Plants in cosmetics – Les plantes dans les cosmétiques – volume 1

Book Description

This study contains 71 datasheets on plants and plant preparations which have been evaluated by the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Cosmetic Products. An assessment of the safety of these plants and plant preparations is also included. Cette étude contient 71 fiches de données relatives aux plantes et préparations à base de plantes utilisées comme ingrédients dans les produits cosmétiques qui ont été évaluées par le Comité d'experts sur les produits cosmétiques du Conseil de l'Europe. La sécurité d'emploi de ces plantes et préparations à base de plantes est incluse dans les fiches de données.

Plants in cosmetics – Les plantes dans les cosmétiques – volume 2

Book Description

This study contains 44 datasheets on plants and plant preparations which have been evaluated by the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Cosmetic Products. An assessment of the safety of these plants and plant preparations is also included.

Plantes Dans Les Cosmétiques

Book Description

This study contains summaries of 71 plants and plant preparations used as ingredients of cosmetic products which have been evaluated by the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Cosmetic Products. It includes a toxicological assessment of the safety of these plants and plant preparations. The entries are classified into three categories: plants which do not present a health hazard; those for which the Committee needs further information; and those which may pose a health risk and are not recommended for use in cosmetic products.

Annuaire Europeen 2000/European Yearbook 2000

Book Description

The year 2000's most significant international event was, almost certainly, neither political nor military, but scientific - the announcement, in June, that the human genome had been almost totally decoded. Future generations may well see this as a major turning point, opening the way to radical changes in diagnosis, prognosis, and medical treatment. Often compared with the space programme, this vast enterprise still generates misgivings: this new power, which human beings now have, to modify the genetic heritage of living creatures raises fundamentally new ethical questions - and society as a whole will have to find the answers. In fact, the accelerating pace of scientific and technical progress seems to be reviving atavistic anxieties, some rational, others less so. Recent public-health crises, including the mad cow disease' scare, which lasted into 2000, have fuelled these fears. The public's rejection of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) - verging on a crusade in some countries - tells its own story. As regards conflict, 2000 saw the Middle East peace process grind to a halt, and the Intifada resume. In Europe, the situation in Kosovo and Chechnya, both the scenes of fighting in 1999, stayed precarious. Peace and democracy did score some successes, however, particularly in Europe: the centre-left's victory in Croatia, sweeping former President Tudjman's party off the scene, the democratic party's triumph in Bosnia, and the fall of the Milosevic regime in Serbia.

Van Nostrand's Chemical Annual

Book Description

The issues for 1907 and 1909 contain a "Review of chemical literature."


Book Description

The world production of citrus fruit has risen enormously, leaping from forty-five million tons a year to eighty-five million in the last 30 years. Today, the potential applications of their essential oils are growing wider, with nearly 40% of fresh produce processed for industrial purposes. Citrus: The Genus Citrus offers comprehensive cove

La peau (2e ed.)

Book Description

La peau - Structure et physiologie, ouvrage de référence destiné aux professionnels de la dermo-cosmétique et de l'esthétique, s'enrichit d'une nouvelle édition revue et augmentée afin de proposer, en plus de la synthèse des éléments fondamentaux de la biologie cutanée et de ses pathologies, les mises à jour intervenues ces dernières années dans le domaine en constante évolution que constitue la recherche en dermatologie. L'ouvrage met en avant, dans un premier temps, la structure et les composants de la peau au niveau cellulaire et moléculaire (épiderme, derme, hypoderme, vascularisation et innervation cutanée, annexes cutanées). Puis, les propriétés de la peau, en liaison avec ses différentes fonctions, sont abordées : thermorégulation, information sensorielle et protection contre les agressions extérieures. Enfin, une large part est faite aux effets du soleil sur la peau et au vieillissement cutané. Dotée de références, d'un index élargi et de nombreuses nouvelles illustrations, cette deuxième édition de La peau - Structure et physiologie est un livre unique sur le marché qui correspond, par son contenu et son approche didactique, aux programmes des diplômes d'esthétique et de cosmétique, en particulier celui du BTS. Il s'adresse également aux futurs professionnels de la santé tels que les étudiants en biologie, médecine, pharmacie et soins infirmiers, et à tout public désireux de se former et de s'informer sur les caractéristiques et les fonctions de la peau.