Plenitud Deliberada: 21 Claves Para Crear Bienestar

Book Description

¿Anhelas disfrutar más de tu vida?¿Deseas superar tus desafíos personales y profesionales sin deteriorar tu salud física o emocional?¿Quieres equilibrar tus emociones, armonizar tus relaciones, revitalizar tu cuerpo y activar tu productividad?Todos somos capaces de crear una vida llena de plenitud. El BIENESTAR y la FELICIDAD son estados de consciencia, para llegar a estos estados, muchas veces lo único que necesitamos es un pequeño cambio de hábitos y actitudes.BIENESTAR INTELIGENTE brinda sencillas y poderosas claves, fáciles de aplicar. Estrategias ideales para las personas que desean triunfar, avanzar y crecer, personas que resuelven problemas, que tienen ideas, que sueñan, que emprenden, que, pese a las caídas temporales, siguen su visión, se enfocan y disfrutan la vida mientras logran sus deseos y se mejoran a sí mismas.

The Reconnection

Book Description

Why are prominent doctors and medical researchers all over the world interested in the extraordinary healings reported by the patients of Dr. Eric Pearl? What does it mean when these patients report the sudden disappearance of afflictions such as cancers, AIDS-related diseases, and cerebral palsy? And what does it mean when people who interact with Dr. Pearl report a sudden ability to access this healing energy not just for themselves, but for others, too? What is this phenomenon? Well, you might have to reconsider everything you've read up until now about conventional healing. The ''new'' frequencies of healing described by Dr. Pearl transcend ''technique'' entirely and bring you to levels beyond those previously accessible to anyone, anywhere. This book takes you on Dr. Pearl's journey from the discovery of his ability to facilitate healings, to his well-deserved reputation as the instrument through which this process is being introduced to the world. But most important, The Reconnection reveals methods you can use to personally master these new healing energies.

El Poder de Nuestra CicatrizacióN

Book Description

Todos estamos interesados en conocer quiénes somos y el propósito de nuestras vidas. Nuestra cicatrización nos da la oportunidad de entendernos más a nosotros mismos y por consiguiente la de conseguir mejor salud. Cuando tomamos más RESPONSABILIDAD por nuestra cicatrización, podemos ampliar nuestros niveles de conocimiento y de bienestar. Durante la travesía que ustedes llevaran a cabo en la lectura de mi libro, encontraran la oportunidad de compartir conmigo, mis sinceros deseos de como encontrar un mejor bienestar para nosotros mismos, nuestros semejantes y el universo en general.

The Age of Grief

Book Description

In this brilliant collection of five short stories and a novella, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jane Smiley presents six unforgettable portraits exploring the perils of domestic life. I am thirty-five years old, and it seems to me that I have reached the age of grief. Others arrive there sooner. Almost no one arrives much later . . . In the title novella, a man who has reached the 'age of grief' slowly realizes that his wife is in love with someone else. Unsure whether his marriage is best protected by confronting her or by feigning ignorance, he struggles to repress his anguish and to prevent his wife discovering that he is aware of her infidelity . . . Accompanying this novella are five short stories, including The Pleasure of Her Company, in which a lonely, single woman befriends the married couple next door, hoping to learn the secret to their happiness. And Long Distance, in which a man finds himself relieved of the obligation to continue an affair that is no longer compelling to him, only to be waylaid by the guilt he feels at his easy escape.

Global Environmental Constitutionalism

Book Description

Reflecting a global trend, scores of countries have affirmed that their citizens are entitled to healthy air, water, and land and that their constitution should guarantee certain environmental rights. This book examines the increasing recognition that the environment is a proper subject for protection in constitutional texts and for vindication by constitutional courts. This phenomenon, which the authors call environmental constitutionalism, represents the confluence of constitutional law, international law, human rights, and environmental law. National apex and constitutional courts are exhibiting a growing interest in environmental rights, and as courts become more aware of what their peers are doing, this momentum is likely to increase. This book explains why such provisions came into being, how they are expressed, and the extent to which they have been, and might be, enforced judicially. It is a singular resource for evaluating the content of and hope for constitutional environmental rights.

