third of Canadian patents in recent years, despite comprising less than one-quarter of the adult population. Human capital characteristics, in particular the share with a PhD and the shares educated and employed in STEM fields, account for most of the ethnic-minority advantage in patenting. Our results also point to larger patenting contributions by foreign-educated compared to Canadian-educated immigrants, which runs counter to current immigrant selection policies favouring international students.

Migration, Income, and Employment

Book Description

Monograph on internal migration and its relationship to income and employment in Canada form 1965 to 1968 - includes definitions and data analysis methodology, and covers migration flows, the income effects of return migration, characteristics of the unemployment benefit population, employment status, etc., and implications for future research. References and statistical tables.

An Analysis of the Earnings of Canadian Immigrants

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This paper reports estimates of simple wage equations fit to cross-sectional and pseudo-longitudinal data for Canadian immigrants in the 1971 and 1981 Canadian censuses.

Immigrant Employment and Earnings Growth in Canada and the U.S.

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We study the short-term trajectories of employment, hours worked, and real wages of immigrants in Canada and the U.S. using nationally representative longitudinal datasets covering 1996-2008. Models with person fixed effects show that on average immigrant men in Canada do not experience any relative growth in these three outcomes compared to men born in Canada. Immigrant men in the U.S., on the other hand, experience positive annual growth in all three domains relative to U.S. born men. This difference is largely on account of low-educated immigrant men, who experience faster or longer periods of relative growth in employment and wages in the U.S. than in Canada. We further compare longitudinal and cross-sectional trajectories and find that the latter over-estimate wage growth of earlier arrivals, presumably reflecting selective return migration.

Canadian Immigration Policy for the 21st Century

Book Description

Since 9/11 there have been many changes to the external environment of Canadian immigration, a number of criticisms of current immigration policy in Canada, and several proposals for dealing with current labour market needs and settlement patterns of immigrants to Canada. In Canadian Immigration Policy for the 21st Century the authors examine the issues raised by these concerns. the role of immigration in meeting Canada's demographic and labour market needs, decentralization of immigration policy with special focus on the Quebec perspective and the recent Manitoba experience, policy responses to increasing international labour mobility, immigration data resources in Canada, the changing immigrant experience in the labour market including issues of skill recognition and the effects of business cycles on labour market integration, and social inclusion of immigrants, including the health of immigrant children and visible minority enclaves in major Canadian cities.

Earnings of Immigrants

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Covers the period 1946-1989.

Warmth Of The Welcome

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This book examines how the economic performance of immigrants is shaped by national and urban social institutions. In the United States, particularly in the high-immigration cities, most immigrant-origin groups have significantly lower earnings than do their counterparts in Canadian or Australian cities. Immigration policy is not a factor, however; in fact U.S. immigrants?in particular origin groups?are not less skilled. American institutions, including education, labor market structures, and social welfare, all reflect greater individualism and all contribute to the potential for inequality. Resulting higher poverty rates for America's immigrants explains their more extensive use of its weaker welfare system. Jeffrey Reitz's social institutional approach projects the impact of institutional restructuring?past and future?on the economic performance of immigrants in these countries.