Personal Branding. Guía para alcanzar el éxito profesional en Internet

Book Description

En un mundo competitivo donde hay millones de personas que comparten conocimientos similares y títulos idénticos, la diferenciación es clave para encontrar un empleo de calidad y clientes que te motiven. El objetivo es que sean las empresas las que te busquen a ti, en lugar de tú a ellas. Repleto de observaciones y consejos basados en experiencias reales del autor, Personal Branding. Cómo ser atractivo para empresas y clientes pretende servir de guía a aquellos que quieran dar un salto notable en su búsqueda de empleo o conseguir nuevos clientes gracias a Internet. Este libro detalla las herramientas y acciones prácticas que se pueden seguir, desde la preparación de una estrategia de Personal Branding hasta su correcta ejecución paso a paso. Todo esto, con una inversión de dinero ridícula que roza lo gratuito, y usando numerosas estrategias digitales al alcance de cualquiera.

Desarrolla tu marca personal

Book Description

Las claves para entender cómo aprovechar al máximo tu marca personal y alcanzar el éxito profesional Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para descubrir cómo desarrollar tu marca personal, que te aportará la información esencial y te permitirá ganar tiempo. En tan solo 50 minutos podrás: • Descubrir en qué consiste el personal branding y cuáles son los pasos que hay que seguir para llegar a desarrollar tu marca personal • Seguir paso a paso nuestros consejos para desarrollar una marca personal que te ayude a alcanzar el éxito en el ámbito laboral • Evaluar el uso de unas herramientas adaptadas que ofrece internet para que obtengas una mayor visibilidad y aumente tu credibilidad y, además, protejas tu reputación en línea SOBRE en50MINUTOS.ES | Coaching en50MINUTOS.ES te ofrece las claves para sacar el máximo partido a tus capacidades y lograr la plenitud profesional y personal para conseguir todas tus metas. Nuestras obras combinan teoría, estudios de caso y múltiples ejemplos prácticos para que puedas alcanzar el éxito y la satisfacción en tu vida laboral y privada sin perder el tiempo. ¡Descubre en un tiempo récord las claves para triunfar en la vida y ser más feliz!

Secretos Del Branding Personal

Book Description

Las claves para entender cómo aprovechar al máximo tu marca personal y alcanzar el éxito profesional! Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para descubrir cómo desarrollar tu marca personal, que te aportará la información esencial y te permitirá ganar tiempo. Gary Ramsey te ofrece las claves para sacar el máximo partido a tus capacidades y lograr la plenitud profesional y personal para conseguir todas tus metas. Establecer una presencia profesional con una imagen clara y concisa, reputación y estado es una necesidad, ya sea un nuevo graduado o un ejecutivo exitoso. El marketing personal nunca ha sido tan importante, y su marca personal debe comunicar lo mejor que tiene para ofrecer. La marca personal beneficia su negocio al: Estableciendo credibilidad y liderazgo de pensamiento Cultivando tu red Ayudándote a promocionarte Atraer nuevas oportunidades Incremento de ventas Ayudándole a alcanzar los objetivos de su negocio Nuestras obras combinan teoría, estudios de caso y múltiples ejemplos prácticos para que puedas alcanzar el éxito y la satisfacción en tu vida laboral y privada sin perder el tiempo. La clave es la construcción de una marca personal, de una identidad, que nos defina y nos diferencie del resto. Haga clic en "agregar al carrito" y comienza a aplicar sus nuevas estrategias para que pueda experimentar un éxito masivo en su marca personal.

Digital Personal Branding

Book Description

Digital Personal Branding is your guide to developing a personal online brand: Why it matters, how to approach it, and how to manage a personal brand successfully. No one can tell your story better than you can. This book will teach you how to do precisely that. After reading Digital Personal Branding, you will know: How successful digital personal branding brings you influence in the modern world What steps to take to make your digital personal brand work online How to display your skills and personal brand so you become the best candidate for career and business opportunities The content marketing process, story branding, useful tools, and how all these parts come together to work as a productive marketing machine for your personal brand A set of actionable digital personal branding steps that you can do quickly to become more successful in work and life You will be entirely ready to start and run your digital personal branding and marketing processes continuously and consistently. Never again worry about a job by becoming noticeable in your field. Digital Personal Branding is a must-read for everyone that wants to develop their personal brand and become influential. Perfect for professionals, entrepreneurs, and college students.

Online Personal Brand

Book Description

Online personal branding is a requirement for all professionals. The common argument of the experts is: you have a digital footprint - in social media and on the internet - so people are already making impressions of you. Take control of their perceptions. More importantly, you have an opportunity to proactively project your personal brand onto networks. Two other advantages of personal branding are that it forces you to be visionary of your career goals and helps you land favorable employment. This books shares a functional angle to personal branding that is refreshingly simpler than the traditional marketing angle. The definition of an online personal brand is the combination of a skill set, an aura, and an identity, and there is discussion where the concepts overlap.

Modelo de Personal Branding

Book Description

Este libro ofrece una metodología sencilla para toda persona interesada en iniciar o aumentar su autoconocimiento, encausando su crecimiento personal y profesional. A medida que avanzamos en las etapas de esta metodología, vamos profundizando en una experiencia de crecimiento personal, que permitirá al lector identificar sus capacidades diferenciadoras y su propósito, definiendo los objetivos correctos para dar el salto a su próximo nivel. Las diversas herramientas prácticas que aquí se entregan contribuirán a la construcción y gestión de su marca personal y evolucionar, al ritmo de sus cambios personales y los de su entorno, para el logro de su propósito.

