Pearls of Inner Wisdom from a Master of Wisdom

Book Description

The cis-Himalayan Mahatmas are Great Souls and Masters of Wisdom; their higher individuality is en rapport with the Universal Soul. Through occult training in successive births, the hold of lower Manas weakens until the whole Manas identifies with the Universal Soul, which runs through humanity at large, and lo and behold! a new Saviour of Mankind is born. Only a pure and unexpecting soul, whose brotherly love has uplifted his Manas above the fog of separateness, can ever hope to approach the majesty of a Mahatma. Manasic perception is enlightened belief without intellectual understanding. That is the real meaning of faith, not the blind belief implied by the religious meaning of faith. The adept is the rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers. Their three higher aspects are merged into One. A Planetary Spirit can roam the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, while continue living on earth in his original body. That is highest form of adeptship man can hope for on our planet. Only an Occultist, by analysing and experiencing sentient life in all its phases, whether on earth or beyond, whether mineral, vegetable, animal, or spiritual life, can figure out the Great Problem of Consciousness. Spirit and Matter are co-existent, inseparable, interdependent, and convertible to each other. This androgynous Force is Mind and Soul. Since motion is all-pervading and absolute rest inconceivable, under whatever form or mask may appear, whether as light, heat, magnetism, chemical affinity or elec-tricity — all these must be phases of One and the same universal omnipotent Force. Consciousness is not only transformable into other aspects or phases of the all-pervading Force, but that it can be infused into, and animate, an artificial man. The three extant centres of Occult Brotherhood, though widely separated geographically, and as widely exoterically, promulgate the same esoteric doctrine. Self is a passing guest, whose concerns are all like a mirage of the great desert. It is upon the serene and placid surface of the unruffled mind that the visions gathered from the invisible find a representation in the visible world. Nature has linked all parts of her Empire together by subtle threads of magnetic sympathy. By subduing the lower Manas and thus identifying with his higher counterpart, man can become master and ruler over blind molecular motion.

Pearls of Wisdom

Book Description

Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom

Book Description

Do you wish to be calm, cool and collected, with an inner peace?Do you wish to transform your life into a blissful success story?Then go for this practical guide to everyday spirituality and empower yourself by contemplating and comprehending the basic truths of life.

Pearl of Wisdom

Book Description

Pearls of Wisdom

Book Description

This short book features many of Gulen's ideas that have guided this extraordinary venture since its inception. They have inspired millions of ordinary people to do what they normally might never consider doing: helping people they don't know for the sole prpose of earning the pleasure of God by helping a fellow human being.

1,001 Pearls of Buddhist Wisdom

Book Description

The latest book in Chronicle's best-selling collection of tiny treasuries combines our winning chunky format and copious colorful artwork with the eternal wisdom of the Buddha. 1,001 Pearls of Buddhist Wisdom is an inspiring collection of teachings drawn from traditional sources, such as the Zen philosophy of Japan and the tantric practices of Tibet, as well as European thinkers and contemporary Buddhists. Themed sections address such basic human themes as good and bad karma, developing empathy, and how to be happy. Also included are clear explanations of key Buddhist concepts and accounts of historical moments. Full of accessible Eastern teachings, 1,001 Pearls of Buddhist Wisdom offers insights to inspire, instruct, and set readers on the path to nirvana.

Inner Wisdom

Book Description

Awake your Inner Wisdom with daily inspirational messages presented by two Enlighten Teachers with more than 30 years of experience. We present here a series of messages to all levels of spiritual evolution, ranging from New Age thought to non-dual Easter Philosophy to mono-dualism and the reality of God the Supreme Living Being in Existence.

Diving for Pearls

Book Description

Part true love story and part how-to guide, Maggie Kay's book Diving For Pearls takes the reader with her on the spiritual adventure of her life and shares how she eventually found what she was longing for - deep trust in her own inner wisdom and a soul mate life partner that meets her on all levels.


Book Description

The holistic, inner-life understanding provided in Pearls of Wisdom for a Home Sweet Home gives us--through each conversation with the holistic guide--a whole new inner understanding for a balanced, harmonious relationship with ourselves, our family, our friends, our community, and our world at-large. The timeless wisdom of each pearl is practical, easily understandable, immediately applicable, and most of all allows us to find inner peace with regards to most of life's puzzles.


Book Description

Plucked from a humble nomad family to become the leader of one of Tibet’s oldest Buddhist lineages, the young Seventeenth Karmapa draws on timeless values to create an urgent ethic for today’s global community. We have always been, and will always be, interconnected—through family, community, and shared humanity. As our planet changes and our world grows smaller, it is vital we not only recognize our connections to one another and to the earth but also begin actively working together as interdependent individuals to create a truly global society. The Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is uniquely positioned to guide us in this process. Drawing on years of intensive Buddhist training and a passionate commitment to social issues, he teaches how we can move from a merely intellectual understanding to a fully lived experience of connection. By first seeing, then feeling, and finally living these connections, we can become more effective agents of social and ethical change. The Karmapa shows us how gaining emotional awareness of our connectedness can fundamentally reshape the human race. He then guides us to action, showing step by step how we can change the way we use the earth’s resources and can continue to better our society. In clear language, the Karmapa draws connections between such seemingly far-flung issues as consumer culture, loneliness, animal protection, and self-reliance. In the process, he helps us move beyond theory to practical and positive social and ethical change.