Pemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar di Malaysia (Penerbit USM)

Book Description

Pemeliharaan dan Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar di Malaysia memuatkan 12 bab yang diusahakan oleh penulis dari latar ilmu yang pelbagai sebagai reaksi mereka terhadap kepentingan memelihara dan memulihara alam sekitar di Malaysia. Buku ini ditulis untuk memberi pengetahuan, maklumat dan kesedaran tentang isu-isu berkaitan pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan alam sekitar di Malaysia agar alam sekitar terus terpelihara. Hal ini kerana persoalan alam sekitar semakin penting dan menyerlah dalam kehidupan seharian masyarakat dan menjadi agenda utama dalam pembangunan negara. Alam sekitar sangat penting dipelihara dan dipulihara kerana ia bukan sahaja memberikan perkhidmatan kepada manusia tetapi juga merupakan sistem bantuan kehidupan yang tidak ternilai. Semoga buku ini dapat mengisi ruang yang belum diliputi oleh buku lain di samping menampung kekurangan tersebut dalam usaha memupuk sikap prihatin dan sifat kecintaan yang mendalam terhadap alam sekitar.

Pengurusan Kualiti Udara di Malaysia: Isu dan Cabaran Pelaksanaan (Penerbit USM)

Book Description

Pencemaran udara merupakan isu kuno yang berkembang menjadi kompleks ekoran kepelbagaian aktiviti manusia. Perkembangan kemajuan tamadun manusia telah menyebabkan pembakaran terbuka yang dahulunya dianggap sebagai penting tetapi mula dianggap sebagai pencemar mulai tahun 1950-an. Kesedaran terhadap kesan negatif pencemaran udara terhadap alam, binaan, tumbuhan dan manusia, menyebabkan lebih banyak perhatian diberikan terhadap langkahlangkah pengawalannya. Pengawalan proaktif semakin mengambil tempat seiring dengan kemajuan pengetahuan berkaitan penilaian alam sekitar dan kualiti udara. Pengawalan boleh dikelaskan kepada dua, iaitu pengawalan kejuruteraan dan pengawalan pengurusan. Pengawalan kejuruteraan melibatkan aspek teknikal dan reka bentuk, manakala pengawalan pengurusan melibatkan peraturan, prosedur dan undang-undang. Pengawalan pencemaran udara melibatkan pelbagai inisiatif yang mempunyai kaitan langsung atau tidak langsung antara satu sama lain. Langkahlangkah utama dalam pelaksanaan pengawasan dan pengawalan pencemar udara sering dihambat oleh cabaran-cabaran yang timbul dan mengurangkan keberkesanan langkah pengawasan dan pengawalan. Kewujudan pencemar sekunder memerlukan penambahbaikan dalam kefahaman terhadap langkah tebatan bagi mengelakkan kesan negatif terhadap habitat manusia. Sasaran keberhasilan utama adalah memastikan kualiti udara di Malaysia dapat diurus dan berada pada tahap yang sihat.

The Six Secrets of Change

Book Description

From bestselling author Michael Fullan, wisdom for thriving in today's complex environment Successful organizations adjust quickly and intelligently to shifts in consumer tastes, political climate, and economic opportunity. How do they do it? The Six Secrets of Change explores essential lessons for business and public sector leaders for thriving in today's complex environment. Fullan draws on his acclaimed work in bringing about large-scale and substantial change in education reform in both public school systems and universities, as well as engaging in major change initiatives internationally. This book is filled with lessons that are insightful, actionable, and concisely communicable. "Fullan has an uncanny ability to produce what is needed at the time it is needed. The six secrets are based in theory, grounded in practice, powerful in their relationship to each other, and described in ways that enable deep understanding. It is a refreshing change from the surface lists of leadership and change ideas that all too often permeate education and business literature." —Vicki Phillips, director of education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Includes so-called leadership "secrets" that are decoded to be accessible and useful Offers illustrative examples from a variety of businesses, health organizations, and public education systems Lays out the six factors to organizational success: collegiality, long-range plans allow for the unknown, nurture employees, learning, leadership at all levels, and positive pressure must be inescapable Michael Fullan is the author of the acclaimed best-seller Leading in a Culture of Change Fullan convinces us that a leader who attends to all six key factors will have an organization that is constantly learning, growing, and thriving.

