Plant Location Selection Techniques

Book Description

This book ties together history, legislation and economics to create an awareness of what chances an individual will have when he selects a location for a plant. Key costs are discussed including those mandated by the environment and by legislation. The impact of cultures, both past and present, upon the opportunity for economic success are reviewed. It is a ""How To"" and a ""Beware"" presentation of plant location, both domestic and international. The book is designed to provide chief executive officers, manufacturing vice presidents, chief engineers and engineers a checklist of things to do in analyzing a potential plant site. It is also designed to provide state and local industrial development staffs' guidance in their efforts to obtain industry. New entrepreneurs will find this book to be useful in making presentations to financial agencies. The do's and don'ts of plant location are dealt with from both the current and historical prospective. The impact of legislation upon manufacturing costs and thereby industry location is covered by both current and past examples. Examples of failed locations from both industry and site planners perspectives are provided. The book shows how to choose the best location in a country through arraying the basic economic and social facts in an orderly manner. Both tangible and intangible cost analysis and factor weighting are covered. Included are the impact of customs, legal systems, ways of doing business upon costs, management style and plant efficiency. Current legislation's potential impact upon plant location is evaluated. This review includes GATT, NAFT A, CBI and other international direct and indirect influences on markets and costs. Also the present and potential impact of OSHA, ADA, EPA and other national mandates is covered.

Location, Location, Location

Book Description

Choosing the right location for a business can assure its success, and avoid costly problems. Location, Location, Location examines this foundational aspect of business profitability, and outlines the principles and procedures necessary to identify an optimal site. This practical book offers advice on how to invest wisely on real estate to minimize risks, and maximize returns. This concise guide by Marcel De Meirleir, a leading site consultant with over fifty years of professional practice, explains how to measure the positive and negative attributes of a site. Its useful and accessible format includes anecdotes, cases studies, and tools for evaluating and selecting sites for different kinds of facilities like headquarters, warehouses, call centers, among others. Other topics in Location, Location, Location include: Analysis of critical and intangible factors Taxes and tax incentives Industrial location and ecology Location feasibility studies The BERI rating Infrastructure Costs analysis, and much more! Location, Location, Location is an authoritative and valuable resource for business owners, decision makers, and consultants who wish to find, expand, or relocate their facilities. This comprehensive volume also provides strategies for regional government officials seeking to attract investments in their area.

Manufacturing Plant Layout

Book Description

A step-by-step guide to planning new factories and plant rearrangements, this book describes proven analytical methods for: Calculating space requirements, Activity-pair relationships, Materials handling analysis, Generating alternative layout. This proven strategy masterfully weaves together the very best elements of layout methods for manufacturing cells, JIT, demand-flow and constraint-based flow manufacturing philosophies, in addition to traditional job shop and assembly line operations. Learn how to methodically reduce or totally rid a design of profit eroders during the plan/design of a cost efficient manufacturing layout.

Data Sources for Plant Location Analysis

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Decision Making Algorithms for Hydro-Power Plant Location

Book Description

The present study has attempted to apply the advantage of neuro-genetic algorithms for optimal decision making in maximum utilization of natural resources. Hydro-power is one of the inexpensive, but a reliable source of alternative energy which is foreseen as the possible answer to the present crisis in the energy sector. However, the major problem related to hydro-energy is its dependency on location. An ideal location can produce maximum energy with minimum loss. Besides, such power-plant also requires substantial amount of land which is a precious resource nowadays due to the rapid and uncontrolled urbanization observed in most of the urban centres in the World. The feasibility of such plants also depends on social acceptance as well as the level of environmental casualty and economic benefit, all of which is also spatially dependent. Decision making algorithms are applied to identify better solution if a problem has more than one alternative explication. Nature based algorithms are found to be efficient enough to catalyze such kind of decision making analysis. That is why the present study tries to utilize nature based algorithms to solve the problems of location selection for hydropower plants. The study employed six different types of nature based algorithms to select one of the locations among many available for installation of hydropower plant in the North Eastern part of the Indian subcontinent. The locations are selected based on their in stream resources and included in the decision making as alternatives. A methodology of criteria selection, determination of weightage and applications of bioinspired algorithms are adopted to produce utmost exertion of the available natural resources with minimum hostility and wastage of the same.

Determinants of Supplier Plant Location: Evidence from the Auto Industry

Book Description

Analyzes the geography of the auto parts sector in North America. Drawing on a large plant-level data set, it shows an industry that is very spatially concentrated. Formal models of plant location highlight the role of transportation infrastructure as well as the importance of being within a day¿s drive of the assembly plant customer in the location choices of auto supplier plants. Tables.

Solar Power Plant Location Selection Problem by using ELECTRE-III Method in Pythagorean Neutrosophic Programming Approach (A case study on Green Energy in India)

Book Description

India dropped its target of generating 500 GW of renewable energy capacity from non responsibilities to ations Framework Convention on reducing carbon Abstract: India dropped its target of 500 GW of renewable energy capacity fossil fuel sources by 2030. Its responsibilities the United Nations Framework Conven Climate Change [UNFCCC],and reducing radiations by one billion tonnes by the end of the decade at the COP26 conference, held in Glasgow in November 2022.Researchers are continually searching for inexhaustible and reasonable energy sources. Solar energy is one of the greenest sources of energy and is also one of the cleanest. The most important factor in using solar energy is the location of the solar power plant. The main objective of this study is to find the best location for a new solar power plant in a specific region called Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh in India. Here we offer an extension of ELECTRE III method as two-phase Pythagorean neutrosophic elimination and choice translating reality PN-ELECTRE-III) method to adapt with fuzzy, ambiguous, unsure, and indeterminate criteria. The Pythagorean neutrosophicnumbers [PNNs] used by the group decision support system og PN-ELECTRE III to measure performance of the alternatives. The options are entirely outclassed in the subsequent stage in view of the past stage's evaluations of them. By defining PNN we describe athe thechnique of indifference threshold functions, preference treshold and veto threshold functions, which provide a more stable basis to drop outranking relations. By calculating the concordance credibility, discordance credibility and net credibility degrees of each alternative, the ranking module of the PN-ELECTRE III approach is made simpler. In order to confirm the applicability of the strategy suggested in this paper, the location selection problem for solar plants is finnaly solved.