The Key to Personal Peace

Book Description

People are seeking the answer to the confusion, the moral sickness, the spiritual emptiness that oppresses the world. We are all crying out for guidance. For comfort. For peace. Is there a way out of our dilemma? Can we really find personal peace with God? Yes! But only if we look in the right place. The Key to Personal Peace not only includes trusted Biblical insights from renowned evangelist Dr. Billy Graham, but also includes the full gospel of John, making the book a perfect gift for evangelism or outreach. The Key to Personal Peace offers a look into how to live life in the fullness of God. Sections include: The Great Quest Our Dilemma What is God Like What Did Jesus Do for Us? Finding the Way Back Peace at Last Heaven, Our Hope Note: Must be ordered in multiples of 50.

Las Llaves Del éXito

Book Description

¿Quieres mejorar tu vida y hacerte acreedor de las maravillas que el Universo tiene para ti? ¿Buscas tener relaciones sanas y edificantes? ¿Deseas realizar el trabajo que siempre has soñado? ¿Has buscado siempre tener más ingresos de los que tienes? Todas las personas andan buscando como mejorar sus vidas y obtener un excelente rendimiento sin que haya un desgaste físico; el lector tiene derecho a una vida plena y próspera donde el éxito esté presente en toda su vida. Esto no es una ilusión porque encontrarás muchas maneras de despertar la prosperidad personal y profesional. Aquí encontrarás un camino al despertar espiritual con sabor a éxito personal. Entrena tu mente y espíritu hacia una vida plena de realización y felicidad. El lector durante el camino que se dispone a recorrer aprenderá a descubrir un mundo mágico que le llenará de armonía, logrando una comunicación con todas las enseñanzas que encontrará en cada historia. Usted descubrirá todo el potencial del que dispone en su interior y se dejará bañar con la magia de sus palabras creando la vida que tanto ha soñado.

Cancer as a Wake-Up Call

Book Description

An oncologist’s integrative path to treating and living better with or beyond cancer Dr. M. Laura Nasi presents a new way of looking at how we view and treat cancer. With current advances in medicine, we’re learning more about the ways different aspects of our lives and health impact and interact with one another—why does one long-term smoker get diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer while another remains cancer-free? Why does someone exposed to a known carcinogen get sick while someone else is apparently immune? What seemingly unrelated factors end up playing key roles in disease etiology, progression, and prognosis? In this well-researched, inspiring, and easy-to-read guide, Dr. Nasi offers an integrative, whole-person approach to cancer, and explains how it is a systemic disease manifesting a global condition locally. Conventional medicine focuses on attacking malignant cells. Integrative medicine encourages chemo and radiation when necessary, while also focusing on a patient’s internal balance to help halt the disease. Nasi draws on the latest research on the PNIE (psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrine) network to help our systems recognize, repair, or eliminate the cancer cells, focusing on nutrition, stress management, exercise, adequate sleep, healthy relationships, and other body/mind/spirit modalities. Dr. Nasi encourages patients to become empowered agents of their own care.

Understanding Mexicans and Americans

Book Description

The Communication Lexicon is a new concept; it is a new source of information in the field of language and area studies. Its focus is on people's way of thinking, their frame of reference, their characteristic outlook on life. Compared to the more traditional area studies, our main focus is not on history or religion or geography, not on tangible material realities of existence in a particular country, but rather on people's shared subjective views of those real ities which are dominant in their minds. The focus of the analysis is essentially psychological; it is centered on perceptions and motivations which influence people's choices and behavior. Compared to individual psychology, the information repre sented by this volume is psycho-cultural in that it is centered on the shared perceptions and motivations which people with the same language, backgrounds, and experiences develop together into a shared cultural view or subjective representation of their universe. The attention psycho-cultural factors are receiving these days follows from the growing realization that their influences are powerful and yet they occur without people's awareness. Based on extensive empirical data produced through an analytic technique of indepth assessment, the Communication Lexicon presents the culturally characteristic system of meanings which members of a particular cultural community develop in construing their world. At the level of specifics the lexicon describes how selected themes such as family, society, work, and entertainment are perceived and understood by members of three cultures: Mexicans, Colombians, and U.S.