Patterns of Epiphany

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Taking his cue from the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, he postulates that any writer's epiphany pattern usually shows characteristic elements (earth, air, fire, water), patterns of motion (pendular, eruptive, trembling), and/or geometric shapes.


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Shares inspirational true stories about life-changing moments as experienced by everyday people and such nationally recognized individuals as television host Dr. Mehmet Oz, Newark Mayor Cory Booker and renowned speaker Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

The Creative Epiphany

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Read about gifted men and women who have experienced a Creative Epiphany; a message of grand realization and vivid discovery directly from their souls, resulting in greatly enhanced creativity.

Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism

Book Description

While modern students of Greek religion are alert to the occasion-boundedness of epiphanies and divinatory dreams in Greek polytheism, they are curiously indifferent to the generic parameters of the relevant textual representations on which they build their argument. Instead, generic questions are normally left to the literary critic, who in turn is less interested in religion. To evaluate the relation of epiphanies and divinatory dreams to Greek polytheism, the book investigates relevant representations through all major textual genres in pagan antiquity. The evidence of the investigated genres suggests that the ‘epiphany-mindedness’ of the Greeks, postulated by most modern critics, is largely an academic chimaera, a late-comer of Christianizing 19th-century-scholarship. It is primarily founded on a misinterpretation of Homer’s notorious anthropomorphism (in the Iliad and Odyssey but also in the Homeric Hymns). This anthropomorphism, which is keenly absorbed by Greek drama and figural art, has very little to do with the religious lifeworld experience of the ancient Greeks, as it appears in other genres. By contrast, throughout all textual genres investigated here, divinatory dreams are represented as an ordinary and real part of the ancient Greeks' lifeworld experience.

Innovation through Fusion

Book Description

Just as nuclear fusion produces massive energy from combining two nuclei, a fusion in business, technology, and the arts can release massive value—creating whole new companies, industries, and human capabilities. Examples of the fusion technique for high-value, radical innovation are presented in this unique collection of stories about innovating across industries, fields, organizational silos, nations, social class, and more. This book is the result of a global research study of 30 world-class innovators who have collectively created billions of dollars’ worth of business value, as well as new advances in the arts and sciences that bring joy to the world and can save millions of lives. Insights from the journeys of the innovators provided in this book will help leaders, organizations, and individuals succeed in their innovative endeavors. In addition, each chapter provides a link to a short video that provides further insights, mostly from the innovators themselves. Innovation through Fusion is essential reading for individual innovators who would like to create the future; teams and organizations that need to craft radical or high-value innovations (especially across industries or organizational silos); and leaders concerned about declining returns on innovation efforts and uncertain about organizational survival in a disruptive world. The author provides a new model of lateral innovation—useful both as an innovation process and as a framework to assess your lateral innovation capabilities. The book is replete with value-creation examples of lives saved, billions of dollars of savings/growth, and new products, services, and companies, as well as stories of leading lateral innovators—who they are and how they succeeded. For the author’s talk on Fusion at EmTech Asia/MIT Technology Review, featured in Asian Scientist magazine, click here: For a review of the book on YourStory, click here:

Narrating Nonhuman Spaces

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Recent debates about the Anthropocene have prompted a re-negotiation of the relationship between human subjectivity and nonhuman matter within a wide range of disciplines. This collection builds on the assumption that our understanding of the nonhuman world is bound up with the experience of space: thinking about and with nonhuman spaces destabilizes human-scale assumptions. Literary form affords this kind of nonanthropocentric experience; one role of the critic in the Anthropocene is to foreground the function of space and description in challenging the conventional link between narrative and human (inter)subjectivity. Bringing together New Formalism, ecocriticism, and narrative theory, the included essays demonstrate that literature can transgress the strong and long-established boundary of the human frame that literary and narrative scholarship clings to. The focus is firmly on the contemporary but with strategic samplings in earlier cultural texts (the American transcendentalists, modernist fiction) that anticipate present-day anxieties about the nonhuman, while at the same time offering important conceptual tools for working through them.

Divine Initiative and the Christology of the Damascus Road Encounter

Book Description

The Damascus road encounter between Jesus and Paul is foundational to understanding the early development of Christology, and, indeed, Christianity, since it is the first appearance of the post-ascension Jesus contained in the earliest Christian literature. This study examines the encounter as it is described in Paul's epistles and the book of Acts. Since Paul interprets his experience within the Jewish tradition, this study begins with a survey of epiphany texts in the Old Testament and other ancient Jewish literature. This reveals two new categories for appearances of God, angels, and other heavenly beings: Divine Initiative and Divine Response. This survey also finds two distinct patterns of characterization for God and other heavenly beings. These findings are then applied to Paul's accounts of his Damascus road encounter. Paul depicts the encounter as a Divine Initiative epiphany. This conclusion is significant, since it argues against the current view that the encounter was a merkabah vision. Paul's Christology in the Damascus road encounter is also significant, since Jesus is characterized as divine. Such divine characterization is not typical for heavenly beings in first-century CE epiphany texts. Thus, a high Pauline Christology appears to be present at a very early point. The three accounts of the Damascus road encounter in Acts also fit the pattern of Divine Initiative--not merkabah--and exhibit the high Christology of Paul's accounts. In fact, the three accounts in Acts are shown to form an intentionally increasing sequence culminating in the revelation that Paul was called to be an apostle by Jesus himself on the Damascus road.

Plots of Epiphany

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Past scholarship on the prison-escapes in the Acts of the Apostles has tended to focus on lexical similarities to Euripides' Bacchae, going so far as to argue for direct literary dependence. Moving beyond such explanations, the present study argues that miraculous prison-escape was a central event in a traditional and culturally significant story about the introduction and foundation of cults - a story discernable in the Bacchae and other ancient texts. When the mythic quality and cultural diffusion of the prison-escape narratives are taken into account, the resemblance of Lukan and Dionysian narrative episodes is seen to depend less on specific literary borrowing, and more on shared familiarity with cultural discourses involving the legitimating portrayal of new cults in the ancient world.