Handbook of Fruit Set and Development

Book Description

Different phases of fruit development and utilization have been treated in many textbooks, reviews, and a host of scientific and professional papers. This seems, however, to be the first attempt to bring together case histories of so many different fruits and to present a balanced account of the whole period from set to harvest. Postharvest physiology, which has been in the centre of the picture in many former books, is at the bored line of the subject matter of this book, and has not been fully covered, except in a few cases. For this reason, two separate chapters deal with physiological and pathological aspects of fruit life after harvest.

Characterization of Fruit Development and Ripening of Vaccinium Angustifolium Ait. in Relation to Microclimate Conditions

Book Description

ABSTRACT: Berry ripening in lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) is influenced by developmental, physiological and climatic factors resulting in a heterogenous mix of maturities at harvest. This study characterizes the physico-chemical changes which occur during fruit ontogeny and links ripening patterns to micoclimate. Individual clones in five commercial fiels were followed in the 2006 and 2007 growing seasons. Phenolic acids, flavonols, and flavan-3-ols decreased and anthocyanins increased with maturity. Peak maturity consistently occurred at 1200 accumulated growing degree days (GDD). There was a sharp decline in fruit retention at the end of the growing season suggesting a date after which harvested yield declines but no consistent pattern was detected between years or fields.The consistency of GDD accumulation in relation to ripening pattern suggests GDDs can be used as a predictive ripening index. The physico-chemical nature of ripe berries indicates ripe berries could be harvested earlier than is currently the practice.

Technical Bulletin

Book Description

Hdbk of Fruit Set & Dev

Book Description

Different phases of fruit development and utilization have been treated in many textbooks, reviews, and a host of scientific and professional papers. This seems, however, to be the first attempt to bring together case histories of so many different fruits and to present a balanced account of the whole period from set to harvest. Postharvest physiology, which has been in the centre of the picture in many former books, is at the bored line of the subject matter of this book, and has not been fully covered, except in a few cases. For this reason, two separate chapters deal with physiological and pathological aspects of fruit life after harvest.