Planck's Half-quanta

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Casimir Effect 50 Years Later,the - Proceedings Of The Fourth Workshop On Quantum Field Theory Under The Influence Of External Conditions

Book Description

This volume contains papers based on talks delivered at the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions. This series of workshops, held at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Leipzig, was launched in 1989. The present meeting took place 50 years after Hendrik B Casimir discovered the effect named after him. This effect was found by Casimir in investigating the retarded long range van der Waals forces in colloids and re-expressing them as a change in the vacuum energy of the electromagnetic field. The story of why this work was done was told by Casimir himself at the workshop. A historical account of the development of vacuum energy in quantum theory starting from Planck's half quanta was given by H Rechenberg. Another interesting topic was about a possible explanation of sonoluminescence as a dynamical Casimir effect. Kim Milton reported on the work done by Julian Schwinger on this topic during the last years of the great physicist's life, as well as on his own research. M Bordag (Leipzig) provided a general analysis of the ultraviolet divergences of the vacuum energy of a dielectric sphere.The Casimir effect had been experimentally verified 10 years after its discovery on a rather qualitative level. Only last year and in another experiment this year, it became also quantitatively well established. It turned out to be of unexpectedly high sensitivity with respect to the presence of the so-called fifth forces, as V Mostepanenko showed in his talk.Modern methods of computing the Casimir effect rely on zeta functional regularization and heat kernel expansion. This mathematical background, together with a broader embedding into expansions of various spectral quantities, was the subject of the talk by S Fulling. Recent progress in the computation of the heat kernel coefficients was reported by V Kornyak and K Kirsten.A number of talks were devoted to magnetic background fields of various types; for instance, new trends in the Aharonov-Bohm effect. In cosmology, negative energy densities and the role of adiabatic vacuum states in a de Sitter universe were discussed.

The Quantum Theory

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Niels Bohr and the Quantum Atom

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Niels Bohr and the Quantum Atom gives a comprehensive account of the birth, development, and decline of Bohr's atomic theory. It presents the theory in a broad context which includes not only its technical aspects, but also its reception, dissemination, and applications in both physics and chemistry.

The Weight of the Vacuum

Book Description

The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the discovery of cosmic acceleration due to dark energy, a discovery that is all the more perplexing as nobody knows what dark energy actually is. We put the modern concept of cosmological vacuum energy into historical context and show how it grew out of disparate roots in quantum mechanics (zero-point energy) and relativity theory (the cosmological constant, Einstein's “greatest blunder”). These two influences have remained strangely aloof and still co-exist in an uneasy alliance that is at the heart of the greatest crisis in theoretical physics, the cosmological-constant problem.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) publishes research reports, commentaries, reviews, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. PNAS is a multidisciplinary journal that covers the biological, physical, and social sciences.

Matter and Interactions

Book Description

Matter and Interactions offers a modern curriculum for introductory physics (calculus-based). It presents physics the way practicing physicists view their discipline and integrates 20th Century physics and computational physics. The text emphasizes the small number of fundamental principles that underlie the behavior of matter, and models that can explain and predict a wide variety of physical phenomena. Matter and Interactions will be available as a single volume hardcover text and also two paperback volumes.

Galileo Unbound

Book Description

Galileo Unbound traces the journey that brought us from Galileo's law of free fall to today's geneticists measuring evolutionary drift, entangled quantum particles moving among many worlds, and our lives as trajectories traversing a health space with thousands of dimensions. Remarkably, common themes persist that predict the evolution of species as readily as the orbits of planets or the collapse of stars into black holes. This book tells the history of spaces of expanding dimension and increasing abstraction and how they continue today to give new insight into the physics of complex systems. Galileo published the first modern law of motion, the Law of Fall, that was ideal and simple, laying the foundation upon which Newton built the first theory of dynamics. Early in the twentieth century, geometry became the cause of motion rather than the result when Einstein envisioned the fabric of space-time warped by mass and energy, forcing light rays to bend past the Sun. Possibly more radical was Feynman's dilemma of quantum particles taking all paths at once — setting the stage for the modern fields of quantum field theory and quantum computing. Yet as concepts of motion have evolved, one thing has remained constant, the need to track ever more complex changes and to capture their essence, to find patterns in the chaos as we try to predict and control our world.

Structures on Different Time Scales

Book Description

Volume 1 of this work presents theory and methods to study the structure of condensed matter on different time scales. The authors cover the structure analysis by X-ray diffraction methods from crystalline to amorphous materials, from static-relaxed averaged structures to short-lived electronically excited structures, including detailed descriptions of the time-resolved experimental methods. Complementary, an overview of the theoretical description of condensed matter by static and time-dependent density functional theory is given, starting from the fundamental quantities that can be obtained by these methods through to the recent challenges in the description of time dependent phenomena such as optical excitations. Contents Static structural analysis of condensed matter: from single-crystal to amorphous DFT calculations of solids in the ground state TDDFT, excitations, and spectroscopy Time-resolved structural analysis: probing condensed matter in motion Ultrafast science

From Science to God

Book Description

From Science to God offers a crash course in the nature of reality. It is the story of Peter Russell's lifelong exploration into the nature of consciousness — how he went from being a strict atheist, studying mathematics and physics at Cambridge University, to realizing a profound personal synthesis of the mystical and scientific. Using his own tale of curiosity and exploration as the book’s backbone, Russell blends physics, psychology, and philosophy to reach a new worldview in which consciousness is a fundamental quality of creation. He shows how all the ingredients for this worldview are in place; nothing new needs to be discovered. We have only to put the pieces together and explore the new picture of reality that emerges. From Science to God is as much a personal story of an open-minded skeptic as it is a tour de force of scientific and religious paradigm shifts. Russell takes us from Galileo’s den to the lecture halls of Cambridge where he studied with Stephen Hawking. “If you had asked me then if there was a God,” says the best-selling author of his scientific beginnings, “I would have pointed to mathematics.” But no matter what empirical truths science offered Russell, one thorny question remained: How can something as immaterial as consciousness, ever arise from something as unconscious as matter?