Paul and the Stories of Israel

Book Description

Much recent scholarship on Paul has searched for implicit narratives behind Paul’s scriptural allusions, especially in the wake of Richard B. Hays’s groundbreaking work on the apostle’s appropriation of Scripture. A. Andrew Das reviews six proposals for “grand thematic narratives” behind the logic of Galatians—potentially, six explanations for the fabric of Paul’s theology: the covenant (N. T. Wright); the influx of nations to Zion (Terence Donaldson); Isaac’s near sacrifice (Scott Hahn, Alan Segal); the Spirit as cloud in the wilderness (William Wilder); the Exodus (James Scott, Sylvia Keesmaat); and the imperial cult (Bruce Winter et al.). Das weighs each of these proposals exegetically and finds them wanting—more examples of what Samuel Sandmel famously labeled “parallelomania” than of sound exegetical method. He turns at last to reflect on the risks of (admittedly alluring) totalizing methods and lifts up a seventh proposal with greater claim to evidence in the text of Galatians: Paul’s allusions to Isaiah’s servant passages.

Paul and the Resurrection of Israel

Book Description

Promotes an exciting new idea: Paul's gospel of Gentile inclusion is intrinsic to Israel's salvation promised in the Hebrew Bible.


Book Description

Ein Bestseller jetzt neu als Broschurausgabe! Die gebundene Ausgabe erzielte hervorragende Kritiken im Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, The Independent und in der Sunday Times - um nur einige zu nennen. Israel hatte erstmals Zugang zu Werkstatt-Tagebüchern, Briefen und mehr als fünf Millionen Seiten Archivmaterial. Auf der Basis dieser Informationen hat er die erste maßgebende Biographie von Edison verfaßt. Zum ersten Mal wird Edisons Karriere als Erfinder systematisch untersucht und bewertet. Im Detail wird erforscht, wie er u.a. mit der Erfindung des elektrischen Lichts, der Photographie und mehr als tausend anderen Dingen das 20. Jahrhundert prägte. Dies ist auch die erste Biographie, die Edison im Zusammenhang mit dem rapiden industriellen Wandel betrachtet, indem die Auswirkungen dieses Wandels auf seine Erfindungen beschrieben werden. Dieses Buch liefert eine Fülle neuer Informationen über Edison und seine Erfindungen. Eine interessante und spannende Lektüre. (y03/00)

Paul and the Scriptures of Israel

Book Description

What is an 'echo' of Scripture? How can we detect echoes of the Old Testament in Paul, and how does their detection facilitate interpretation of the Pauline text? These are questions addressed by this collection of essays from the SBL programme unit Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity. The first part of the book reports its vigorous 1990 discussion of Richard Hays's 'Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul', including contributions by Craig Evans, James Sanders, William Scott Green and Christiaan Beker, as well as a response by R.B. Hays. The second part of the book studies specific passages where reference is made to the Old Testament explicitly or allusively. The contributors here are James Sanders, Linda Belleville, Carol Stockhausen, James Scott, Nancy Calvert and Stephen Brown.

Paul, Moses, and the History of Israel

Book Description

An exegetical study of the call of Moses, the second giving of the Law, the new covenant, Paul's self-understanding as an apostle, and the prophetic understanding of the history of Israel. Hafemann's work demonstrates Paul's contextual use of the Old Testament and the essential unity of the old and new covenants in view of the distinctive ministries of Moses and Paul.

Paul in Israel's Story

Book Description

"In Paul in Israel's Story, John Meech addresses the problem of the self in community in a theological hermeneutics that brings together recent biblical scholarship and constructive theology."--BOOK JACKET.

Paul and the Vocation of Israel

Book Description

The Apostle Paul was the greatest early missionary of the Christian gospel. He was also, by his own admission, an Israelite. How can both these realities coexist in one individual? This book argues that Paul viewed his mission to the Gentiles, in and of itself, as the primary expression of his Jewish identity. The concept of Israel’s divine vocation is used to shed fresh light on a number of much-debated passages in Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Paul and his Story

Book Description

The author discusses Paul's reading of his scriptures by exploring his intertextual echoes and allusions to exodus themes and motifs in Israel's scriptures and the literature of Second-Temple Judaism. This exploration reveals that Paul evoked the exodus narrative in a way that is both faithful to the tradition and innovative for his new situation in Christ. Paul affirms and transforms the tradition in ways that speak to the tensions present in both Galatians and Romans.

Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles

Book Description

This book is novel in its questioning of the adequacy of interpreting Paul from the perspective of the Reformation and in its application of sociological methods to the New Testament.

Paul and the Nations

Book Description

From reviews: Scott offers us a new way to resolve an old problem. Instead of viewing Paul's geographical understanding of the world from a merely Greco-Roman perspective, he suggests that we begin with Paul's distinctly Jewish perspective of the world's geography: the table of the nations. Here Scott makes a compelling case and opens new vistas for understanding Paul as the apostle of the nations.Frank J. Matera in The Catholic Biblical Quarterly No. 59 (1997) 398-399.