Penelope's Peril

Book Description

Penelope's Peril

Book Description

Young Penelope finds herself in a peril filled situation with no clear way out. She is gifted, but was just learning how to use her gifts when she ran into trouble. Will anyone come to her rescue? Will she learn how to trust her instinct? Join Penelope on her journey to discover who she really is and the true nature of her gifts.

Penelope's Perils

Book Description

Penelope's Perils is the story of a young girl who lives in medieval England. Her father, who is a knight of the King's order, raises her after her mother passes away on the night of her birth. She follows her father to London and back. While on the way she finds herself involved in many adventures. Her companions are the squires of the many knights at the tournament, the triplets from her father's hamlet and a prince to be who ends up to be her hero and later her husband. Follow them as they save the King, slay a dragon, save others from harm and many other perilous adventures on the highways and in the villages of England during the medieval age.

Peril on the Page

Book Description

A murder in her quaint British bookshop drops American Gothic novelist Penelope Parish into her deadliest caper yet. Penelope Parish is ready to close the book on her amateur sleuthing—from now on, The Open Book’s writer-in-residence will be sticking to villains of the fictional variety while she puts the final touches on her new novel. But when an author is murdered inside the bookshop, all of Upper Chumley-on-Stoke goes on high alert. Now it’s up to Pen and the quirky citizens of Chumley to stop a killer and protect the charming British town she’s begun to call home.

The Perils of Positively Perfect Penelope

Book Description

Long legs, short arms, big eyes, little ears, big muscles, curly hair""we all have features that make us look different! But wouldn't the world be a really dull place if we all looked and acted just alike? Luckily, when God made each of us, He wanted us to enjoy all the many different looks, personalities, and characteristics we see around us today. But sadly, not everyone embraces the differences that make us special. Such is the case of Positively Perfect Penelope. She moves to Diff City and is instantly surrounded by people who look and act differently. Why does she ignore them? Why is she determined to be a loner rather than a joiner? Her classmates want to include her in their unique circle and make her their friend, but she resists at every turn. But that's not the end of the story, far from it. There's great danger in Penelope's future and only this cast of unusual characters, with God's help, can save the day! Come along and join us for this wonderful story of misunderstanding, change, hope, and friendship. And remember, things are not always as they seem. Just when you think you know the situation, you find the truth to be totally different. Penelope is not alone in this world. We all misjudge from time to time. But as you will see in the story, friendship, love, compassion, and acceptance are part of God's grand plan for all of us! Now let's get busy and read all about The Perils of Positively Perfect Penelope!

Penelope's Web

Book Description

Penelope's Web, published in 1991, was the first book to examine fully the brilliantly innovative prose writing of Hilda Doolittle. H. D.'s reputation as a major modernist poet has grown dramatically; but she also deserves to be known for her innovative novels and essays.

The Perils of Dating, Penelope!

Book Description

Simple question: Who is Penelope? Simple answer: Penelope can be the name for any woman who has ventured into the world of adult dating and has stories that are good and bad. Or she can be any woman who has stories, fiascos and triumphs, to relate to her friend Penelope. At some point we're either the friend who has the dating experiences or the gal pal we call up after a dating experience. In essence-we're all Penelopes.Dating as an adult can be a somewhat perilous experience. I mean, come on, we're not teenagers simply thrilled to be going out with that "cute guy from English Lit" even though we know we're smarter than he is, have better manners, and are dreaming of a college-bound future to an Ivy League school whereas his aspirations are simply to get a job with the DPW in his local town. Nope, those days are-thankfully-behind us but as we go into our twenties, thirties, forties, and beyond, dating becomes more interesting and-alas more challenging.Dating life has now gone from giggling teenage angst and the exciting but terrifying possibility of maybe "going all the way" to adult women contemplating whether a guy is worthy of being the one who will scratch her proverbial sexual itch. The mantra for going on an adult date today is similar to what Mel Brooks said in the movie The Twelve Chairs, "Hope for the best, expect the worst." Heaven help us, that's so true.Dating someone new can be fraught with issues that we never even think of, let alone expect to happen. From having a very pregnant woman stalk you because you're dating her boyfriend and the father of her unborn baby, to going on what you thought was a romantic retreat only to find out the guy is into extreme bondage. From women who knowingly allow themselves to fall in love with the wrong man and suffer the heartbreak and pain when it ends, to women who are the target of scamming Lotharios and luckily realized it in time. The women in this book have many tales from the "dark side" to tell each other. See Penelope? Perils.So to all the dating Penelopes out there, have a good read, a good laugh, and nod your head sagely if you see yourself and your dating experience in this book.Just promise yourself one thing-don't give up on dating! You never know when a good guy will show up in your life. Kristen Houghton