Planting Churches in Muslim Cities

Book Description

A blueprint for church planting in Muslim cities anywhere in the world that is biblical and culturally appropriate. The experiences of 100 missionaries provide a guide to evangelizing and discipling.

Planting Churches in Muslim Cities

Book Description

A biblically and culturally appropriate blueprint for church planting in Muslim cities anywhere in the world. The experiences of one hundred missionaries provide a guide to evangelizing and discipling.

Muslims, Magic and the Kingdom of God

Book Description

This book combines a description of folk Islam, biblical perspectives, and strategies for church planting among Muslims. In his theory on Muslim evangelism, Love tackles the major issues of encountering spiritual powers, contextualization, and leadership development. Teachers of Islamic subjects and practitioners in Muslim countries enthusiastically welcome this book.

Urban Church Planting

Book Description

For the last couple decades, urban church planting has been all the rage. This has been a blessing for the city. This has also been a curse for many who sensed a call, saw a need, and left for a life of adventure, only to leave the city after a short time. Many left behind no church and live with memories of failure and frustration. They were eager, well-supported, not a little naive, and unprepared for life and ministry in the city. Urban church planting is not for everyone. It is not more important than church planting elsewhere. But if you believe God has called you to urban ministry, read this book before you go. It is written by a city guy, freed from the romanticism often associated with planting churches in the city. If after reading this you still believe God is calling you to the city, then by all means go. If not, know that God can use you elsewhere.

Receptor-Oriented Communication for Hui Muslims in China

Book Description

There are many books that highlight the need and importance of mission toward unreached people. Unfortunately, few of them deal with the importance of understanding the real life of unreached people and how to analyze them. This book identifies conceptual issues for the development of receptor-oriented communication strategies among young, educated, urban Hui (YEU-Hui) Muslims in China’s northwestern cities in order to achieve culturally relevant churches in those areas. It is written to help not only those who are interested in the unreached, but also those who are interested in Muslim evangelism, urban sociology, biblical exegesis, contextual church planting, communication, and mission strategy. Enoch Jinsik Kim utilizes a new approach—virtual community mission for planting offline churches—that integrates the use of local church-driven Internet community, traditional media, and offline task teams from a multi-ethnic local church. While the research focuses on the Chinese Muslim context, the identification of the young, urban, and educated as a strategic group for mission can be applied in other Muslim and non-Muslim contexts. This research is useful to cross-cultural communicators, church planters, and all those interested in interpersonal relationships.

City Shaped Churches

Book Description

Yes, there certainly are many obstacles to urban church planting. The challenge of refraining from insisting on suburban models for urban settings, the soaring cost of living expenses in global urban settings, the challenges inherent in diverse over homogenous contexts, the continual shifting of people moving in and out of cities, the multiplicity of global religions and worldviews- these things can sometimes seem formidable. However, God, who loves cities, and the promise of Kingdom come are truly worth the struggle. Our urban church planting work will be more effective if it is intentional about being both responsive to what is going on around us and in the world and proactive to the possibilities God has placed before us. It is Linda and Michael's hope that this book will help its readers become more willing to experiment and more willing to be hopeful about the possibility for starting thousands and thousands of vibrant urban churches.

Encountering the World of Islam

Book Description

Encountering the World of Islam guides you on a journey into the lives of Muslims around the world and in your neighborhood. Through this comprehensive collection, you will learn about Muhammad and the history of Islam, gain insight into today's conflicts, and dispel western fears and myths. You will also discover the frustrations and desires of Muslims and learn how to pray for and befriend them. Encountering the World of Islam provides a positive, balanced, and biblical perspective on God's heart for Muslims and equips you to reach out to them in Christ's love. Encountering the World of Islam features articles from eighty authors who have lived throughout the Muslim world, from West Africa to Southeast Asia. Experienced missionaries, scholars of Islam, and other well-known authors, including several Muslims, contribute to this extensive ministry resource.

Church Planting Movements

Book Description

David Garrison, PhD University of Chicago, defines Church Planting Movements as rapidly multiplying indigenous churches planting churches that sweep across a people group or population segment. Garrison's Church Planting Movements: How God Is Redeeming a Lost World signaled a breakthrough in missionary church planting. After the publication of Garrison's book in 2004 it became impossible to talk about missions without referencing Church Planting Movements. Church Planting Movements examines more than two-dozen movements of multiplying churches on five continents. After presenting these case studies, Garrison identifies ten universal elements present in each movement. He then broadens the circle of examination to identify a further ten common characteristics, factors identified in most, but not all, of the movements. He concludes his examination with a list of "Seven Deadly Sins," i.e. harmful practices that stifle or impede Church Planting Movements. Important for evangelical readers, the author returns to his findings to see how they stand up to the light of Scripture. What he discovers is that Church Planting Movements are much more consistent with the New Testament lay-led house-church movements that swept rapidly through the Mediterranean world in the face of hostile opposition than today's more sedentary professional institutionalized Christianity. Learn more about Church Planting Movements from the book's website:

Shalom: God’s Ultimate Purpose for the World

Book Description

What is our preconception about Muslims? Do we continue to practice medical missions in a way that is no longer considered an effective means of presenting the gospel to the unreached? Is our gospel message biblically balanced and firmly contextualized in the context that we try to serve? There are numerous questions that we may ask ourselves when we desire to share God's love with people who are still alienated from it. Christian cross-cultural missions should reconsider the strategies and attitudes that no longer reflect biblical principles. This book brings a lot of insightful thoughts and suggestions from the author's medical ministry experience in the Arab world to those who want to reach out to the unreached. The theology of shalom enables us to deeply understand God's ultimate purpose toward the world that he created and to devote our lives to bring people to his kingdom in the humble way that Jesus has presented throughout his life on earth when he was with us. This book demonstrates how Christian medical missions can be manifested in a more biblical way and can serve people who have been physically injured and emotionally broken more effectively.