Service Disrupted

Book Description

Peace Corps Volunteers and the Making of Korean Studies in the United States

Book Description

"Among the scholars who have built the field of Korean studies are former Peace Corps volunteers who served in South Korea in the 1960s and 1970s before pursuing advanced degrees in anthropology, history, and literature. These scholars, who formed the core of the second generation of Korean Studies scholars in the US, reflect in this volume on their personal experience of serving during Korea's period of military dictatorship, on issues of gender and the Peace Corps experience, and on how random assignment to Korea sparked fascination and led to lifelong professional involvement with the country. Two chapters by Korean studies scholars who were not Peace Corps volunteers (one American and one Korean) assess how Peace Corps volunteers have influenced development of the field"--

At Home on the Kazakh Steppe

Book Description

When a mid-fifties grandmother follows her husband of just three years into the Peace Corps, she leaves behind a promising new career, her home, two brand-new grandbabies, and her beloved dog. Assigned to Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country finding its own way after generations under Soviet rule, she too must find a way to be in a world different from what she knew. Feeling the stresses of a difficult new language, surprising cultural differences, and unexpected changes in her husband, Givens questions the loss of all she's given up. Will it be worth it?

Living Poor; a Peace Corps Chronicle

Book Description

At the age of 48, Moritz Thomsen sold his pig farm and joined the Peace Corps. As he tells the story, his awareness of the comic elements in the human situation--including his own--and his ability to convey it in fast-moving, earthy prose have madeLiving Poora classic. "Hilariously funny at times, grimly sad at others and elavened with perceptive insights into the ways of the people and with breathtaking descriptions of the Ecuadorian landscape."-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

It Depends

Book Description

It Depends" is a Peace Corps guide dedicated to present and future volunteers preparing for their first, second, or even third Peace Corps Journey. The title was inspired by the phrase often used by Peace Corps staff when volunteers asked questions about what to expect during their service. The Peace Corps staff always settled on the same answer, "It Depends." This guide draws from past volunteers' individual experiences as well as the author's personal journey and presents real stories, ideas, experiences, and advice on how to make the most of the Peace Corps lifestyle, experience, and journey. The author will take you through the Peace Corps life from start to finish, from considering Peace Corps to closing out your service. This guide is short, informative, fun, and will get any person considering Peace Corps excited to start the adventure and assist current volunteers in finding their next passion in life once their passion for Peace Corps has been completed.

The Peace Corps

Book Description

Considers H.R. 7500 and identical bills, to provide permanent legislative authority for the Peace Corps, already operating pursuant to an executive order.

The Peace Corps Volunteer's Handbook

Book Description

THE PEACE CORPS MAY BE “THE TOUGHEST JOB YOU’LL EVER LOVE,” BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO LEARN THAT THE HARD WAY. The Peace Corps Volunteer’s Handbook is both your guide and your companion. Learn from the experiences of outstanding former Volunteers, while cataloging your own experiences with the Peace Corps from the very beginning of your service to the end. Designed to be with you each step of the way—from applying to Peace Corps, starting your service, adjusting to your host country, and making your way home again—this handbook combines the best parts of a guidebook with all the creativity of a personal journal. This is the handbook every Peace Corps Volunteer wishes for, something no one has provided before—a chance to set down on paper all the amazing experiences the Peace Corps has to offer, right next to the memories of the Volunteers who came before. What are you waiting for?

A Life Inspired

Book Description

Contains a collection of autobiographical reminiscences written by about 28 former Peace Corps volumteers.

Peace Corps Experience: Write and Publish Your Memoir

Book Description

Tell your Peace Corps story, but first study this book. Robert Klein, Peace Corps Oral History Project, Kennedy Library The ultimate how-to book for former Peace Corps volunteers and staff who have hesitated to write about their own experience. This book explains what a memoir is, how to write, publish and promote.