Per la Famiglia

Book Description

This cookbook fetes the celebrations and foods of an Italian-Canadian through the years by writing down family recipes that can be shared with generations to come. While many are traditional, there are also new spins on some to fit the demands of younger generations without missing the love and stories that go into each dish. Italians celebrate with food for their family. Often the food is thought of before the guests and it is those moments of creation that these celebrations are remembered for. Each home has different recipes but many generations have never had the opportunity to write down what their nonnas, mamas or zias have made to share with their families. This cookbook links to the past while keeping in mind future meals shared with family and friends. Each recipe tells a story while sharing a recipe that is easy to follow and includes photographs that will showcase the beauty in the food and inspire you to create it for yourself. Whether you are a descendant of an Italian family or love Italian food this book will speak to your heart and stomach and allow you to enjoy the flavors of Southern Italian food right in your home.

Book Description

Transformative Learning Meets Bildung

Book Description

This edited volume sets the groundwork for a dialogue between transformative learning and continental theories of Bildung in adulthood. Both theoretical frameworks bring meaning to the complex learning process of individuals as they develop a more critical worldview. In this volume, a variety of authors from different countries and theoretical backgrounds offer new understandings about Bildung and transformative learning through discussion of theoretical analyses, educational practices, and empirical research. As a result, readers gain greater insight into these theories and related implications for teaching for change. From the various chapters an exciting relationship between both theories begins to emerge and provides impetus for greater discussion and further research about two important theories of change in the field of adult education. /div

Madre mamma

Book Description

Carmina Latina Epigraphica – Developments, Dynamics, Preferences

Book Description

Zeitliche und regionale Entwicklungen ebenso wie offensichtliche Präferenzen von antiken Verfassern und Auftraggebern prägen die enorme Vielfalt der Carmina Latina Epigraphica. In der römischen Republik und Kaiserzeit dominieren Grabinschriften in Versmaß, seit der Spätantike werden offensichtlich auch andere Textgruppen zunehmend attraktiver. In Republik und Spätantike waren solche eingeschriebenen Gedichte mit oder ohne Prosa-Rahmung eher ein Elitenphänomen, wohingegen die Epigramme in der Kaiserzeit eine populäre Textgruppe für breite Bevölkerungsschichten waren. Im Band werden verschiedene Aspekte von Text-Entwicklungen durch die Jahrhunderte ebenso untersucht wie regionale Veränderungen und Wechselwirkungen von Texten und ihren Objektträgern. Oft genug lassen sich aber einzelne dieser Gedichte der Einordnung in vermeintlich regionale und zeitlich vorherrschende ‚epigraphic habits‘ nicht einordnen. Auch für solch singuläre, sehr individuell gestaltete Inschriften werden mögliche Kontextualisierung aufgezeigt, vor allem durch Verbindungen zu anderen Textgattungen und Traditionen. Mit diesem Band wird daher das die Editionen und Analysen zumeist dominierende regionale Prinzip für die Carmina Latina Epigraphica auf die Probe gestellt.


Book Description
