Perspectives on Higgs Physics II

Book Description

The Standard Model of particle physics is extremely successful in describing nature. It is, however, incomplete in one major way: the masses of gauge bosons and fermions enter the Standard Model through the Higgs mechanism. That is completely satisfactory technically, but it is not understood physically. We do not yet know what nature really does to give mass to particles. Understanding Higgs physics is necessary in order to complete the Standard Model, and to learn how to extend it and improve its foundations.This book is a collection of current work and thinking about these questions by active workers. It speculates about what form the answers will take, as well as updates and extends previous books and reviews. Some chapters emphasize theoretical questions, some focus on connections with other areas of physics, and some discuss how we can get data to uncover nature's solution. This second edition adds information and insights from the last five years, including the recent indirect but statistically significant evidence for the existence of a Higgs boson from precision measurements. It contains contributions from Blondel, Quiros, Haber, Pokorski, Dawson, Janot, Mrenna, Gunion, Ibanez, Ross, Bigi, Carena, Wagner, Georgi, Chanowitz, Yuan, Hill, and others.

Perspectives On Higgs Physics Ii

Book Description

The Standard Model of particle physics is extremely successful in describing nature. It is, however, incomplete in one major way: the masses of gauge bosons and fermions enter the Standard Model through the Higgs mechanism. That is completely satisfactory technically, but it is not understood physically. We do not yet know what nature really does to give mass to particles. Understanding Higgs physics is necessary in order to complete the Standard Model, and to learn how to extend it and improve its foundations.This book is a collection of current work and thinking about these questions by active workers. It speculates about what form the answers will take, as well as updates and extends previous books and reviews. Some chapters emphasize theoretical questions, some focus on connections with other areas of physics, and some discuss how we can get data to uncover nature's solution. This second edition adds information and insights from the last five years, including the recent indirect but statistically significant evidence for the existence of a Higgs boson from precision measurements. It contains contributions from Blondel, Quiros, Haber, Pokorski, Dawson, Janot, Mrenna, Gunion, Ibanez, Ross, Bigi, Carena, Wagner, Georgi, Chanowitz, Yuan, Hill, and others.

Perspectives on Higgs Physics

Book Description

The masses of fermions and gauge bosons enter the Standard Model through the Higgs mechanism, which is satisfactory technically but is not understood physically. We do not know what nature really does to give mass to particles, nor what experimental clues will lead us to nature's solution. Understanding Higgs physics is necessary in order to complete the Standard Model, and to learn how to extend it and improve its foundations.This book is a collection of current work and thinking about these questions by active workers. It speculates about what form the answers will take, as well as updates and extends previous books and reviews. Some chapters emphasize theoretical questions, some focus on connections with other areas of physics, and some discuss how we can get the data to uncover nature's solution.

Perspectives on Lhc Physics

Book Description

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest and highest energy and highest intensity particle accelerator. Here is a timely book with several perspectives on the hoped-for discoveries from the LHC.This book provides an overview on the techniques that will be crucial for finding new physics at the LHC, as well as perspectives on the importance and implications of the discoveries. Among the accomplished contributors to this book are leaders and visionaries in the field of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including two Nobel Laureates (Steven Weinberg and Frank Wilczek), and presumably some future Nobel Laureates, plus top younger theorists and experimenters. With its blend of popular and technical contents, the book will have wide appeal, not only to physical scientists but also to those in related fields.

