Properties and Characterization of Amorphous Carbon Films

Book Description

Amorphous, hydrogenated carbon (AHC) films can be deposited on various substrates using several techniques, e.g. plasma deposition and ion beam deposition. The resulting films can be hard, wear resistant and transparent.

Tribology of Diamond-like Carbon Films

Book Description

This book highlights some of the most important structural, chemical, mechanical and tribological characteristics of DLC films. It is particularly dedicated to the fundamental tribological issues that impact the performance and durability of these coatings. The book provides reliable and up-to-date information on available industrial DLC coatings and includes clear definitions and descriptions of various DLC films and their properties.

Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Carbon Films I

Book Description

This book presents the status quo of the structure, preparation, properties and applications of tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C) films and compares them with related film systems. Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon films (ta-C) combine some of the outstanding properties of diamond with the versatility of amorphous materials. The book compares experimental results with the predictions of theoretical analyses, condensing them to practicable rules. It is strictly application oriented, emphasizing the exceptional potential of ta-C for tribological coatings of tools and components.

Coatings Tribology

Book Description

This book presents a general view on thin surface coatings used for tribological applications and it is based on the current state of understanding. The mechanisms of friction and wear in sliding and rolling contacts of coated surfaces are described. Basic information on coating techniques, tribology and surface mechanisms is given. Based on collected experimental works information is given on the properties of thin soft coatings, such as polymer, lamellar solid and soft metal coatings; thin hard coatings, such as nitride, carbide, oxide, boride and diamond and diamond-like coatings; and multi-component and multi-layer coatings. The influence of interface layers and lubricants is highlighted. The methods available for characterization of coated surfaces and for mechanical and chemical evaluation of their tribological properties are described. Tribological evaluation methods for accelerated and field testing and the need for standardization of quality assurance procedures are discussed. A methodology for the selection of thin coatings for tribological applications is presented and knowledge based expert system approaches for coating selection are reviewed. For different application examples, the basic tribological contact mechanisms are described and the possibilities for improving their tribological properties by using surface coatings are discussed. The application examples include sliding and rolling bearings, gears, tools for cutting and forming, erosion resistant applications, magnetic recording systems and bio-medical implants.

Structural, mechanical, tribological properties and thermal stability of fluorinated amorphous carbon films deposited by pecvd

Book Description

Neste trabalho são apresentados os efeitos nas propriedades mecânicas, estruturais e tribológicas da incorporação de flúor em filmes de carbonoamorfo hidrogenados depositados por Deposição na Fase Vapor Assistidopor Plasma . A estabilidade térmica de filmes de carbono amorfo fluoradostambém foi estudada. Os filmes foram depositados a partir de uma misturados gases C2H2 e CF4 com uma tensão de autopolarização de -350V. Amistura de gases da deposição foi variada de uma concentração de 0% até90% de CF4. A estabilidade térmica foi verificada em filmes depositadoscom 50% de C2H2 e 50% de CF4 na atmosfera precursora. Os filmes foramsubmetidos a temperaturas variando de 200oC a 600oC por 30 minutos. Aspropriedades mecânicas, estruturais e tribológicas dos filmes foram estudadoscom o uso de técnicas nucleares (retroespalhamento de Rutherford e Detecçãopor recuo elástico), espectroscopia Raman, espectroscopia de fotoelétronsinduzida por raios-X, perfilometria (tensão interna), nanoindentação (dureza), de microscopia de força atômica e de ângulo de contato. Os resultados obtidosmostraram que a incorporação de flúor produzem filmes com as propriedadesindo em direção às propriedades do Teflon. Os filmes ricos em flúor são menosdensos, mais macios, mais hidrofóbicos e tem um menor coeficiente de atrito doque filmes de carbono amorfo hidrogenados. O tratamento térmico realizadomostrou que os filmes são estáveis a temperaturas de até 300oC. A partirdesta temperatura os filmes sofreram perda de flúor e mudanças nas suaspropriedades indicando a formação de uma estrutura mais grafítica.

Coatings Tribology

Book Description

The surface coating field is a rapidly developing area of science and technology that offers new methods and techniques to control friction and wear. New coating types are continually being developed and the potential applications in different industrial fields are ever growing, ranging from machine components and consumer products to medical instruments and prostheses. This book provides an extensive review of the latest technology in the field, addressing techniques such as physical and chemical vapour deposition, the tribological properties of coatings, and coating characterization and performance evaluation techniques. Eleven different cases are examined in close detail to demonstrate the improvement of tribological properties and a guide to selecting coatings is also provided. This second edition is still the only monograph in the field to give a holistic view of the subject and presents all aspects, including test and performance data as well as insights into mechanisms and interactions, thus providing the level of understanding vital for the practical application of coatings. * An extensive review of the latest developments in the field of surface coatings* Presents both theory and practical applications* Includes a guide for selecting coatings