Performance Evaluation of Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrum Multi-Hop Networks

Book Description

Primary and secondary multiple-access interference processes are characterized for multi-hop packet radio networks, in which users are assumed to be Poisson-distributed in the plane and to use frequency hopped spread-spectrum signaling with a receiver-oriented assignment of frequency-hopping patterns. The throughput per node and the average forward progress are then evaluated for frequency-hopped multi-hop networks that employ (i) random forward routing with fixed transmission radius (RFR) and(ii) most forward progress routing with fixed transmission radius (MFR). The optimal average number of neighbors and transmission radius are derived for these cases when Reed-Solomon forward-error-control coding with minimum distance decoding or binary convolutional coding with Viterbi decoding is employed.

Expected Forward Progress and Throughput of Multi-Hop Frequency-Hopped Spread-Spectrum Networks

Book Description

Secondary multiple-access interference processes are characterized for multi-hop packet radio networks in which users are assumed to be Poisson-distributed in the plane and to use frequency-hopped spread-spectrum signaling with a receiver-oriented assign- ment of frequency-hopping patterns. The throughput per node and the average forward progress are then evaluated for frequency-hopped multi-hop networks which employ (i) random forward routing with fixed transmission radius (RFR) and (ii) most forward pro- gress routing with fixed transmission radius (MF%R). The optimal average number of neighbors and transmission radius are derived for these cases when Reed-Solomon forward-error-control coding with minimum distance decoding or binary convolutional coding with Viterbi decoding is employed.

The Probability of Multiple Correct Packet Receptions in a Multireceiver Frequency-Hopped Spread-Spectrum System

Book Description

In this report we develop exact expressions and approximations for the probability of exactly l correct packet receptions in a group of m receivers, given that k packets are transmitted simultaneously from users employing frequency-hopping spread-spectrum (FH/SS) and Reed-Solomon (RS) coding. This quantity is essential for the design and performance evaluation of multiple-access protocols in spread-spectrum packet radio networks. The evaluations are carried out for MFSK modulation with noncoherent demodulation and various types of RS minimum-distance decoding with erasures and/or errors decoding. Packet synchronous FH/SSMA systems that are hop-synchronous or hop- asynchronous are considered. The exact expressions developed have computational complexity that grows exponentially with m, thus making their evaluation for large m prohibitive. In light of such difficulties, two approximations are considered: one based on Gaussian multivariate distributions with linear computational requirements in m and k, and another based on the assumption of independent receiver operation (IROA), which has minimum computational complexity. Extensive comparisons of the approximations with the exact results establish their validity over different ranges of the system parameters. (Author).

Performance of Cellular Frequency-Hopped Spread-Spectrum Radio Networks

Book Description

Multiple access interference is characterized for cellular mobile networks, in which users are assumed to be Poisson-distributed in the plane and employ frequency-hopped spread-spectrum signaling with transmitter-oriented assignment of frequency-hopping patterns. Exact expressions for the bit error probabilities are derived for binary coherently demodulated systems without coding. Approximations for the packet error probability are derived for coherent and noncoherent systems and these approximations are applied when forward-error-control coding is employed. In all cases, the effects of varying interference power are accurately taken into account according to some propagation law. Numerical results are given in terms of bit error probability for the exact case and throughput for the approximate analyses. Comparisons are made with previously derived bounds and it is shown that these tend to be very pessimistic. Keywords: Communications network; Multiple access; Frequency hopping; Spread spectrum; Error control coding. (jhd).

Performance Analysis of Multi-Channel and Multi-Traffic on Wireless Communication Networks

Book Description

With the rapidly increasing penetration of laptop computers and mobile phones, which are primarily used by mobile users to access Internet s- vices like e-mail and World Wide Web (WWW) access, support of Internet services in a mobile environment is an emerging requirement. Wireless n- works have been used for communication among fully distributed users in a multimedia environment that has the needs to provide real-time bursty traffic (such as voice or video) and data traffic with excellent reliability and service quality. To satisfy the huge wireless multimedia service demand and improve the system performance, efficient channel access methods and analytical methods must be provided. In this way very accurate models, that faithfully reproduce the stochastic behavior of multimedia wireless communication and computer networks, can be constructed. Most of these system models are discrete-time queueing systems. Queueing networks and Markov chains are commonly used for the p- formance and reliability evaluation of computer, communication, and m- ufacturing systems. Although there are quite a few books on the individual topics of queueing networks and Markov chains, we have found none that covers the topics of discrete-time and continuous-time multichannel mul- traffic queueing networks. On the other hand, the design and development of multichannel mul- hop network systems and interconnected network systems or integrated n- works of multimedia traffic require not only such average performance m- sures as the throughput or packet delay but also higher moments of traffic departures and transmission delay.