Planspiele - Vernetzung gestalten

Book Description

Vernetzung und Gestaltung von Vernetzung sind zentrale Themen dieses achten Bandes der ZMS-Schriftenreihe. Planspiele ermöglichen Lernen in und über Systeme, das Denken in Strukturen sowie das Erleben und Verstehen von Zusammenhängen. Sie eignen sich darüber hinaus hervorragend, wissenschaftlich-analytisches Wissen über die Realität und reale Systeme zu abstrahieren, zu vereinfachen, didaktisch aufzubereiten und dadurch verständlich und vermittelbar zu machen. Planspiele führen aber auch zur Vernetzung der Teilnehmenden. Sie erfordern von diesen, sich auf die Situation und die anderen Akteure einzulassen. Sie ermöglichen reale Interaktion, Austausch und Netzwerken zwischen allen Beteiligten. Planspiele können also selbst als Netzwerkgestalter verstanden werden. Ihr Einsatz bringt Informationen und Menschen zusammen und lässt neue, intensive Netzwerke entstehen. Die Beiträge in diesem Sammelband zeigen eine Vielzahl möglicher Perspektiven und Fragestellungen zum Themenfeld auf. Erstmals wurden viele davon einem Double-Blind Peer-Reviewverfahren unterzogen. Die hohe Qualität der Beiträge konnte dadurch nochmals gesteigert werden. Dieser Band entstand als Kooperationsprojekt des Zentrums für Managementsimulation der DHBW Stuttgart mit der SAGSAGA, der Gesellschaft für Planspiele in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz e. V.. Somit vertieft er auch die Vernetzung und Zusammenarbeit mit dem deutschsprachigen Planspielfachverband.

Non-Cognitive Factors and Learning within a Business Simulation

Book Description

Serious games can provide a convenient and straightforward access to complex knowledge for all age groups. However, learning achievements depend largely on learners’ non-cognitive factor disposition. With the aim of combining the fields of serious games and non-cognitive factors, this research focuses on the use of a business simulation which conveys change management insights. Business simulations are a subset of serious games and are perceived as a non-traditional learning method.The objectives of this work are versatile: (1) developing a scale, which measures learners’ knowledge and skills increase gained from a business simulation, (2) investigating the effects of non-cognitive factors on learning in this business simulation environment and (3) exploring the moderating role of team preference in this type of learning setting. Using the newly developed scale, this work finds that learners' skills and knowledge states are more pronounced after playing the business simulation.

Planspiele in der Hochschullehre

Book Description

Planspiele erfreuen sich in der akademischen Lehre zunehmender Beliebtheit. Ihr Einsatz an Hochschulen und Universitäten erfolgt bisher unterschiedlich, abhängig von Disziplin und Einsatzort. Wissenschaftliche Reflexionen über den Einsatz von Planspielen gibt es insgesamt nur wenige. Das vorliegende Sonderheft setzt hier an: Es werden unterschiedliche fachwissenschaftliche Diskussionen zusammengeführt und interessante Reflexionen von Anwender:innen über die eigenen Lehr- und Lernzusammenhänge versammelt. Die Bandbreite der bearbeiteten Themen reicht dabei von Überblicksdarstellungen der Literatur über Auseinandersetzungen mit verschiedenen Arten des Kompetenzerwerbs, Curricula und Prüfungsformen bis hin zu spezifischen Planspielen, wie Projektmanagement und der Führungskräfteausbildung. Ebenso werden innovative Formate und die Entwicklung digitaler Planspiele vorgestellt und diskutiert.

World Yearbook of Education 2016

Book Description

This latest volume in the World Yearbook of Education series examines the global education industry both in OECD* countries as well as developing countries, and presents the works of scholars based in different parts of the word who have significantly contributed to this area of research. Focusing on the areas of cross-over in public-private partnerships in education, WYBE 2016 critically examines the actors and factors that have propelled the global rise of the education industry. Split into three key sections, Part I explores how education agendas are shaped; Part II considers the private financing of education and the export of school improvements to professional consultancies; and Part III analyses new market niches, such as low-fee private schooling and for-profit education provisions. The book draws upon case studies of many global organizations, including: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Pearson Affordable Learning Fund Bridge International Academies Teach for All Omega Schools Co-edited by three internationally renowned scholars, Antoni Verger, Christopher Lubienski and Gita Steiner-Khamsi, WYBE 2016 will be a valuable resource for researchers, graduates and policy makers who are interested in the global education industry. *Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Planning Under Pressure