The Fundamentals of Personal Branding and Marketing

Book Description

When it comes to building a personal brand, some people dismiss the process as being too time-consuming, or not that important. To be honest, you will have to devote time and energy to self-branding properly. Consistency and quality are key to getting the best out of your branding exercise. But the idea that building a personal brand is not essential is just false, and here's why: People are Googling you at every stage of your career. Regardless of your age or professional stage, someone is screening you online. What they find can have significant implications for your professional (and personal) well-being. Personal branding gives you the chance to control how clients and prospects see you. It gives you the opportunity to ensure that no one but you manipulate and control the narrative. This book discusses all about personal branding and marketing.

Marca personal para Dummies

Book Description

Lo quieras o no, todo el mundo se forma una opinión de los demás, fruto de la observación. ¿O no te fijas tú en la imagen, la actitud, el lenguaje y las acciones de la gente? Si en vez de ignorarlo, decides aprovechar este fenómeno para que hablen de ti como tú quieres y dejar una huella positiva y duradera (una buena marca personal), bienvenido al mundo del personal branding. A través de este proceso descubrirás y analizarás lo que te define, para comunicarlo eficazmente y, de este modo, conseguir ocupar un lugar privilegiado en el recuerdo de los demás. Para conseguirlo debemos ser capaces de diseñar nuestro propio plan de posicionamiento. • Un modelo paso a paso — a través de 6 etapas muy claras irás definiendo y aplicando tu estrategia de marca personal • De gran ayuda dentro y fuera del trabajo — ideal para presentarte como el profesional que tu empresa necesita o para buscar trabajo • La buena comunicación es la clave —prensa, redes sociales, networking, encuentros informales; cualquier momento es bueno para transmitir tu marca personal

Personal Branding For Dummies

Book Description

The simple guide to managing your personal brand, a vital element of success in the professional world Personal Branding For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is your guide to creating and maintaining a personal trademark by equating self-impression with other people's perceptions. This updated edition includes new information on expanding your brand through social media, online job boards, and communities, using the tried and true methods that are the foundation of personal branding. Marketing your skills and personality, and showing the rest of the world who you are, gives you a competitive edge. Whether you're looking for your first job, considering changing careers, or just want to be more viable and successful in your current career, this guide provides the step-by-step information you need to develop your personal brand. Distinguishing yourself from the competition is important in any facet of business, and the rise of personal branding has evolved specifically to help candidates stand out from the global talent pool. Establishing a professional presence with a clear and concise image, reputation, and status is a must, whether you're a new grad or an accomplished executive. Personal marketing has never been more important, and your personal brand should communicate the best you have to offer. Personal Branding For Dummies, 2nd Edition, leads you step by step through the self-branding process. Includes information on how to know the "real" you Explains how to develop a target market positioning statement Helps you make plans for your personal brand communications Instructs you with ways to make your mark on your brand environment The book also discusses continued brand building, demonstrating your brand, and the 10 things that can sink your brand. A personal brand is more than just a business card and a resume. It should be exquisitely crafted to capture exactly the image you wish to project. Personal Branding For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides the information, tips, tricks, and techniques you need to do it right.

Personal Branding Strategies The Ultimate Practical Guide to Branding And Marketing Yourself Online Through Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter And How To Utilize Advertising on Social Media

Book Description

If you want to learn how you can build a HUGE personal brand in the modern digital age then keep reading... Do you want to learn how to grow a HUGE and authentic Social Media following? Do you want to learn the secrets to providing huge value and monetizing your audience? Do you want to learn how to stand out and become an authority in your niche? As you are someone who is reading this I'm guessing you answered yes to one of those questions. Unfortunately, many resources overcomplicate the whole process leaving you confused and without a blueprint to Personal Branding success. Luckily for you, this is what this book is all about. Inside, you will discover the EXACT practical blueprint to growing, maintaining and sustaining your Personal Brand on an array of Social Media. What is often overlooked, is the different strategies you need to optimize your presence on ALL Social Media and what are the most important for your situation. For example, we go over Simple and Proven strategies for growing your Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter as well as for the most overlooked websites you probably haven't considered... No matter your niche, you can become an authority figure and DOMINATE for years to come. Here is just a slither of what you will discover inside... - The 10 Golden Rules of Personal Branding - How to gain more followers by spending less on ads - Think you need millions of followers to have a successful personal brand? Think again. - Stop wasting time trying to build a following using sly tactics, do THIS instead - What successful influencers know about monetizing their audience, that you don't - How unemployed teenagers are building HUGE Instagram accounts and getting rich - The most overlooked Social Media platform to build your Personal Brand - The ESSENTIAL steps to profitable Facebook Ads - The best ways to monetize your following without selling your soul to the devil - Proven blueprints to success on all major Social Media - How Instagram stars maximise engagement on every post - The secret strategies to growing your YouTube FAST - Why Instagram ads could hold the key to your success - 11 Startling ways to grow your Facebook following - How Influencers get incredible brand deals CONSISTENTLY - The crucial secret that all but guarantees you more likes, comments and engagement on every post - How to find your corner of the market and dominate it And much, much more! So, even if you currently have 0 followers and have never entered into the realm of Personal Branding, this book outlines easy to follow and proven systems that will see your follower count rise faster than you could've ever imagined. No longer will you have any excuses left. So, if you want to start your path to Personal Branding success then scroll up and click "Add to Cart"