Please Fasten Your Seat Belt

Book Description

Fasten Your Seat Belts!

Book Description

Fasten Your Seat Belts! is the first history of an airline to be told from the view point of its cabin crew. Through hundreds of interviews, Valerie Lester has encouraged Pan Am's flight attendants to recount their personal dramatic, tragic, comic & heroic stories, many of which deserve to take an honored place in the annals of air transport history. She includes accounts of the heroic deeds of the cabin crews in such incidents as the 1947 crash in the Syrian desert; the terrorism in Cairo & Rome; the last flight from Saigon; the holocaust at Tenerife; & the siege at Karachi. There are tales of the first stewards & their experiences during World War II; Pan Am's brave & resourceful first stewardesses; the first round-the-world flights (both planned & unplanned); the White House Press charters; the advent of jets--& of bigger jets; Desert Storm; & Pan Am's final, heart-rendering flight. Until now, the important role that flight attendants have played in the history of civil aviation has been poorly served. Here, at last, is a book that redresses the balance.

Fasten Your Seatbelt: The Passenger is Flying the Plane

Book Description

Fasten Your Seatbelt: The Passenger is Flying the Plane is the fourth in a series written at the encouragement of practitioners in the global airline industry. Core customers are beginning to seize control of the direction of the industry from airline management. Customers are doing so due to deep dissatisfaction with what is being offered by traditional carriers across all areas, including network, product, price, customer service and the distribution system. New airlines have clearly focused business designs with the discipline to reject non-valued products or services. In the US, new airlines score higher in customer satisfaction, offering lower fares and making larger operating profits. This book is about customer behaviour and how to address it. It provides detailed but easy-to-read practical discussion of the changes required on the part of airline management not only to think boldly, but also to execute courageously and relentlessly, ground-breaking strategies to fly ahead of their customers. As with previous books written by Nawal Taneja, the primary audience continues to be senior level practitioners within the global airline industry - in both traditional carrier and low complexity carrier segments. The approach is impartial, candid and pragmatic, based on what is happening in the actual market place rather than theoretical business models.

Fasten Your Seat Belt

Book Description

Fasten Your Seat Belts and Eat Your Fucking Nuts

Book Description

In his debut book, 'Fasten Your Seat Belts And Eat Your F*cking Nuts', Joe Thomas - aka Flight Attendant Joe - takes you on an inappropriate storytelling journey about what really happens while you sit comfortably (unless you are in a middle seat, in that case - he's sorry) onboard a climate controlled airplane while sucking down cups of soda, snacking on unsalted peanuts, and playing dumb when you get caught smoking in the lavatory. Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at 38,000 feet? Does the thought of banging a flight attendant intrigue you? What about a pilot? Do you regularly attempt at eavesdropping on flight attendant conversations while waiting to use the lavatory on a red-eye flight? If so, then this book was written for you. Nobody said traveling was easy and Joe Thomas has the stories to prove it. 'Fasten Your Seat Belts And Eat Your Fucking Nuts' will make you hungry for more than just another bag of pretzels. Each page drips with gossip, drama, and his own personal confrontations with passengers and coworkers that will leave you gasping for air one minute, and then busting out laughing the next. Joe's honest, heartwarming, - dick-slapping-in-your-face-comedy - will have you turning pages quicker than a hooker turns tricks.