Book Description

Planning under Pressure offers managers, planners, consultants and students a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the Strategic Choice Approach, which has gradually been attracting worldwide recognition as a fresh, versatile and practical approach to collaborative decision-making under uncertainty. Starting from basic principles, the book uses helpful diagrams and clear explanations to demonstrate practical ways of approaching daunting decision problems; of devising possible ways forward; and of working effectively towards agreed courses of action. Along he way, decision makers are helped to cope with diverse sources of uncertainty – technical, political, managerial – in a strategic manner. In this extended third edition, the authors have added short contributions from 21 users from seven countries. These new contributors present lessons from their varied experiences in adapting the Strategic Choice Approach to guide decision-making and learning in settings ranging from the re-routing of a controversial city carnival procession to national policy for the management of nuclear waste.

Citizenship Across the Curriculum

Book Description

Citizenship Across the Curriculum advocates the teaching of civic engagement at the college level, in a wide range of disciplines and courses. Using "writing across the curriculum" programs as a model, the contributors propose a similar approach to civic education. In case studies drawn from political science and history as well as mathematics, the natural sciences, rhetoric, and communication studies, the contributors provide models for incorporating civic learning and evaluating pedagogical effectiveness. By encouraging faculty to gather evidence and reflect on their teaching practice and their students' learning, this volume contributes to the growing field of the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Simulation-Gaming: On the Improvement of Competence in Dealing with Complexity, Uncertainty and Value Conflicts

Book Description

This volume records the Proceedings of the International Simulation and Gaming Association's 19th International Conference which took place at Utrecht University in 1988. Seven sections are contained in the volume. The first section on complexity, uncertainty and conflict deals with theoretical and methodological issues. This is the introduction to the conference theme "On the improvement of competence". The following sections cover broad areas: organizational change, business simulation, policy exercise, methodology, learning environments, and special topics such as environmental planning, health care, diplomatic games and gambling.

The Governance of Large-scale Projects

Book Description

Experiences from all around the world show that citizens increasingly articulate their discontent with large-scale projects. Still, public debates often leave politics, administrations, corporations and citizens unsatisfied. How can we improve mutual understanding, provide political legitimacy and facilitate economic efficiency? This book pinpoints the opportunities and challenges of participatory modes of governance by offering theoretical accounts and analyses of large-scale projects focusing on infrastructure, communication and public administration. With contributions by: Marko Bachl, Henning Banthien, Sarah Bastgen, Daniela Ciaffi, Christopher Gohl, Andreas Hoffelder, Kjetil Holgeid, Mathias Konig, Wolfgang Konig, Thamy Pogrebinschi, Martina Richwien, Claudia Ritzi, Andrea Rommele, Fabiano Santos, Emanuela Saporito, Stefan Schaible, Henrik Schober, Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Carmen Sirianni, Arne Spieker, Johannes Staemmler, Mark Thompson, Andrea Versteyl, Paul Webb, Katrin Winkler.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Book Description

Sustainable Entrepreneurship stands for a business driven concept of sustainability which focusses on increasing both social as well as business value - so called Shared Value. This book shows why and how this unique concept has the potential to become the most recognised strategic management approach in our times. It aims to point out the opportunities that arise from putting sustainable entrepreneurship into practice. At the same time, this book is a wake-up call for all those companies and decision makers who underestimated Sustainable Entrepreneurship before or who are simply not aware of its greater dimension. Well structured chapters from different academic and business perspectives clearly outline how Sustainable Entrepreneurship contributes to solving the world's most challenging problems, such as Climate Change, Finance Crisis and Political Uncertainty, as well as to ensuring business success. The book provides a framework of orientation where the journey might go: What can a successful concept of SE look like? What are the key drivers for its realisation? What is the role of business in shaping the future of our society? The book also presents best practices and provides unique learnings as well as business insights from the international Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award ( The Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award (short SEA) is an award for companies today who are thinking about tomorrow by making sustainable business practices an integral part of their corporate culture. Companies that receive the SEA are being recognised for the vision they have shown in combining economic and sustainable responsibility.