Every Root an Anchor

Book Description

In Every Root an Anchor, writer and arborist R. Bruce Allison celebrates Wisconsin's most significant, unusual, and historic trees. More than one hundred tales introduce us to trees across the state, some remarkable for their size or age, others for their intriguing histories. From magnificent elms to beloved pines to Frank Lloyd Wright's oaks, these trees are woven into our history, contributing to our sense of place. They are anchors for time-honored customs, manifestations of our ideals, and reminders of our lives' most significant events. For this updated edition, Allison revisits the trees' histories and tells us which of these unique landmarks are still standing. He sets forth an environmental message as well, reminding us to recognize our connectedness to trees and to manage our tree resources wisely. As early Wisconsin conservationist Increase Lapham said, "Tree histories increase our love of home and improve our hearts. They deserve to be told and remembered."

Springs of Texas

Book Description

This text explores the natural history of Texas and more than 2900 springs in 183 Texas counties. It also includes an in-depth discussion of the general characteristics of springs - their physical and prehistoric settings, their historical significance, and their associated flora and fauna.


Book Description

Popular Mechanics

Book Description

Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.

How to Grow More Vegetables, Ninth Edition

Book Description

The world's leading resource on biointensive, sustainable, high-yield organic gardening is thoroughly updated throughout, with new sections on using 12 percent less water and increasing compost power. Long before it was a trend, How to Grow More Vegetables brought backyard ecosystems to life for the home gardener by demonstrating sustainable growing methods for spectacular organic produce on a small but intensive scale. How to Grow More Vegetables has become the go-to reference for food growers at every level, whether home gardeners dedicated to nurturing backyard edibles with minimal water in maximum harmony with nature's cycles, or a small-scale commercial producer interested in optimizing soil fertility and increasing plant productivity. In the ninth edition, author John Jeavons has revised and updated each chapter, including new sections on using less water and increasing compost power.

Fundamentals of Tree Ring Research

Book Description

This comprehensive text addresses all of the subjects that a reader who is new to the field will need to know and will be a welcome reference for practitioners at all levels. It includes a history of the discipline, biological and ecological background, principles of the field, basic scientific information on the structure and growth of trees, the complete range of dendrochronology methods, and a full description of each of the relevant subdisciplines.

Urban Tree Management

Book Description

Baummanagement im stadtischen Raum ist die wichtigste Grundlage fur zukunftig grunere Stadte. Zu diesem praxisorientierten Ansatz gehoren Auswahl, Pflanzung, Pflege und Schutz von Baumen sowie das gesamte Management des Baumbestands als eine kollektive Ressource. Urban Tree Management versucht, das Bewusstsein fur die positiven Auswirkungen und Vorteile von Baumen im stadtischen Raum und deren Bedeutung fur die Stadtbewohner zu scharfen. Beschrieben werden die Vorzuge und ausfuhrlich die Folgen fur die Lebensqualitat in der Stadt und das Wohlbefinden ihrer Bewohner ? Aspekte, die in Zeiten fortschreitender Urbanisierung zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Inhalte - Grundlagen, Methoden und Werkzeuge des urbanen Baummanagements - aktuelle Informationen zu Urban Forestry und Baumbiologie - positive Effekte und Einsatzmoglichkeiten von Stadtbaumen - Eigenschaften von, Anforderungen an und Auswahlkriterien fur Stadtbaume - Zustand und Probleme von Stadtbaumen - Governance- und Managementaspekte - Programme im Rahmen der Umwelterziehung Urban Tree Management, herausgegeben von dem fuhrenden Experten Dr. Andreas Roloff, ist ein ausgezeichnetes Referenzwerk fur Pflanzenwissenschaftler, Gartenbauer, Dendrologen, Baumpfleger, Forstwissenschaftler, Stadtplaner, Experten fur Parkanlagen und Landschaftsarchitekten. Dieses Praktikerbuch ist eine wichtige Erganzung fur Studierende einschlagiger Fachrichtungen und fur Bibliotheken.

Southern Forest Science

Book Description

"Southern forests provide innumerable benefits. Forest scientists, managers, owners, and users have in common the desire to improve the condition of these forests and the ecosystems they support. A first step is to understand the contributions science has made and continues to make to the care and management of forests. This book represents a celebration of past accomplishments, summarizes the current state of knowledge, and creates a vision for the future of southern forestry research and management. Chapters are organized into seven sections: "Looking Back," "Productivity," "Forest Health," "Water and Soils," "Socioeconomic," "Biodiversity," and "Climate Change." Each section is preceded by a brief introductory chapter. Authors were encouraged to focus on the most important aspects of their topics; citations are included to guide readers to further information."