Pharaohs of the Bible (1003 B.C. - 70 A.D.)

Book Description

"Pharaohs of the Bible" volume 2 takes the reader through the reigns of the pharaohs during Israel's divided kingdom and their exile and return unto the destruction of the Temple. It delineates how the historical accounts of the Holy Bible are the best fit for the archaeological evidence.

Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs

Book Description

It is a little-known fact that the exodus of the Hyksos pharaohs from Egypt to Jerusalem is an incredibly similar event to the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to Jerusalem. Classical historians and theologians will not entertain any connection between the two, because this infers that the Israelite leaders were actually pharaohs of Egypt. However, Ralph Ellis has taken this obvious comparison and demonstrated the royal Egyptian ancestry of the Judaic patriarchs and also of Jesus. Ralph has also uncovered evidence for the New Testament Saul (St Paul) in the historical record, a discovery that brings with it several new accounts of the life of Jesus. Saul, the inventor of Christianity, was actually Josephus Flavius, a well-known historian. Jesus was the governor of Tiberias and owned a castle there; and he may have died during the siege of Jerusalem in about AD70, rather than AD 33 - crucified along with two of his compatriots. Followed by "Tempest & Exodus" and "Eden to Egypt". Latest version v5.6 Hyksos, Shepherd Kings, Jacob, Sea People, Jesus, Saul, Jerusalem, Egyptian False Prophet, historical Jesus.

Pharaohs of the Bible (Mizraim to Shishak)

Book Description

Pharaohs of the Bible (Mizraim to Shishak) proves the Biblical history is accurate. It explains how over 200 pharaohs of the 1st - 17th dynasties reigned during only 600 years between Noah's flood and Joseph's famine. This breakthrough book intertwines the history of the Old Testament with the archaeological facts and events of Egypt, the Levant, and the cultures around the Mediterranean Sea. By correlating facts of famines in Egypt with the Bible, several major connections were made. For example, thirty huge temporary silos were constructed at Tell el-Daba (Avaris) soon after Ahmose I conquered it, connecting Ahmose I with Joseph's 7-year famine and the huge grain silos in Boeotia, Greece. Hundreds of black and white maps, charts, and pictures simplify the complexity and immensity of the data to enable readers to follow God's remarkable revelation of history.

The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt

Book Description

Drawing on a wealth of detailed evidence from Egyptian, biblical, and Koranic sources, Osman proposes that Joseph in the Bible might in reality also be Yuya, "a father of pharaoh."

Moses In Ancient Egypt & The Hidden Story Of The Bible

Book Description

A non-fictional account explaining why the author believes Moses was a prince of Thebes called Ramose. Born c.1500 BC, Prince Ramose was heir to Pharaoh Thutmose III, being his ""Great Army Commander"" - both roles ascribed to Moses by Hebrew tradition. Moreover, Ramose & Moses both led victorious military campaigns against Ethiopia (Cush), then married the king's daughter, becoming Egypt's Viceroy there. A short time later, Prince Ramose was mysteriously struck out of Egyptian records, while the Bible hints Moses was cast into exile. Exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the prophet's life, this book finds threads firmly connecting him to Egypt's 18th Dynasty 3500 years ago... The book uncovers the Hermetic star knowledge (Astrology) which Moses gleaned from the White Brotherhood, a secretive Egyptian mystery school who met in the halls of Karnak. This knowledge was cryptically infused into the early Biblical scriptures, revealing the Israelite ancestors were once devoted Astrologers.

Pharaohs and Kings

Book Description

An archeological interpretation of the Old Testament sheds new light on the historical reality of such biblical personages as Moses, Solomon, Joshua, and David, and compares biblical events with archeological evidence.


Book Description

Dating the Kings and Judges

Book Description

The chronology of Biblical events is studied in this book to provide a more accurate analysis of events in the Old Testament from the creation of Adam to the captivity of Judah. This covers the book of Genesis through the second Chronicles. A great deal of focus is directed at establishing the correct exodus date and resolving many chronological issues. Supplementary extra-Biblical sacred texts are used. The Egyptian and the Near East historical records are correlated with Biblical events. The first chapter looks at issues that have created bottle necks in chronological analyses for ages. These issues are then resolved in the next three chapters. After resolving the chronological issues, the Hebrew Kings and Judges are dated more accurately than any existing model. There is overwhelming evidence that the exodus occurred earlier than the conventional 1446 BC date. The history of Ancient Egypt around this date does not in any way justify the condition of exodus as described in the Bible. The exodus date is more accurately and convincingly determined to be 1680 BC. The Pharaohs of the exodus and of the era of Joseph and Abraham are determined and analyzed. This prompts the revised dating of the Egyptian kings list. This book provides a lot of data. Over 205 Biblical events from Genesis to Chronicles are dated. 50 regnal dates of Egyptian pharaohs are also revised.

The Pharaoh of the Exodus: Fairy tale or real history?

Book Description

For Egyptologists as well as archaeologists, and even now Bible scholars, the answer to the question: Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus, the answer is obvious: there was nobo because the biblical story was a myth (Dever: 2003, 233). Consequently, who to believe: Moses or Egyptologists? Several scholars (Finkelstein, Dever and others) posit that the Exodus narrative may have developed from collective memories of the Hyksos expulsions of Semitic Canaanites from Egypt, possibly elaborated on to encourage resistance to the 7th century domination of Judah by Egypt. For these scholars the liberation from Egypt after the "10 plagues", as it is written in the Book of Exodus, is quite different from the historical "war of liberation against the Hyksos". What are the Egyptian documents underlying this hypothesis: none, and what is the chronology of this mysterious war: nobody knows! Consequently, who to believe: Moses or Egyptologists? This study will give the answer.