Extended Abstracts. The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of Mercury Cadium Telluride and Novel IR Detector Materials, Held in San Francisco, California on October 2-4, 1990

Book Description

Partial Contents: Diffusion Mechanisms in Mercury Cadmium Telluride; Selective Annealing for Planar Processing of HgCdTe Devices, The Effect of Growth Orientation on the Morphology, Composition, Twin Formation and Growth Rate of MCT Layers Grown by MOVPE, Low Dislocation Density HgCdTe Grown on GaAs and Si Substrates by MBE, Molecular Beam Epitaxy of CdTe on Large Area Si(100), Low Temperature Growth of MWIR LPE HgCdTE on Sapphire, Extrinsic Doping in MOCVD HgCdTe for Grown Junctions, Growth and Properties of In Doped MOVPE (IMP) HgCdTE, Dynamics of Arsenic Diffusion in OMVPE HgCdTe on Si Substrates, Growth and Characterization of P-on-n Heterojunction Material for 8 Micron to 18 Micron Applications, Improved Breakdown Voltage in MBE HgCdTe Heterostructures, Mercury Cadmium Telluride Epitaxially Grown Junctions, Dark Current Processes in Thinned P-Type HgCdTe, Uncooled 10.6 micron Mercury Manganese Telluride Photoelectromagnetic IR Detectors, Novel Device Concept for Silicon Based Infrared Detectors, Infrared Optical and Far-Infrared Magneto-Optic Properties of HgTe/CdTe Superlattices and Multiple Quantum Wells, Magneto-Optical Transitions Between Subbands with Different Quantum Numbers in Narrow GAP HgTe- CdTe Superlattices, Photoexcited Hot Electron Relaxation Processes In n-HgCdTe Though Impact Ionization Into Traps, and X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction From the HgCdTe (111) Surface.