Physics Lab Manual Class XII | According to the latest CBSE syllabus and other State Boards following the CBSE curriculum

Book Description

With the NEP 2020 and expansion of research and knowledge has changed the face of education to a great extent. In the Modern times, education is not just constricted top the lecture method but also includes a practical knowledge of certain subjects. This way of education helps a student to grasp the basic concepts and principles. Thus, trying to break the stereotype that subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology means studying lengthy formulas, complex structures, and handling complicated instruments, we are trying to make education easy, fun, and enjoyable.

Physics Lab Manual Class XI | According to the latest CBSE syllabus and other State Boards following the CBSE curriculum

Book Description

With the NEP 2020 and expansion of research and knowledge has changed the face of education to a great extent. In the Modern times, education is not just constricted top the lecture method but also includes a practical knowledge of certain subjects. This way of education helps a student to grasp the basic concepts and principles. Thus, trying to break the stereotype that subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology means studying lengthy formulas, complex structures, and handling complicated instruments, we are trying to make education easy, fun, and enjoyable.

Biology Lab Manual Class XII | As per the latest CBSE syllabus and other State Board following the curriculum of CBSE.

Book Description

With the NEP 2020 and expansion of research and knowledge has changed the face of education to a great extent. In the Modern times, education is not just constricted top the lecture method but also includes a practical knowledge of certain subjects. This way of education helps a student to grasp the basic concepts and principles. Thus, trying to break the stereotype that subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology means studying lengthy formulas, complex structures, and handling complicated instruments, we are trying to make education easy, fun, and enjoyable.

Biology Lab Manual Class XI | As per the latest CBSE syllabus and other State Board following the curriculum of CBSE.

Book Description

With the NEP 2020 and expansion of research and knowledge has changed the face of education to a great extent. In the Modern times, education is not just constricted top the lecture method but also includes a practical knowledge of certain subjects. This way of education helps a student to grasp the basic concepts and principles. Thus, trying to break the stereotype that subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology means studying lengthy formulas, complex structures, and handling complicated instruments, we are trying to make education easy, fun, and enjoyable.

Science Lab Manual Class IX | As per the latest CBSE syllabus and other State Board following the curriculum of CBSE.

Book Description

With the NEP 2020 and expansion of research and knowledge has changed the face of education to a great extent. In the Modern times, education is not just constricted top the lecture method but also includes a practical knowledge of certain subjects. This way of education helps a student to grasp the basic concepts and principles. Thus, trying to break the stereotype that subjects like Mathematics, and Science means studying lengthy formulas, complex structures, and handling complicated instruments, we are trying to make education easy, fun, and enjoyable.

Chemistry Lab Manual Class XII | follows the latest CBSE syllabus and other State Board following the CBSE Curriculam.

Book Description

With the NEP 2020 and expansion of research and knowledge has changed the face of education to a great extent. In the Modern times, education is not just constricted top the lecture method but also includes a practical knowledge of certain subjects. This way of education helps a student to grasp the basic concepts and principles. Thus, trying to break the stereotype that subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology means studying lengthy formulas, complex structures, and handling complicated instruments, we are trying to make education easy, fun, and enjoyable.

CBSE Laboratory Manual Physics Class 12th

Book Description

Once Owen Chamberlain said, "The development of Physics, like the development of any science, is a continuous one." It is a constant effort of NCERT that it puts on its textbooks to promote clearer understanding of concepts in every student. As important as theoretical study is, practical study is also essential to prove theories into realities. The freshly updated edition of "LABORATORY MANUAL- Physics" for class XII has been designed as a complete package to understand all the relevant Physics experiments in a simple, lucid and interactive manner. Strictly based on CBSE guidelines, each experiment includes theory to give deep insights into each concept, formula, term & definition, etc. Viva Voce questions, Precautions, Activities, Diagrams and Appendices are accumulated to make concepts clearer in accordance with the curriculum. Along with the experiments, suggested Investigatory Projects will reveal the complete adherence of CBSE curriculum. This book serves as a step-by-step guide for conducting experiments in such a way that students will not need to refer to any other book for explanations of the concepts. An all-inclusive guidance book for Physics laboratory experiment Coverage of each experiment in a simple and lucid manner Detailed and Step-by-Step procedure for each experiment Necessary precautions to be followed for the experiment Viva-Voce Questions to get an understanding on the experiment Suggested Investigatory Projects of the CBSE curriculum Clearly labeled Diagrams in each experiment Appendices related to some useful data TABLE OF CONTENT General Introduction of Practical Work, How to Record an Experiment, Experimental Errors, Logarithms, Basic Trigonometry, Study of Graphs, Section A- Experiments, Activities, Section B- Experiments, Activities, Suggested Investigatory Projects, Appendices

