Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit

Book Description

From the writer hailed for giving voice to a generation in Kids These Days comes a bold rejection of a society in which inequality, police violence, and exploitation have come to define our lives In these new and selected pieces, Malcolm Harris, one of our sharpest and most versatile critics, examines everything from the lowering of wages to the rise of fascism—and the maddening cultural landscape in between. Along the way, he explores protest strategies past and present; questions the wrong (and often racist) lessons we’ve learned from American history; and, most comfortingly, assures us that Marx saw the necessity of a crisis moment just like the one we're in. Rarely does a writer come along who can turn our world so thoroughly upside down that we can finally understand it for what it really is, but Harris's wry and biting essays do just that, and help us laugh at what we see. Our economic situation, political discourse, and future prospects have gotten much worse since a guy brought a sign that said "Shit is Fucked Up and Bullshit" to the Occupy Wall Street protests. We all knew what he meant then . . . but where are we now? And how has so much happened since the so-called end of history? The over thirty pieces collected here offer compelling answers to these questions and more.

Tales of Shit

Book Description

Oh Shit They're Killing People

Book Description

An 80-page anthology of horror, featuring short stories, micro fiction, poetry & song, all in the grand theme of, well, killing people. Delivered in bursts, and a bit interactive too! Be sure to look around and be careful when you’re inside. TABLE OF CONTENTS Entrance Skip Skip Man stabbed and killed in Akron Only Third Threads Knees and Toes Intro & Tongue of The Wicked Goddess 01111000 00001010 Paralytic Dark Mother finds son dead by brother's hand No More Soup Breathless All Eyes on Tragedy Deadly shooting in the Bronx Recipe For a Sloppy Joe

Some Shit That's Been On My Mind

Book Description

I'm Jaylen Marcus Cooper, better known for my pen name Mr. Socially Awkward. I don't know how to describe this book without saying it's all over the damn place! But I think I like it that way because it shows an honest depiction on how my brain functions. Racing thought after racing thought on my observations of the world, my encounters with others, and the closest people surrounding me. Dissecting inner conflicts and hypocrisy within myself. Why I say what I say, think what think, do what I do, and pondering the possible consequences of certain decisions, I made throughout my lifetime.

Shit That We Should Never Pass Along, and All That We Can Not Leave Behind

Book Description

In late 1980s rural Kansas, Mara finds herself taking on more than she can chew. Mara’s mother is a woman arguably ahead of her own time when it comes to the investigative day job she holds, and her own progressive take and unwanted oversharing of her thoughts on the day’s larger social justice issues. Mara’s story allows the reader to start their journey following her mother’s divorce from Mara’s abusive stepfather, and make the move with Mara, her two youngest sisters, and her mother from city life to the rural awakenings that seem to only exacerbate her mother’s own baby boomer inclination towards double standards. Sprinkle in three know-it-all rural town biddies to ensure that The Greatest Generation has their say, and it’s no wonder Xer children are now all referred to as “survivors.” Mara is determined to show her mother, and an entire town of rural Kansans, that the only parties in need of a clue are they themselves. As long as Mara remains convinced that she will win in the battle of wills against her seasoned mother, absolutely nothing at all will go sidewise in this book for any of the characters. An authentic throwdown between the baby boomer and Xer generations, delving into everything from childhood abuse, racism, abortion, religion, higher education, and ensuring those familial elitists who we all believe we know (and either love or hate) are well set for the next generation of epic failure and loss. Sure to infuriate all comers, keep everyone laughing and crying in equal measures. Mara and her mother prove that simply being human, and a product of one’s own generational time, cultural norms, and familial expectations is more than sufficient to ensure offensiveness for generations to come. The challenge lies in learning to love and find the best in each other during times when the last thing in the world any of us wants to do is love or find the best in each other. This book comes with every trigger warning known to mankind. If you are a survivor of childhood sexual or physical abuse and trauma, post-abortion trauma, or racial-related childhood or adult traumas, the author of this book cautions the reader. This book is intended for mature audiences over the age of twenty-five. Parents are not advised to purchase this book for young teenage readers.

