
Book Description

Phallos is a 2004 novel by the acclaimed novelist and critic Samuel R. Delany. Taking the form of a gay pornographic novella, with the explicit sex omitted, Phallos is set during the reign of the second-century Roman emperor Hadrian, and circles around the historical account of the murder of the emperor’s favorite, Antinous. The story moves from Syracuse to Egypt, from the Pillars of Hercules to Rome, from Athens to Byzantium, and back. Young Neoptolomus searches after the stolen phallus of the nameless god of Hermopolis, crafted of gold and encrusted with jewels, within which are reputedly the ancient secrets of science and society that will lead to power, knowledge, and wealth. Vivid and clever, the original novella has been expanded by nearly a third. Appended to the text are an afterword by Robert F. Reid-Pharr and three astute speculative essays by Steven Shaviro, Kenneth R. James, and Darieck Scott.


Book Description

Through close examination of the physical, physhological and mythological aspects of phallos, the author differentiates masculinity from patriarchy and discovers a mysterious, divine reality coequal with the maternal principle as an originating force in the psyche.


Book Description

A fascinating study of the phallus as a symbol of power and dominance, this book offers an interesting thesis regarding a cultural repression of homosexuality and some challenging hypotheses concerning elemental ties between boys and older men.

Birds of the Athenian Agora

Book Description

As well as the Little Owl or glaux, so often seen accompanying the goddess Athena, many other birds played an important role in Greek art and symbolism. This booklet describes the ways in which the Greeks viewed birds, from useful hawks and fowl to exotic parakeets and peacocks. Some of the birds most often depicted are imaginary, from the griffin to the phallos bird, whose head and neck consisted of an erect penis. The book ends with a field guide to species likely to be seen on a visit to the Agora archaeological park today.


Book Description

The narrator of Hogg is a Huck Finn–like youngster caught in society’s most sinister seams—but unlike Huck, he passes no moral judgments on the violence he takes part in . . . Hogg is the story of a man—a depraved trucker named Franklin Hargus, whom the people he works for call Hogg—and of the nameless boy who tells the story of three days of unspeakable sexual violence and devastation, which, together, they initiate in a small seaside American city in the middle of the last century. Hogg is a towering brute who makes his living as a rapist for hire. By the end of a series of vicious attacks, kidnappings, and mass murders, the reader will wonder who is more corrupt: the man or the boy. Samuel R. Delany completed his first draft of Hogg within a day, if not within hours, of the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City and revised it over the next four years, though it was not released until 1995.

The Encyclopedia Americana

Book Description

Dark Reflections

Book Description

This Stonewall Book Award-winning novel traces the life and unrealized dreams of a homosexual African-American poet. Beautifully written in reverse chronological order, the story offers moving meditations on loneliness and sexual repression.

Phallicism in Japan

Book Description

First Drawings

Book Description

This study is a visual ride through the primary motifs of human art. Examples show how certain basic patterns reappear, time and again, all over the world. It tries to answer the question why prehistoric art, tribal art, child art and modern art have so many design elements in common.

Castration and Male Rage

Book Description

Scholarly yet lyrical, and informed by both Jungian and Freudian theory, this worthy sequel to the author's Phallos (title 27) maps the insecurities and unconscious forces which from early life prompt men to violence, and proposes powerful countermeasures.