Dynamics of Satellites / Dynamique des Satellites

Book Description

Depuis Ie lancement de SPOUTNIK I par l'Union Sovietique Ie 4 Octobre 1957, des experiences humaines de Mecanique celeste de cette sorte ont ete repetees it de nombreuses reprises en U.R.S.S. et aux U.S.A. En 1961, sur ma proposition, l'Union Internationale de Mecanique tMorique et appliquee retint l'idee de consacrer en 1962 un Symposium special it la confrontation des resultats des experiences sovietiques et americaines en vue d'en tirer Ie maximum d'enseignements sur la question fondamentale suivante concernant la {laquo} Dynamique des satellites artificiels) de la Terre: quelles sont la nature et les lois des forces reelles qui agissent sur ces mobiles au voisinage de notre planete, et qui determinent par consequent leur mouvement~ En d'autres termes, il s'agissait de faire Ie point de nos connaissances sur Ie probleme du mouvement des Astres, magistralement resolu par NEWTON il Y a plus de trois siecles pour des astres quasi-ponctuels et assez eloignes. Les moyens d'observation utilises pour connaitre avec la meilleure precision possible Ie mouvement des satellites artificiels lances depuis 1957, et Ie fait de. la proximite relative de ces satellites par rapport it la Terre sont par eux-memes d~ nature it reveler soit des alterations de la loi classique de 1'attraction newtonienne, dont la signification serait it rechercher, soit l'intervention de forces per turbatrices, dont l'origine et Vexpression seraient it preciser.

Applied Orbit Perturbation and Maintenance

Book Description

Since the start of the space age more than 50 years ago, various space technology applications - including communication, navigation, and remote sensing - have advanced significantly. To meet the challenges in each application category, special orbits such as geo-stationary, semi-synchronous, Molniya, sun-synchronous, and frozen have been invented or selected. Although a good number of texts on the principles and applications of astrodynamics have been published, a book is needed to summarize the perturbation theories and control, or station keeping, algorithms for understanding the dynamics, stability, and maintenance of those orbits. Applied Orbit Perturbations and Maintenance was written to meet that need. It summarizes, in appropriate technical and mathematical detail, perturbation theories and station keeping algorithms for various types of mission orbits and constellations. Space mission designers/analysts and systems engineers will put this book to great use.

A Modified Hansen's Theory as Applied to the Motion of Artificial Satellites

Book Description

This report presents a theory of oblateness perturbations of the orbits of artificial satellites based on Hansen's theory, with modification for adaptation to fast machine computation. The theory permits the easy inclusion of any gravitational terms and is suitable for the deduction of geo-physical and geodetic data from orbit observations on artificial satellites. The computations can be carried out to any desired order compatible with the accuracy of the geodetic parameters.

Orbital Perturbations of Artificial Satellites

Book Description

Contents: Determination of the lifetime of an artificial earth satellite and study of the secular perturbations of its orbit Satellite in the non-central field of terrestrial gravi tation in the presence of atmospheric resistance Effect of geophysical factors on the motion of a satellite.