Please Don't Kill Mommy!

Book Description

On November 4, 1990 Tim Boczkowski phoned 911 in Greensboro, North Carolina to report his wife Elaine lying motionless in the bathtub. In the days that followed the paramedics' failed efforts to revive Elaine, detectives began to suspect that Tim had murdered his wife after a quarrel. But with no eyewitnesses to the crime--the couple's three children were in bed asleep- -Tim went free to pick up the pieces of his life... Four years later Tim's second wife-a woman who had devoted herself to his children-died under similar circumstances. Immediately, his past was tightened around him like a noose, and some of those who knew him best began to believe that the mild mannered, religiously devout Boczkowski was really a madman who killed his wives with his bare hands. But Tim Boczkowski's worst crime of all may have been committed against his own children: taking away their mother not once but twice...

I Killed Mom . . . Again!

Book Description

This book is a true account of a critically ill mother and the misadventures with a caring daughter. It could have been a pleasure to care for Mother, but she revealed her true colors. Daughters temperament was giving and forgiving. Mothers temperament was vindictive and selfish. The environment became one of tolerance and intolerance, rather than love. An intense dislike between Mother and Daughter ensued. This is the story of the thirteen months they shared life together.

Don’T Kill the Love

Book Description

There isnt a soul on this Earth that hasnt had or isnt having problems in their lives, and you ask yourself why that is. Would you like to find out the secrets to making a better life? There are so many mysteries that many of us dont understand or cant even comprehend. Thats why author Violeta Messina wrote Dont Kill the Love: to help you to understand these mysteries so your life can be better. Why do we have bad relationships with our wives or relatives? Why do we feel sick one day and not another? Why do we have accidents? Who are our children really, and why were we put on this Earth? If you want to know the secrets to making your life a better one, then Dont Kill the Love will take you on a journey you will never forget. Messina has been put through many challenges in her lifenear-death experiences, diseases, and the deformation of her body. She wrote this book to help you learn about yourself.

Paper Voices

Book Description

PAPER VOICES From the pages of my varied experiences, I speak to you, Ladies, not from the heart of a bosom but from the heart of my seasoned soul. Hence, the title, Paper Voices, accurately reflects my mode of sharing life, life with its dueling dynamics of simplicity versus complexity, life as it presents itself to us, as women. In Paper Voices we will share the good, the bad, the not so good and the downright ridiculous. We will laugh together and cry together. We will be Sisters in the most refined sense of the word. Some of you may wonder why Marilyn; why read from her pages; why listen to her voice? I ask, Ladies, why not me? Why not from a baby boomer who is gingerly sprinting into her sixth decade of life? Why not reap the benefits of seeds sown by a seasoned Sister who has mastered the art of listening, a woman wise enough to listen to God first, foremost and always? Ive been a child and an adult/a mother and a wife/a loyal lover, a faithful friend/ and a helping and watchful neighbor. Ive been victim and victor/suffered ups and downs/Ive run cold and hot/and Ive been right and Ive been wrong. I have a style of humor that can only be described as unique. Again, Ladies, why not me? Ive tried to accentuate the positive and minimize the negative. Im far from perfect; Im a multi-flawed me. And, although I have affected some bad choices, I made the good decision to live a humble and Godly life, a life in which I believe God is pleased. Why me, Ladies? Because the favor of the Lord says so. It was with favor that I received the words for Paper Voices, and it is with confidence in their truths and wisdom that I believe its Gods Will that you too will be blessed. Now, Ladies, lets have at it. Paper Voices: From the page to the heart unabashedly saying this, that, the other and more. Paper Voices: Its all about us, all about the commonalities of our richly diverse lives. Well meet again at the end of the journey.

Please Don't Kill Me Mommy

Book Description

Miguel Angel Kircos is a former entrepreneur who was called by God in 1987 to preach the gospel. God equipped him with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and through him the Lord has worked miracles and wonders.Many lives have been saved, delivered and healed. Through his evangelistic crusades, large numbers of people have found restoration and change. He initiated his writing ministry with the book "Spirit of the Antichrist". "Please Don't Kill Me Mommy!" is great challenge the Lord has entrusted in his hands to raise awareness and prevent the murder of millions of babies. Ir is our hope this book will fulfill the purpose for which it was writen.Other works from the same author will soon be published.

For Laci

Book Description

The mother of homicide victim Laci Peterson discusses Laci's life, the crime that took the lives of her daughter and her unborn grandson, the trial and conviction of Laci's husband Scott, and the impact of the tragedy on her family.

I Don't Want to Kill You

Book Description

Having learned to keep his darker nature under control, John Cleaver is embracing his role as a killer of serial killers.


Book Description

Sex trafficking is currently a hot news topic, but it is not a new problem or just a problem in "other" countries. Every year, an estimated 300,000 American children are at risk of being lured into the sex trade, some as young as eight years old. It is thought that up to 90 percent of victims are never rescued. Stolen is the true story of one survivor who escaped--more than once. First recruited while staying with her family at a hotel in Miami Beach, Katariina Rosenblatt was already a lonely and abused young girl who was yearning to be loved. She fell into the hands of a confident young woman who pretended friendship but slowly lured her into a child prostitution ring. For years afterward, a cycle of false friendship, threats, drugs, and violence kept her trapped. As Kat shares her harrowing experiences, readers will quickly realize the frightening truth that these terrible things could have happened to any child--a neighbor, a niece, a friend, a sister, a daughter. But beyond that, they will see that there is real hope for the victims of sex trafficking. Stolen is more than a warning. It is a celebration of survival that will inspire.

Surviving Mummy

Book Description

Inspite of Mummy The story of my family began six generations ago when my maternal great, great, great grandmother left India in rather confused circumstances to end up as an indented labourer in the West Indian Island of Trinidad. Despite the challenges of being a single mother in a strange land, she inspired her daughter Gainder through example and Gainder married an ambitious handsome young man. New laws were made as slavery was abolished, indented labourers could now buy land and so Gainder and her husband prospered. They bought large land holdings and had ten children to go with it. Life in the late 1800s was happy and contented for the family as they melted into a multi religious and multi cultural society. GainderÕs five daughters married well to pliable husbands and her five boys were happy to live off their fatherÕs wealth. Three generations later GainderÕs granddaughter, Little Sparrow married and began what was supposed to be a long and happy life with Victor, a young man of means with two obsessions in his life - his wife and cricket. Three daughters later Little Sparrow died giving birth to a stillborn baby boy, an event that had been predicted by a faqir thirty-five years before. Her daughter Carla, my mother, classy, beautiful yet haughty and disdainful, had a disastrous marriage to a wildly passionate man of humble means who loved her but could not leave his possessive mother. They separated two weeks before my birth. Mummy could not come to terms with her broken marriage and what people would say. I became her punching bag and the reason for her lonely and miserable life. I also had the terrible misfortune of being the spitting image of my father and no doubt Òdestined to be a chip of the old blockÓ. This book is a reflection on the first eighteen years of my life. It was initially inspired by a deep need to reflect and put issues to rest as I entered middle age. Apart from being emotionally therapeutic, writing this book was a wonderful experience in self-discovery. I indulged in the memories that were sometimes happy, sometimes thoughtful and reflective, and at times so very sad. Children are judgmental yet the most forgiving of human beings and while they may naturally love their parents unconditionally, children may not always like what they see.