
Book Description

Sam is an active and restless young man fighting with his girlfriend, Silvia, for a better, more equal and more just world. However, their struggle is shortened after a tragic outcome during the protest against their government. From that moment on, events rush across Europe causing an economic and social collapse. The old continent is immersed in the greatest conflict experienced since World War II. Nevertheless, Europe is able to rise from its ashes in such a powerful way that it will end up impacting the rest of the planet . Unlike other novels or stories which show a dark and dystopian future, Perfectopia offers a future full of hope, where mankind has overcome most of its current challenges, imposing on themselves a change of mentality and developing a future that now will be worthwhile for our children to inherit. Perfectopia does not only tell us the great future that awaits us, but also, what steps should the humans take to achieve their desired future. Welcome to Perfectopia.


Book Description

Sam is an active and restless young man fighting with his girlfriend, Silvia, for a better, more equal and more just world. However, their struggle is shortened after a tragic outcome during the protest against their government. From that moment on, events rush across Europe causing an economic and social collapse. The old continent is immersed in the greatest conflict experienced since World War II. Nevertheless, Europe is able to rise from its ashes in such a powerful way that it will end up impacting the rest of the planet. Perfectopia is a novel that tells a story through its protagonists, antagonists, the adventures and misadventures. There is action, love, hate, death, hope and despair. So far, a normal novel. But Perfectopia goes much further. Perfectopia aims to revolutionize the way we live and we, humans, interact. What if you were able to choose how you want to live, work and enjoy your free time regardless of what others think or believe? How would the future be if we could make ourselves responsible and totally own our lives and the decisions we make, including having to live according to the way we have decided to do? What if due to the new technological advances that new system was not only possible, but also feasible or even desirable. Unlike other novels or stories which show a dark and dystopian future, Perfectopia offers a future full of hope, where mankind has overcome most of its current challenges, changing the way they think and act, imposing on themselves a change of mentality and developing a future that now will be worthwhile for our children to inherit. Perfectopia does not only tell us the great future that awaits us, but also, along with the plot and through the conversations between the characters, presents a plan on how to get there, what steps should the humans take to achieve their desired future. Welcome to Perfectopia.


Book Description

Sam es un joven activo e inquieto que lucha junto a su novia, Silvia, por un mundo mejor, mas igualitario, mas justo. Sin embargo, su lucha se trunca tras un fatal desenlace durante la manifestacion de protesta contra su Gobierno. A partir de ese momento, los acontecimientos se precipitan en toda Europa provocando un colapso economico y social. El viejo continente se sumerge en el mayor conflicto vivido desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A pesar de todo, Europa consigue resurgir de sus cenizas de una forma tan poderosa que acabara impactando al resto del planeta. A diferencia de otras novelas o historias que presentan un futuro oscuro y distopico, Perfectopia apuesta por un futuro lleno de esperanza, donde el ser humano ha conseguido superar la mayor parte de sus retos actuales, cambiando su forma de pensar y de actuar, imponiendose a si mismo un cambio de mentalidad y desarrollando un futuro que, ahora si, sera digno de heredar por nuestros hijos. Bienvenidos a Perfectopia.

Journal of the American Medical Association

Book Description

Includes proceedings of the Association, papers read at the annual sessions, and list of current medical literature.


Book Description

The Art of Insubordination

Book Description

A highly practical and researched-based toolbox for anyone who wants to create a world with more justice, creativity, and courage. For too long, the term insubordination has evoked negative feelings and mental images. But for ideas to evolve and societies to progress, it’s vital to cultivate rebels who are committed to challenging conventional wisdom and improving on it. Change never comes easily. And most would-be rebels lack the skills to overcome hostile audiences who cling desperately to the way things are. Based on cutting-edge research, The Art of Insubordination is the essential guide for anyone seeking to be heard, make change, and rebel against an unhealthy status quo. Learn how to Resist the allure of complacency Discover the value of being around people who stop conforming and start deviating. Produce messages that influence the majority-- when in the minority. Build mighty alliances Manage the discomfort when trying to rebel Champion ideas that run counter to traditional thinking Unlock the benefits of being in a group of diverse people holding divergent views Cultivate curiosity, courage, and independent, critical thinking in youth Filled with engaging stories about dissenters in the trenches as well as science that will transform your thinking. The Art of Insubordination is for anyone who seeks more justice, courage, and creativity in the world.

Jerks at Work

Book Description

A practical and hilarious guide to getting difficult people off your back, for anyone pulling their hair out over an irritating colleague who's not technically breaking any rules From open floor plans and Zoom calls to Slack channels, the workplace has changed a lot over the years. But there’s one thing that never changes: you’ll always encounter jerks. Jerks at Work is the definitive guide to dealing with—and ultimately breaking free from—the overbearing bosses, irritating coworkers, and all-around difficult people who make work and life miserable. Social psychologist Tessa West has spent years leveraging science to help people solve interpersonal conflicts in the workplace. What she discovered is that most of our go-to tactics don’t work because they fail to address the specific motivations that drive bad behavior. In this book, she takes you on a rollicking deep dive of the seven jerks you’re most likely to encounter at the office, drawing on decades of original research to expose their inner workings and weak points—and ultimately deliver an effective game plan for stopping each type before they take you down with them. Jerks at Work is packed with everyday examples and clever strategies, such as how to: • Stop a Bulldozer from gaining influence by making sure they're not the first to speak up in meetings • Report a Kiss Up/Kick Downer to a manager who idolizes them without looking like the bad guy • Protect your high-achieving team from Free Riders without stifling collaboration • Use a Gaslighter’s tactics to beat them at their own game For anyone who’s said “I can’t stand that jerk!” more times than they’d like to admit, Jerks at Work is the ultimate playbook you wish you didn’t need but will always turn to.

Philippine English

Book Description

An overview and analysis of the role of English in the Philippines, the factors that led to its spread and retention, and the characteristics of Philippine English today.

Filipino English and Taglish

Book Description

English competes with Tagalog and Taglish, a mixture of English and Tagalog, for the affections of Filipinos. To understand the competing ideologies that underlie this switching between languages, this book looks at the language situation from multiple perspectives. Part A reviews the social and political forces that have propelled English through its life cycle in the Philippines from the 1898 arrival of Admiral Dewey to the 1998 election of Joseph Estrada. Part B looks at the social support for English in Metro Manila and the provinces with a focus on English teachers and their personal and public use of English. Part C examines the language of television sport broadcasts, commercials, interviews, sitcoms, and movies, and the language of newspapers from various linguistic, sociolinguistic, and sociocultural perspectives. The results put into perspective the short-lived language revolution that took place at the turn of the twenty-first century.