Texas Female Superintendents' Self Perception of Their Preferred Leadership Styles

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The purpose of this study was to examine the self-perception of leadership styles of practicing female superintendents in Texas and how their preferred leadership style affected their performance. The study posed the following questions:(1) What are the preferred leadership styles of the practicing female superintendents in Texas as measured by Bolman & Deal's (2003) four frames of leadership? (2) What are the predominant behaviors that female superintendents in Texas identify within each frame of leadership? (3) How do the preferred leadership styles and behaviors influence the superintendents' every day performance? This study was relied on a mixed method approach, quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative component involved surveying 50 female superintendents, using the Leadership Orientations (Self-Report) survey (Bolman & Deal, 1990). The qualitative component included a semi-structured interview which asked follow up questions with six selected female superintendents (two from rural, two from suburban, and two from urban districts) who consented to the interview regarding the influence of their leadership preferences. The findings suggest participants' preferred leadership style relates to the Human Resource frame which include: being an inspirational leader, utilizing interpersonal skills, making good decisions; as well as, coaching and developing people. Findings also suggest that predominant behaviors include: supporting others, building trusting relationships through collaboration, and being participative. The preferred leadership styles and behaviors' influence on female superintendents' everyday performance resulted in embracing collaboration, being transparent, sharing a vision, being passionate, and building trusting relationships. Additionally, beliefs and behaviors that lead to success include: being honest, depersonalize the situations, education makes a difference, adopt flexibility, and power to make decisions. The characteristics that lead to success are: being spiritual, being organized, being committed, and willing to help others. Furthermore, the following advice was offered: learn to cope with high level of visibility, become knowledgeable of the district's needs and characteristics, and develop a professional image. Finally, implications for aspiring female superintendents, superintendent preparation programs and school boards members are also presented.

An Analysis of the Correlation of Leadership Frames Between Superintendents and School Board Presidents in Texas Public Schools

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The purpose of this study was to provide practicing and aspiring superintendents and school board presidents with insights into the various leadership frameworks that superintendents and school board presidents utilize to lead and govern a school district. In this study, the researcher identified the dominant leadership frames based on the self-perceptions of the superintendents and school board presidents of Texas public schools. A quantitative approach was used in this study in determining the correlation among superintendents and school board presidents’ leadership frames using Bolman and Deal’s (1993) Leadership Orientation Survey–Self instrument. School superintendents and school board presidents in Texas public schools are leaders of their school districts. The job performance of both is informed by the leadership styles each embraces. It is imperative that school superintendents and school board presidents possess multiple skills in working with the various personalities within the school district. Therefore, both should develop a collaborative leadership style while also surrounding themselves with quality individuals that are knowledgeable in specific areas, and consistently communicate the vision. Further, school superintendents and school board presidents must buy into the mission of their school district and advocate for all students.

A Comparison of Management and Leadership Skills Critical to the Principalship as Perceived by Superintendents in Selected Independent School Districts in Texas

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The purpose of this study was to determine which management and leadership behaviors selected superintendents perceived as critical to the position of principal. Differences were examined by gender as well as size of district. A secondary goal of this research was to raise awareness regarding gender inequity that exists in educational administration. The population of the study was all female superintendents in Texas(N=135) and randomly selected male superintendents (N=301). Data were disaggregated by gender and size of district. An e-mail was sent to each superintendent with a web address and an access code. A response rate of 66% was obtained for a sample size of 290 superintendents. The survey contained items on management and leadership skills from the Peterson Managerial Leadership Instrument (PMI) and the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) developed by Kouzes and Posner. Superintendents were asked to respond to the behaviors based on their envisioned best principal. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed for the total group and subgroups. Major research findings included: 1. An independent samples t-test on the PMI determined two behaviors that were significantly different (p

An Analysis of the Relationship of Superintendent Leadership Orientation Style and District Performance Outcomes

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The purpose of the present study was to determine if a relationship existed between the perceived Leadership Orientation Styles (LOS) of Texas Public School Superintendents and district performance outcomes. Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal's Leadership Orientation Survey (1990), which defines action and behaviors into the four frames described below, was used to determine and form a contemporary profile of superintendent leadership styles. Superintendents in Texas (N=1037) were sent electronic surveys to assess perceived leadership styles of orientation. Data was collected and analyzed using the self-reporting Leadership Orientation Style Survey developed by Bolman and Deal (1990). Preliminary steps in the study included identification of a systematic approach to define and measure district performance outcomes as indicated on the Texas Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS). In order to identify district performance outcomes and quantify data as factor scores, variables from the Texas AEIS database were subjected to factor analysis. The analysis of the relationship between superintendent leadership orientation styles and district performance outcomes was reported by using canonical correlation and multiple regression interpretations. The model for Bolman and Deal's Leadership Orientation Survey (1990) views leadership from four differing frames of organizational thought: structural, human resource, political, and symbolic. Bolman and Deal (1990) describe these perspectives as a lens, or window, which frame tools of action and behavior. District performance outcomes included academic, advanced academic, and teacher characteristics to form a Valence Index of Performance (VIP) score. As educational systems and public schools become increasingly complex and reach levels of crisis proportion, superintendent must use sophisticated and creative leadership to approach today's epic demand must deal with the orientational school structure from a leadership vantage point of flexibility and multi-dimensional thought processes. Therefore, a study that reveals the style of superintendent leadership orientations can assist leaders to comprehend and address issues that arise in a school district. In conclusion, while the preset research study did not contribute to the superintendent leadership orientation style relationship to district performance outcomes many questions are still left unanswered. The demand for substantive research linking student achievement to superintendent leadership practices remains unchanged.

District Superintendent and School Board President Perceptions Regarding Leadership Characteristics for Superintendents of Texas Schools

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The questionnaire used in this study was developed by Dr. Douglas D. Wilson and modified by the researcher. Responses to a Likert Scale instrument and a nominal ranking of ten leadership characteristics were solicited from superintendents and school board presidents of Texas public schools. The population was superintendents and school board presidents from Texas Public Schools. The population was divided into large school districts (>10,000 students) and small school districts (

Perceptions of Small Rural District Principals on Their Superintendent's Effectiveness in Principal Leadership Development

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Empirical research has shown a relationship between the school principal's leadership ability as an instructional leader and student learning outcomes. It would be reasonable to assume that the school principal benefits greatly from his or her superintendent sharing his or her knowledge and experience. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of a sample of rural West Texas principals and the frequency and extent to which their superintendent provides them effective professional development and advice on a professional level or setting. Furthermore, the study focused on passive-avoidant, transactional, and transformational leadership styles. This was a mixed-method study utilizing 50 quantitative questions and 7 open-ended qualitative questions. Findings indicate that the principals'' perceptions of their superintendent's leadership style were on average, positive. Research supports that the behavior and actions superintendents used were both transformational and transactional forms of leadership and more often than not encouraged growth and positive outcomes among principals. The principals' perceptions regarding the impact of their superintendent's leadership style(s) on their own professional growth was positive, with results indicating that many superintendents would support and encourage professional and personal growth even where resources were limited.