Petite histoire des faits économiques - 5e éd.

Book Description

L’histoire économique a connu un renouveau depuis un demi-siècle grâce à l’analyse économique, aux théories institutionnalistes et aux approches globales. Le livre présente, en s’appuyant sur ces acquis, une version synthétique de l’évolution économique du monde depuis l’origine des civilisations jusqu’aux premières décennies du XXIe siècle. Il aborde en premier lieu les problèmes de la discipline elle-même, puis remonte à la fin de la préhistoire pour exposer de façon chronologique les traits de l’économie antique, puis médiévale, avant d’arriver aux Temps modernes et à la révolution industrielle. Il insiste ensuite sur l’évolution au XIXe siècle, l’extension de l’industrialisation et les mutations économiques et sociales qu’elle entraîne, la mondialisation d’avant 1914. Le XXe et la période actuelle font l’objet des derniers chapitres, depuis les guerres mondiales, la crise de 29 et la montée des totalitarismes jusqu’à l’évolution plus favorable qui suit : paix globale, montée des échanges, intégration de l’Europe, nouvelle révolution technologique et développement au Sud.

Applied Reliability for Industry 3

Book Description

Applied Reliability for Industry 3 illustrates the multidisciplinary state-of-the-art science of operational reliability. Many experts are now convinced that reliability is not limited to statistical sciences. In fact, many different disciplines interact in order to bring a product to its highest possible level of reliability, made available through today’s technologies, developments and production methods. These three books, of which this is the third, propose new methods for analyzing the lifecycle of a system, enabling us to record the development phases according to development time and levels of complexity for its integration. Operational reliability, as presented in Applied Reliability for Industry 3, verifies the reliability performance of the mechatronic system in real life through an analysis of field data.

A Violent World

Book Description

During the 1990s Francis Fukuyama announced the end of history. The 2000s showed how it is an illusion to imagine a peaceful world without conflict. In this book the authors explore how six major constraints are set to fix the trajectory of the global economy. Three of them are new: the aging population, the failure of technical progress, and the scarcity of savings. The other three have been at work for some time: the explosion of inequality, the mass transfer of activities from one end of the world to the other, and the limitless financialization of economy. They suggest that like seismic activity which depends on pressure between tectonic plates, the political and social tensions will be exacerbated in the coming years by these major forces. They propose that authorities will be incapable of preventing neither the date nor the intensity of the coming earthquakes, and ask the question: Are we able to cope with these future shocks and the violence they are sure to cause?

World Industrialization

Book Description

Based on the paradigms of economics and management, inspired by the history of technology and the sociology of technological change, the concepts of shared inventions and competitive innovations make it possible to analyze the industrialization of the world in a fresh and efficient way. As a new approach, shared inventions are classified in this book as a set of existing knowledge thats often associated with the rediscovery of old techniques. Determining capitalized and collective intelligence, this knowledge and reinvention allows us to create inventions which will be shared, first in their construction, then in their use. Another new approach is that these competitive innovations are defined in World Industrialization by associations of experiences of competitively-motivated actors – actors seeking to complement existing techniques by increasing their competitive power. These shared inventions and competitive innovations will also be defined by trajectories identifying their modes of creation, enabling us to overcome the peculiarities of these actions and competitions. This book also highlights four key areas in global industrialization: the emergence of machinism with the defense of Arts and Crafts from 1698–1760; the changes the Industrial Revolution wrought in developed nations from 1760–1850; the link between technology and social relations within modern companies from 1850–1914; and, from 1914 onwards, the birth of extended machinism, its world wars and its global crises.


Book Description

Since the sixteenth century intolerance has been defined primarily as the undue condemnation of an opinion or behaviour. Liberation movements of the 1960s extended the notion of intolerance to the dimension of identity the oppression of another human being on the basis of what that person is. Noël argues that comparative analysis of the relationships of domination must therefore focus on all six parameters. She analyses these parameters from the perspective of discourse (the social production of meaning) and finds that the discourse of intolerance validates the most brutal forms of oppression: intolerance is the theory and domination and oppression are the practice. She finds common patterns from one parameter to another and also from one country to another, including Canada, the United States, Great Britain, and France. Noël attempts to demystify the dominant discourse and to pick apart the logic of the dynamics which intolerance engenders. She reveals the shared and distinguishing features of dominated groups, examines the nature of relations between dominated groups and the Left, and challenges the validity of using concepts such as "difference" to defend the rights of the oppressed. Awarded the Governor-General's Award for Non-Fiction (French) in 1989, Intolerance serves as both a practical guide and a theoretical work for activists and those who help define the discourse.