People Manager's Pocketbook

Book Description

Another popular title from Ian Fleming on ways to manage difficult people and their problems. The People Manager's Pocketbook uses a practical and effective 'Signs/Reasons/Solutions' structure. Problem areas include: the poor performer, difficult individual, reluctant team player, persistent late-comer, slow learner, isolated individual and unsupportive boss. '...practical and rich in common sense', reported Management Today journal.

People Manager's Pocketbook

Book Description

Over 25,000 copies sold! Fully revised and updated, the new, 3rd edition of People Manager’s Pocketbook is out now. It’s full of practical techniques for dealing with all sorts of tricky situations, such as: You’re managing someone fifteen years older than you with different ideas about how things should be done;You find out one of your team is moaning about you on social media;You are asked to implement a policy you strongly disagree with;You have to give someone bad news.

People Managers

Book Description

Describes ways to manage difficult people and their problems. Problem areas include: the poor performer, difficult individual, reluctant team player, persistent late-comer, slow learner, isolated individual and unsupportive boss.

The People Manager's Pocketbook

Book Description

Structured ways to manage difficult people & their problems, including the poor performer, difficult individual, reluctant team player, persistent latecomer & unsupportive boss. Full of helpful practical advice.

Manager's Pocketbook

Book Description

The Manager's Pocketbook is aimed at team leaders, supervisors and people managers of all levels. The 5th edition of this popular title in the Pocketbook Series will be published in March 2014. Using the acronym POLCA, the pocketbook teaches the five essential management skills: 'P' for 'planning'; 'O' for 'organising'; 'L' for 'leading'; 'C' for 'coaching/correcting'; and, 'A' for 'achieving'. There is a separate chapter on each of these five skills, preceded by an overview of the manager's role. The Manager's Pocketbook is extensively illustrated and concisely presented, reflecting the lively, right-brained approach that author John Townsend has developed throughout his long career in helping managers excel and deal with the many challenges they face.

Managing Upwards Pocketbook

Book Description

How to get the best from your working relationship with your boss and other senior people is the subject of The Managing Upwards Pocketbook. It begins by looking at what makes a good boss and what drives the relationship - from both the subordinate's and the boss's perspective. There is advice on how to build a partnership that is constructive, straightforward, trusting and mutually beneficial. Under the heading 'working to create impact' the book deals with such matters as taking a brief, objectives and targets, using timings and deadlines to advantage, and progress reports. Subsequent chapters detail how to communicate with senior people (including listening to each other), how to get agreement and how to handle difficulties such as poor information flow, broken promises, the 'leave it to me' syndrome and more serious issues such as bullying and sexual harassment. Job appraisals, are dealt with too.

Talent Management Pocketbook

Book Description

How to find, keep and get the best from the people who can make an enterprise thrive is the subject of the Talent Management Pocketbook, now in its 2nd edition. It features checklists and self-assessment tools to gauge current talent management strategy and pinpoint where improvements can be made. Included too are examples of outstanding talent management practices. How do you judge with confidence that someone will succeed in a bigger role? The book describes how the 'potential profiler' can help identify potential talent in the key performance areas. It is one of several helpful models described. Blending talent in order to build talented teams is another focus of this illustrated pocketbook. It deals with its subject in clear, concise terms with the emphasis on providing practical solutions. The Talent Management Pocketbook has been written for trainers, HR and recruitment professionals, and for line managers with responsibility for retaining and developing talented team members.

Management Models Pocketbook

Book Description

Models that explain what happened, that predict what will happen and that reveal how to get results are described in The Management Models Pocketbook - a practical resource for trainers, coaches and facilitators, and a ready-reference for managers. The range of models described, 10 in total, includes John Adair's action centred leadership model, Bruce Tuckman's team development and behaviour model, Eric Berne's parent-adult-child theory of transactional analysis and John Boyd's OODA decision-making model. There are models too covering delegation, motivation and communications. For each model described, author Mike Clayton outlines the problem that the model addresses, explains how it works (first an overview followed by a more detailed explanation) and uses examples to demonstrate how it works in practice. A diagrammatic view of each model and references to related models add to the practical approach. According to the 5-star review on Amazon: 'This is a brilliant book. The author has clearly and simply explained the models and how they apply to everyday business. A must for every training professional.'

Emotional Intelligence Pocketbook

Book Description

"Easy on the eye with humorous illustrations, this little book teaches us about ourselves and the huge role our emotions play. It is a great size for dipping in and out of, hitting the spot on every scenario. The book is broken down into clear sections, firstly identifying EI, then advising how to develop your own EI, complete with informative teachings on how to achieve this. Who would benefit from reading this book? A shorter list would be who wouldn't, as it is for managers, team leaders and team players alike. Many of the scenarios can even be adapted to life outside the work place as it is all about developing your personality. Without giving too much away, this little book teaches you how to turn negatives into positives and how to get the best out of ourselves and others. It can grow self-esteem and confidence in yourself and those around you." "Margaret Chapman has packed a great deal of wisdom into this small package. Unusually, she tells us not only what Emotional Intelligence is but also how it can be practically developed. Read this book, put some of its ideas into practice, and that could change your life." Michael Chaskalson, CEO, Mindfulness Works Ltd. "Insightful - outlines how to develop the skills that will ensure you can influence outcomes and get more of what you want, while bringing others with you." Gladeana McMahon, Chair, Association for Coaching UK.