Practical/Laboratory Manual Physics Class XII based on NCERT guidelines by Dr. Sunita Bhagia & Megha Bansal

Book Description

SECTION : A EXPERIMENTS 1.To determine resistance per cm of a given wire by plotting a graph for potential difference versus current, 2.To find resistance of a given wire using meter bridge and hence determine the specifi resistance (Resistivity) of its material, 3.To verify the laws of combination (Series/Parallel) of resistance using ameter bridge, 4.To compare the e.m.f. of two given primary cells using potentiometer, 5.To determine the internal resistance of a given primary cell (e.g. Leclanche cell) using potentiometer, 6.To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method and to find its figure of merit. 7 A. To convert a given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into an ammeter of desired range and to verify the same, 7.B.To convert a given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into a voltmeter of desired range and to verify the same. 8.To find the frequency of AC mains with a sonometer and horse-shoe magnet. SECTION : B EXPERIMENTS 1.To find the value of v for different values of u in case of a concave mirror and to find the focal length, 2.To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting graph between u and v or 1/u and 1/v. 3.To find the focal length of a convex mirror, using a convex lens.4.To find the focal length of a concave lens, using a convex lens. 5. To determine the angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between the angle of incidence and angle of deviation, 6. To determine refractive index of a glass slab using a travelling microscope, 7.To find the refractive index of a liquid by using a convex lens and a plane mirror, 8.To draw I-V characteristics curve of a p-n function in forward bias and reverse bias, 9.To draw the characteristics curve of a zener diode and to determine its reverse break down voltage, 10.To study the characteristics of a common-emitter n-p-n or p-n-p transistor and to find out the values of current and voltage gains. SECTION : A ACTIVITIES 1.To measure the resistance and impedance of an inductor with or without iron core, 2.To measure resistance voltage (AC/DC), current (AC) and check continuity of given circuit using multimeter, 3. To assemble a household circuit comprising of three bulbs, three (on/off)switches, a fuse and a power source. 4.To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit. 5.To study the variation in potential drop with length of a wire for a steady current, 6.To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising atleast a battery, resistor/rheostat, key ammeter and voltmeter. Make the components that are not connected in proper order and correct the circuit and also the circuit diagram. SECTION : B ACTIVITIES 1.To study effect of intensity of light (by varying distance of the source) on an LDR (Light Depending Resistor), 2.To identify a diode, a LED, a transistor, an IC, a resistor and a capacitor from mixed collection of such items, 3. Use a multimeter to : (i) identify the transistor, (ii) distinguish between n-p-n and p-n-p type transistor, (iii) see the unidirectional flow of current in case of a diode and a LED, (iv) Check whether a given electronic components (e.g diode, transistor or IC) is in working order, 4.To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light incident obliquely on a glass slab, 5.To observe polarisation of light using two polaroids, 6. To observe diffraction of light due to a thin slit, 7.To study the nature and size of the image formed by : (i) convex lens, (ii) concave mirror on a screen by using candle and a screen for different distance of the candle from the lens/mirror, 8.To obtain a lens combination with the specified focal length by using two lenses from the given set of lenses. SUGGESTED INVESTIGATORY PROJECT 1.To Study Verious factors on which the Internal Resistance/EMF of a cell depends, 2.To study the variations in current following in a circuit containing L.D.R. because of variation. (a) In the power of incomdescent lamp used to illum inate the L.D.R. Keeping all the lamps in fixed position (b) In the Distance of a in condescent lamp (of fixed power) used to illum inate the L.D.R. 3. To find the refractive indeces of (a) Water (b) Oil (Transparent) using a plane mirror, an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle, 4. To design an appropriate logic gate combination for a given truth table. 5. To investigate the relation between the ratio of : (i) Output and Input voltage (ii) Number of turms in secondary coils and primary coils of a self designed transformer. 6.To Investigate the dependence of angle of deviation on the angle of incidence, using a hollow prism filled one by with different transparent fluids, 7.To Estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical styrofoam balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of coulomob’s Law :, 8.To study the factors on which the self inductance of a coil depends by observing the effect of this coil, when put in series with a resistor (bulb) in a circuit fed up by an a.c. source of adjustable frequency, 9.To study the earth’s magnetic field using a tangent galvanometer. APPENDIX Some Important Tables of Physical Constants Logarithmic and other Tables