Forensic Computing

Book Description

In the second edition of this very successful book, Tony Sammes and Brian Jenkinson show how the contents of computer systems can be recovered, even when hidden or subverted by criminals. Equally important, they demonstrate how to insure that computer evidence is admissible in court. Updated to meet ACPO 2003 guidelines, Forensic Computing: A Practitioner's Guide offers: methods for recovering evidence information from computer systems; principles of password protection and data encryption; evaluation procedures used in circumventing a system’s internal security safeguards, and full search and seizure protocols for experts and police officers.

Distributed Embedded Control Systems

Book Description

This fascinating new work comes complete with more than 100 illustrations and a detailed practical prototype. It explores the domains encountered when designing a distributed embedded computer control system as an integrated whole. Basic issues about real-time systems and their properties, especially safety, are examined first. Then, system and hardware architectures are dealt with, along with programming issues, embodying desired properties, basic language subsets, object orientation and language support for hardware and software specifications.

Pitmanic Shorthand

Book Description

Dynamic Fuzzy Pattern Recognition with Applications to Finance and Engineering

Book Description

Dynamic Fuzzy Pattern Recognition with Applications to Finance and Engineering focuses on fuzzy clustering methods which have proven to be very powerful in pattern recognition and considers the entire process of dynamic pattern recognition. This book sets a general framework for Dynamic Pattern Recognition, describing in detail the monitoring process using fuzzy tools and the adaptation process in which the classifiers have to be adapted, using the observations of the dynamic process. It then focuses on the problem of a changing cluster structure (new clusters, merging of clusters, splitting of clusters and the detection of gradual changes in the cluster structure). Finally, the book integrates these parts into a complete algorithm for dynamic fuzzy classifier design and classification.

Programming Environments for Massively Parallel Distributed Systems

Book Description

Massively Parallel Systems (MPSs) with their scalable computation and storage space promises are becoming increasingly important for high-performance computing. The growing acceptance of MPSs in academia is clearly apparent. However, in industrial companies, their usage remains low. The programming of MPSs is still the big obstacle, and solving this software problem is sometimes referred to as one of the most challenging tasks of the 1990's. The 1994 working conference on "Programming Environments for Massively Parallel Systems" was the latest event of the working group WG 10.3 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in this field. It succeeded the 1992 conference in Edinburgh on "Programming Environments for Parallel Computing". The research and development work discussed at the conference addresses the entire spectrum of software problems including virtual machines which are less cumbersome to program; more convenient programming models; advanced programming languages, and especially more sophisticated programming tools; but also algorithms and applications.

ZUM '98: The Z Formal Specification Notation

Book Description

1 In a number of recent presentations – most notably at FME’96 –oneofthe foremost scientists in the ?eld of formal methods, C.A.R. Hoare,has highlighted the fact that formal methods are not the only technique for producing reliable software. This seems to have caused some controversy,not least amongst formal methods practitioners. How can one of the founding fathers of formal methods seemingly denounce the ?eld of research after over a quarter of a century of support? This is a question that has been posed recently by some formal methods skeptics. However, Prof. Hoare has not abandoned formal methods. He is reiterating, 2 albeitmoreradically,his1987view thatmorethanonetoolandnotationwillbe requiredinthepractical,industrialdevelopmentoflarge-scalecomplexcomputer systems; and not all of these tools and notations will be, or even need be, formal in nature. Formalmethods arenotasolution,butratheroneofaselectionoftechniques that have proven to be useful in the development of reliable complex systems, and to result in hardware and software systems that can be produced on-time and within a budget, while satisfying the stated requirements. After almostthree decades,the time has come to view formalmethods in the context of overall industrial-scale system development, and their relationship to othertechniquesandmethods.Weshouldnolongerconsidertheissueofwhether we are “pro-formal” or “anti-formal”, but rather the degree of formality (if any) that we need to support in system development. This is a goal of ZUM’98, the 11th International Conference of Z Users, held for the ?rst time within continental Europe in the city of Berlin, Germany.