The Principles of Educational Leadership & Management

Book Description

Fully revised and thoroughly updated, this Second Edition of this classic book brings together many leading international authors on educational leadership, with brand new chapters from leaders in the field – Ken Leithwood, Paul Begley, Allan Walker and Alma Harris. Providing an overview of essential topics within the field, this book adopts an international perspective and offers conceptual and empirical insights.

Biodiversity and Environment

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Calculus for Engineering Students

Book Description

Calculus for Engineering Students: Fundamentals, Real Problems, and Computers insists that mathematics cannot be separated from chemistry, mechanics, electricity, electronics, automation, and other disciplines. It emphasizes interdisciplinary problems as a way to show the importance of calculus in engineering tasks and problems. While concentrating on actual problems instead of theory, the book uses Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) to help students incorporate lessons into their own studies. Assuming a working familiarity with calculus concepts, the book provides a hands-on opportunity for students to increase their calculus and mathematics skills while also learning about engineering applications. - Organized around project-based rather than traditional homework-based learning - Reviews basic mathematics and theory while also introducing applications - Employs uniform chapter sections that encourage the comparison and contrast of different areas of engineering

Being Virtual

Book Description

Thanks to the Internet, it has never been so easy to become the person of your wildest dreams. Immersive 3D worlds such as Second Life and provide an escape route from the ordinary, into a virtual world where you have the power to mould your life in any way you please. Forget about walking, wheelchair users can fly. Pensioners wipe away the pains of age, discovering youthful exuberance and making young friends once more. No wonder it has become harder than ever to honestly answer the question: who am I? In Being Virtual, Davey Winder looks at how an increasing number of us are living part-real, part-virtual lives, and how it affects who we are. He looks at the opportunities and dangers that a virtual identity offers us, how we juggle our real and online lives, and what happens when one spills over into the other... He uses his own personal experiences to bring the issues to life, and backs them up with the real-life stories of others and testimony from the experts. Along the way, he looks at some fascinating questions such as: Are you a virtual liar? What happens when our virtual and real worlds collide? Why will you talk to anyone online, but nobody on the train to work? Why do so many middle-aged men transform into teenage girls online? Is it possible to have any secrets in such a connected world? Being Virtual gives a glimpse into the future of human identity, and is a must-read for anyone who uses the Internet to enhance - or escape from - their 'ordinary' life. About the author Davey Winder has been a freelance journalist for 16 years, and is Contributing Editor of the best-selling IT magazine, PC Pro. He has picked up many awards including Technology Journalist of the Year and IT Security Journalist of the Year. A founder member of the Internet Society of England and author of more than 20 books, his blog can be found at:

Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Book Description

Modern medicine has reached a point where the patient is not treated as a biopsychosocial-spiritual being but rather is seen as a virtual identity consisting of laboratory findings and images. More focus is placed on relieving the symptoms instead of curing the disease. Mostly, patients are turned into lifetime medication-dependent individuals. New medicines are needed to overcome the side effects, complications, resistance, and intolerance caused by pharmacological and interventional therapies. In hopes of drug-free and painless alternative treatments with fewer complications, there has been a trend to revisit traditional methods that have been dismissed by modern medicine. Traditional medicine has to be reevaluated with modern scientific methods to complement and integrate with evidence-based modern medicine.

Models of Teaching

Book Description

The seventh edition of Models of Teaching is written to be the core of the theory/practice aspect of the K-12 teacher education program. It covers the rationale and research on the major models of teaching and applies the models by using scenarios and examples of instructional materials. Because it deals with the major psychological and philosophical approaches to teaching and schooling, Models of Teaching provides a direct link between educational foundations and student teaching. Therefore, the book can provide substantial support to programs taking a "reflective teaching" or constructivist approach.

Dasar Kepelbagaian Biologi Kebangsaan

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