Higgs boson potential at colliders: status and perspectives

Book Description

Questo documento riassume lo stato attuale degli ricerche studi, teorici e sperimentali, sulla produzione di coppie di bosoni di Higgs, e sui vincoli, sia diretti che indiretti, al valore del termine di auto-interazione del bosone di Higgs, con l’intento di servire da referenza per i prossimi anni. Il documento discute lo stato degli studi teorici, includendo le più recenti stime della sezione di produzione di coppie di bosoni di Higgs, sviluppi sulle teorie di campo efficaci, e studi su specifici scenari di nuova fisica che possono contribuire alla produzione di due bosoni di Higgs. Sono presentati i più recenti risultati sperimentali sulle ricerche di coppie di bosoni di Higgs e sui limiti diretti e indiretti al termine di auto-interazione, ottenuti al Large Hadron Collider di Ginevra, con una panoramica delle tecniche sperimentali. Infine, sono discusse le capacità dei collisionatori futuri di determinare il termine di auto-interazione del bosone di Higgs. Questo lavoro è iniziato come raccolta di contributi della conferenza “Di-Higgs ai Colliders”, che ha avuto luogo a Fermilab dal 4 al 9 settembre 2018, ma gli argomenti discussi vanno al di là di quelli presentati alla conferenza, includendo ulteriori sviluppi.

Perspectives on Supersymmetry II

Book Description

Supersymmetry is at an exciting stage of development. It extends the Standard Model of particle physics into a more powerful theory that both explains more and allows more questions to be addressed. Most importantly, it opens a window for studying and testing fundamental theories at the Planck scale. Experimentally we are finally entering the intensity and energy and sensitivity regions where superpartners and supersymmetric dark matter candidates are likely to be detected, and then studied. There has been progress in understanding the remarkable physics implications of supersymmetry, including the derivation of the Higgs mechanism, the unification of the Standard Model forces, cosmological connections such as a candidate for the cold dark matter of the universe and consequences for understanding the cosmological history of the universe, and more. This volume begins with an excellent pedagogical introduction to the physics and methods and formalism of supersymmetry which is accessible to anyone with a basic knowledge of the Standard Model of particle physics.Next is an overview of open questions, followed by chapters on topics such as how to detect superpartners and tools for studying them, the current limits on superpartner masses as we enter the LHC era, the lightest superpartner as a dark matter candidate in thermal and non-thermal cosmological histories, and associated Z'' physics. Most chapters have been extended and updated from the earlier edition and some are new. This superb book will allow interested physicists to understand the coming experimental and theoretical progress in supersymmetry and the implications of discoveries of superpartners, and will also help students and workers to quickly learn new aspects of supersymmetry they want to pursue.

Linear Collider Physics in the New Millennium

Book Description

The high energy electron-positron linear collider is expected to provide crucial clues to many of the fundamental questions of our time: What is the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking? Does a Standard Model Higgs boson exist, or does nature take the route of supersymmetry, technicolor or extra dimensions, or none of the foregoing? This invaluable book is a collection of articles written by experts on many of the most important topics which the linear collider will focus on. It is aimed primarily at graduate students but will undoubtedly be useful also to any active researcher on the physics of the next generation linear collider.

Electroweak Symmetry Breaking And New Physics At The Tev Scale

Book Description

This is an expanded version of the report by the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Beyond the Standard Model Working Group which was contributed to Particle Physics — Perspectives and Opportunities, a report of the Division of Particles and Fields Committee for Long Term Planning. One of the Working Group's primary goals was to study the phenomenology of electroweak symmetry breaking and attempt to quantify the “physics reach” of present and future colliders. Their investigations encompassed the Standard Model — with one doublet of Higgs scalars — and approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model. These include models of low-energy supersymmetry, dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, and a variety of extensions of the Standard Model with new particles and interactions. The Working Group also considered signals of new physics in precision measurements arising from virtual processes and examined experimental issues associated with the study of electroweak symmetry breaking and the search for new physics at present and future hadron and lepton colliders.This volume represents an important contribution to the efforts being made to advance the frontiers of particle physics.

Perspectives on LHC Physics

Book Description

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest and highest energy and highest intensity particle accelerator. This book provides an overview on the techniques that will be crucial for finding new physics at the LHC, as well as perspectives on the importance and implications of the discoveries. Among the contributors to this book are leaders and visionaries in the field of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including two Nobel Laureates (Steven Weinberg and Frank Wilczek), and presumably some future Nobel Laureates, plus top younger theorists and experimenters.