Book Description

★不用出國就可以講一口流利英文★ 國外道地生活情境全收錄 精選140個主題,包括居家生活、旅遊購物、人際溝通、工 作職場等都是生活中最常見的情境,讓你有如身歷其境,直 接融入在情境中。 萬用聊天句型,從外太空聊到內子宮 收錄最道地的核心句型,搭配補充片語及單字,一書在手, 馬上和外國人打成一片,讓你走到哪就可以跟老外聊到哪! 情境對話美式發音朗讀,邊走邊聽增強記憶 依照情境場景會話,由美籍老師親自錄製,正統美式發音, 讓你邊聽邊學,只要多聽、多唸就可以矯正發音,讓你跟任 何人都可以用英文聊天。 ➣英文生活會話百寶箱 讓你百戰百勝 ✦最理想的選擇,為你建構強大的英文會話基礎。 ✦最完整的考用單字,不管是英檢、新多益等均輕鬆上手。 ✦最實用的情境,從生活對話中,輕鬆記憶常用單字和句型。 ✦最豐富的例句,讓你由持續重複練習中,熟能生巧。 作者介紹 Brian Foden Brian為專業ESL教師、作家、配音員,在台灣任教十餘年。曾為多家出版社撰寫各類英語學習相關書籍,包括商用英文、新聞英文、托福、新多益等。 Brian生於加拿大溫哥華,在加拿大期間曾為報社記者,也曾擔任加國廣播電台擔任播報員。2000到2004年定居台灣後,於ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台)擔任新聞編寫與播報一職。 目前居住於台北,專職撰寫英語學習書籍、配音、英語教學的工作。他娶了一位台灣老婆Vivian,平常喜歡騎車、慢跑。有個4歲多的女兒,正努力做個好爸爸。 目錄 第一單元 (Unit 1) 居家 1. 起床 6. 搬家 2. 睡覺 7. 家庭保健 3. 租房 8. 家庭安全 4. 買房 9. 家庭維修 5. 裝修 第二單元 (Unit 2) 投資理財 1. 收入 2. 支出 3. 保險 4. 股票 5. 投資 6. 金錢觀念 7. 資金管理 第三單元 (Unit 3) 教育 1. 班級 2. 課堂 3. 課外活動 4. 考試 5. 外語學習 6. 升學 7. 論文 8. 培訓班 9. 家長會 10. 畢業典禮 第四單元 (Unit 4) 交通 (Transportation) 第五單元 (Unit 5) 旅遊 (Traveling) 第六單元 (Unit 6) 購物 (Shopping) 第七單元 (Unit 7) 社交 第八單元 (Unit 8) 戀愛 第九單元 (Unit 9) 情感表達 第十單元 (Unit 10) 休閒娛樂 第十一單元 (Unit 11) 健身運動 第十二單元 (Unit 12) 職場 第十三單元 (Unit 13) 商務 第十四單元 (Unit 14) 醫院 第十五單元 (Unit 15) 郵局 第十六單元 (Unit 16) 其他服務行業 第十七單元 (Unit 17) 閒聊時刻 序 總審訂者推薦 任何一位語言專家都會跟你說:增進你語文能力的關鍵之一便是練習、練習、再練習。當你已經如此做,就是再練習多一些,也是百益而無害。當你捧讀這本書時,你將會在英語閱讀和對話上,獲得非常多的練習和助益。同時,這些語言專家也會告訴你:並不是所有的語文教材都是品質一致,有些教材內容規劃的很好,可以讓外語學習者有效率的學習吸收。可惜的是,坊間真的太多不良設計教材,會讓學習者研讀後,反而增加學習困難度,而深覺沮喪,甚至想要放棄。幸運的是,這是一本優質企劃的語言學習書,能激發學習者的興趣,並且大大增強語言能力。 邏輯性的章節編排、生活化的對話主題,是本書的極大特色。每個單元的設計,在趣味性的會話之後,緊接著介紹單字和片語,此部份輔以中文翻譯來幫助讀者深入了解。之後,便有許多與對話相關的例句陳列,讓學習者可以有條理的重複學習。 當然,英語學習書的主題非常重要。書中提供了大量日常生活實用的主題。舉例來說,本書也有探討像「租房子」這類主題,其中包括了security deposit(保證金)、tenant(房客)、landlord(房東)和lease(租金)這些單字。而在其他幾課中也介紹了family income(家庭收入)、money management(資金管理)和investing in the stock market(股票投資),以及像是bull and bear markets(牛市和熊市)這樣的術語。交通也是另一個在書中涵蓋的主題,其中包含租車、搭船和搭飛機的對話。總而言之,本書的主題非常實用,對提升學生的詞彙能力有極大的幫助。 就像我在此序開始所說的,為了鍛鍊會話流暢度,重複練習十分重要。這表示若只看關鍵句、單字和片語,就期待自己能夠記住,是不切實際的,而這也是學生常犯的錯誤。除非學生是天才或是能夠過目不忘,否則學習語言需要重複練習,才能記住所學,才能運用於生活的真實情境裡。 我教的班上曾有個女生,她的筆記本上抄了滿滿的英文單字,我決定考考她,於是我念了筆記本上的一些單字,請她告訴我中文的定義,結果她竟然沒有一個字答對。那個女孩一定花了好幾個小時看這些單字,並且做筆記。於是我建議她的解決方式是讓她把單字分成十組,她必須把一組字的定義記熟後,才能開始記下一組單字。記憶單字的最好方法就是製作閃字卡,一面標註英文,另一面則是中文定義。當你閱讀本書時,別忘了試試看,我相信成果會讓你滿意的。 誠摯地祝福您們在英語學習的旅程幸運成功! Brian Foden