Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXVI

Book Description

Continuing the series of philological and historical commentaries on Ammianus' Res Gestae this volume deals with Book 26, in which the beginning of the reign of Valentinian and Valens is described and the rise and fall of the usurper Procopius.

Philological and historical commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus

Book Description

Continuing the series of philological and historical commentaries on Ammianus' "Res Gestae" this volume deals with Book 26, in which the beginning of the reign of Valentinian and Valens is described and the rise and fall of the usurper Procopius.

Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXVII

Book Description

Book 27 deals with events between 365 and 370. Military operations in the western and eastern half of the Empire take up a large part of the available space. Apart from military matters Ammianus deals with internal affairs. He discusses the terms of office of four Roman urban prefects and paints a picture of Petronius Probus, the mightiest civil official of the period. The most striking part of the book contains a portrait of the emperor Valentinian. This passage forms the centre of the book, which therefore has the structure of a triptych: of the two outer parts each contains military affairs in the West and the East and reports on some notable non-military events, whilst in the central panel Valentinian takes pride of place.

Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus

Book Description

This is a commentary on Book XXIV of the Res Gestae by the fourth century historian Ammianus Marcellinus. The commentary discusses philological, literary, linguistic and historical problems in the Latin text.

Ammianus Marcellinus

Book Description

Continuing the series of philological and historical commentaries on Ammianus' Res Gestae this volume deals with Book 27, in which the author deals with military operations and internal affairs. In the central part of the book the emperor Valentinian is portrayed.

Philological and Historical Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus XXVIII

Book Description

Continuing the series of philological and historical commentaries on Ammianus' Res Gestae this volume deals with Book 28, which is devoted primarily to the deplorable events in Rome during the reign of Valentinian and his defense of the Rhine frontier.

Ammianus' Julian

Book Description

Ammianus Marcellinus' Res Gestae holds a prominent position in modern studies of the emperor Julian as the fullest extant narrative of the reign of the last "pagan" emperor. Ammianus' Julian: Narrative and Genre in the Res Gestae offers a major reinterpretation of the work, which is one of the main narrative sources for the political history of the later Roman Empire, and argues for a re-examination of Ammianus' agenda and methods in narrating the reign of Julian. Building on recent developments in the application of literary approaches and critical theories to historical texts, Ammianus' presentation of Julian is evaluated by considering the Res Gestae within three interrelated contexts: as a work of Latin historiography, which consciously sets itself within a classical and classicizing generic tradition; in a more immediate literary and political context, as the final contribution by a member of an "eyewitness" generation to a quarter century of intense debate over Julian's legacy by several authors who had lived through his reign and had been in varying degrees of proximity to Julian himself; and as a narrative text, in which narratorial authority is closely associated with the persona of the narrator, both as an external narrating agent and an occasional participant in the events he relates. This is complemented by a literary survey and a re-analysis of Ammianus' depiction of several key moments in Julian's reign, such as his appointment as Caesar, the battle of Strasbourg in 357 AD, his acclamation as Augustus, and the disastrous invasion of Persia in 363 AD. It suggests that the Res Gestae presents a Latin-speaking, western audience with an idiosyncratic and "Romanized" depiction of the philhellene emperor and that, consciously exploiting his position as a Greek writing in Latin and as a contemporary of Julian, Ammianus wished his work to be considered a culminating and definitive account of the man and his life.

Ammianus Marcellinus From Soldier to Author

Book Description

Ammianus Marcellinus was a soldier and an author. This book explores how his experience of 4th-century military life affected his writing of history and conversely how his knowledge of literature influenced his writing about the Roman army.

The Reign of Constantius II

Book Description

Constantius II, son of Constantine the Great, ruled the Roman Empire between 337 and 361 CE. Constantius’ reign is characterised by a series of political and cultural upheavals and is rightly viewed as a time of significant change in the history of the fourth century. Constantius initially shared power with his brothers, Constantine II and Constans, but this arrangement lasted a short period of time before Constantine II was killed in a contest over authority by Constans. Further threats to the stability of the empire arose with the usurpation of the ambitious Roman general Magnentius between 350 and 353, and additional episodes of imperial instability occurred as Constantius’ relations with his junior Caesars, Gallus and Julian, deteriorated, the latter to the point where civil war would have been on the cards once again if Constantius had not died on 3 November 361. This book examines the dynastic, political and cultural impact of Constantius' reign as a member of the Constantinian family on the later empire, first as a joint ruler with his brothers and then as sole Augustus. The chapters investigate the involvement of Constantius in the imperial, administrative, legal, religious and cultural life of the Roman Empire in the fourth century. Constantius’ handling of various threats to Roman hegemony such as the ambitions of the neighbouring Sasanian Empire, and his relationships with Gallus and with Julian are explored. The book’s analysis is guided by the epigraphic, iconographic, literary and legal evidence of the Roman and Byzantine periods but it is not a conventional imperial ‘biography’. Rather, it examines the figure of Constantius in light of the numerous historiographical issues surrounding his memorialisation in the historical and literary sources, for instance as ‘Arian’ tyrant or as internecine murderer. The over-arching aim is to investigate power in the post-Constantine period, and the way in which imperial and episcopal networks related to one another with the ambition of participating in the exercise of power. The Reign of Constantius II will appeal to those interested in the Later Roman Empire, the Constantinian imperial family, Roman-Sasanian relations, and the role of religion in shaping imperial dynamics with Christianity.


Book Description

El volumen recoge catorce estudios que contrastan las obras historiográficas de Amiano Marcelino y de Eusebio de Cesarea: ambas coinciden en sentido amplio en el siglo IV d.C. y representan dos mundos religiosos, lingüísticos y literarios diferentes. El propósito de tal comparación no es la mera identificación de las diferencias de estilo, expectativas, público, método y escala, o una evaluación de méritos artísticos o de rigor histórico, aspectos tratados eventual y parcialmente en los capítulos, o la identificación de coincidencias entre la visión que ambos tienen de su propio proyecto literario. Dos estudios de conjunto se centran respectivamente en Eusebio de Cesarea y Amiano Marcelino, a los que se suman es capítulos centrados en la interpretación de pasajes particulares o de una determinada técnica literaria especialmente representativa de un autor o visión historiográfica, de modo que el volumen en su conjunto permite profundizar en los rasgos generales de continuidad y discontinuidad de la cultura literaria de la Antigüedad Tardía.