Phineas Redux

Book Description

Phineas Redux

Book Description

Phineas Finn

Book Description

"Phineas Finn" is one of Trollope's most enchanting novels. It revolves around a young Irish, Phineas Finn, who becomes a member of the British House of the Parliament and plays an important role in the reforms of the British politics of the mid-19th century. The author has very well described his views and emotions as a politician along with his relationships with three different women. Captivating!

Phineas Redux

Book Description

Phineas Redux Annotated

Book Description

Phineas Redux is a novel by Anthony Trollope, first published in 1873 as a serial in The Graphic. It is the fourth of the "Palliser" series of novels and the sequel to the second book of the series, Phineas Finn.

Phineas Redux

Book Description

The Prime Minister

Book Description

Phineas Redux

Book Description

Phineas Redux (Annotated & Illustrated)

Book Description

Phineas Redux is a novel by Anthony Trollope, first published in 1873 as a serial in The Graphic. It is the fourth of the "Palliser" series of novels and the sequel to the second book of the series, Phineas Finn. His beloved wife having died in childbirth, Phineas Finn finds Irish society and his job as a Poorhouse Inspector dull and unsatisfying after the excitement of his former career as a Member of Parliament. Back in England, the Whigs are determined to overturn the Tory majority in Parliament. As Finn had been considered the most promising of the younger set, he is encouraged to stand for parliament again. Returning to London, he renews his acquaintance with the wealthy widow, Madame Max Goesler. In the past, she had offered to marry him and had been gently turned down; after an awkward first encounter, they renew their friendship.

Phineas Redux

Book Description