History of Shit

Book Description

"A brilliant account of the politics of shit. It will leave you speechless." Written in Paris after the heady days of student revolt in May 1968 and before the devastation of the AIDS epidemic, History of Shit is emblematic of a wild and adventurous strain of 1970s' theoretical writing that attempted to marry theory, politics, sexuality, pleasure, experimentation, and humor. Radically redefining dialectical thought and post-Marxist politics, it takes an important—and irreverent—position alongside the works of such postmodern thinkers as Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari, and Lyotard. Laporte's eccentric style and ironic sensibility combine in an inquiry that is provocative, humorous, and intellectually exhilarating. Debunking all humanist mythology about the grandeur of civilization, History of Shit suggests instead that the management of human waste is crucial to our identities as modern individuals—including the organization of the city, the rise of the nation-state, the development of capitalism, and the mandate for clean and proper language. Far from rising above the muck, Laporte argues, we are thoroughly mired in it, particularly when we appear our most clean and hygienic. Laporte's style of writing is itself an attack on our desire for "clean language." Littered with lengthy quotations and obscure allusions, and adamantly refusing to follow a linear argument, History of Shit breaks the rules and challenges the conventions of "proper" academic discourse.

SGT Trekk: Life After AIT, When The Real Shit Starts

Book Description

SGT Trekk: Life After AIT, When The Real Shits Starts is the first in a series under the moniker SGT Trekk. The ebook is geared toward newly enlisted soldiers joining the Army. SGT Trekk shares some of his experiences and lessons learned as a National Guardsmen and deployed Veteran. The book isn’t about war stories or how to be a super-soldier. The purpose is to provide practical career advice to help any newly enlisted Reservist, Guardsmen, or Active Army soldier. Some of the subjects covered are the importance of having a mentor, understanding the two types of respect, and EO’s effect on military culture. And to be honest, most of these topics can help none-military people too.

609 Pages of Horse Shit

Book Description

This is our binary copy stack of 609 pages of utter horse shit and what seems like an accumulation of content that is far underground and censored, not shown on Media Relations TV or Radio or even the crap CIA 8080 World Wide Wiretap...

Breaking the Master's S.H.I.T. Holes

Book Description

The Trump neo-liberal and global warming era has intensified migration, highlighting the diasporic space and global structures as the context of theological inquiry. It is signified by the rise of overt sexism, racism, classism, anthropocentricism, Islamophobia and intensified conservatism that determine who crosses the boundaries, the terms of their crossing and the hospitality they receive. President Trump's shocking statement that characterized some Two-Thirds World countries as S.H.I.T. Holes as well as his travel ban policies that targeted countries of particular religious faith, attest to overt racism. In this volume, African theological scholars challenge euro-centric racist-global immigration policies and propose the paradigm of breaking the master's S.H.I.T. Holes. [Die Kloschüsseln der Herrschenden zerbrechen. Theologie treiben im Kontext globaler Migration] Die Trump-Ära hat im Zeichen von Neo-Liberalismus und Klimawandel eine Migrationswelle ausgelöst und die globalen Machtstrukturen sowie die Diaspora zum Kontext theologischer Forschung werden lassen. Sie ist gekennzeichnet durch offenen Sexismus, Rassismus, Klassismus, Anthropozentrismus, Islamophobia und intensiviertem Konservatismus, der bestimmt, wer die Grenzen überschreiten darf, die Bedingungen ihrer Überschreitung und die Gastfreundschaft die sie erfahren. Präsident Trumps schockierende Charakterisierung einiger Zwei-Drittel-Welt Länder als "Kloschüsseln" wie auch sein Einreiseverbot, das auf Länder mit einer bestimmten religiösen Orientierung zielt, zeugen von unverhohlenem Rassismus. In diesem Band stellen afrikanische Theologen und Theologinnen eine euro-zentrische, global-rassistische Immigrationspolitik im Rahmen ihres neuen Paradigmas "Zerbrechen der Kloschüsseln der Herrschenden" in Frage.

What to Do When the Shit Hits the Fan

Book Description

Would you know how to prepare for an unforeseen emergency, or handle an unexpected disaster? With real-world considerations in mind, disaster preparedness consultant David Black shows us how to stay alive when tragedy strikes. His step-by-step actions can help us make it safely through a variety of crises, from catastrophic weather to terrorism to civil unrest. Black presents tailor-made plans for individuals, businesses, organizations, small groups, and communities to follow, in all regions of the country and broken down by type of emergency and environment. In addition, he provides a hierarchy for response including communication, healthcare, food, water, and shelter in the absence of institutions and commercially available services and supplies.