Poetry and the Aesthetics of Commitment in South African Literature

Book Description

What is literature? What is poetry? How do poets committed to the idea of using poetry as a weapon of socio-cultural and political struggle manage to impress their works in the minds and memories of men long after the struggle has been fought and won or lost? What will a new generation of poets write about after the explosive social contradictions that inspired older poets have been resolved? Why do the themes and styles of poets in transitional societies change along with human fortunes and circumstances? This book provides answers to these questions and more... using the poetic heritage of South Africa. It is a compelling pedagogic work, a must-read for every student, researcher and teacher of African poetry, and a collector’s item for the general public.

Poetry and the Aesthetics of Commitment in South African Literature

Book Description

What is literature? What is poetry? How do poets committed to the idea of using poetry as a weapon of socio-cultural and political struggle manage to impress their works in the minds and memories of men long after the struggle has been fought and won or lost? What will a new generation of poets write about after the explosive social contradictions that inspired older poets have been resolved? Why do the themes and styles of poets in transitional societies change along with human fortunes and circumstances? This book provides answers to these questions and more... using the poetic heritage of South Africa. It is a compelling pedagogic work, a must-read for every student, researcher and teacher of African poetry, and a collector's item for the general public.

Writing my Reading

Book Description

These essays are interventions in a cultural contestation in South Africa during the Seventies and Eighties. Some of them are more general in nature and were written in the first instance as public oral interventions in debates whose outcome contributed to the founding of South Africa's post-apartheid society. Other essays are more specifically aimed at poetic practices, particularly as these have been of crucial aesthetic and ultimately ethical importance in a critical phase of South Africa's painful development. Intimate knowledge of (and personal involvement in) the commitment of literature to concrete political situations informs these succinct and spirited essays, along with Horn's measured familiarity with European traditions of political, cultural and ideological thought. The topics covered include: the social context of South African poetry; poetry and apartheid; the praise-singing tradition and the liberation struggle; German documentary theatre and South African workers' theatre; the necessity of popular culture; post-Freudian readings and feminist aesthetics; censorship and society; and essays on individual South African poets (Jeremy Cronin; Wopko Jensma; Abduraghiem Johnstone; Mzwakhe Mbuli; Mongane Serote; Ari Sitas).

Postcolonial African Writers

Book Description

This reference book surveys the richness of postcolonial African literature. The volume begins with an introductory essay on postcolonial criticism and African writing, then presents alphabetically arranged profiles of some 60 writers, including Chinua Achebe, Nadine Gordimer, Bessie Head, Doris Lessing, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Tahbar Ben Jelloun, among others. Each entry includes a brief biography, a discussion of major works and themes that appear in the author's writings, an overview of the critical response to the author's work, and a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. These profiles are written by expert contributors and reflect many different perspectives. The volume concludes with a selected general bibliography of the most important critical works on postcolonial African literature.

Scholarship and Commitment

Book Description

Professor Darah turned seventy on Wednesday November 22, 2017 and to celebrate his very productive career, his colleagues and many of those he has mentored thought it appropriate to mark his official exit from the university in a dignified way by commissioning for publication, in the now acceptable festschrift tradition, the highly compelling and outstanding collection of essays titled: Scholarship and Commitment: Essays in Honour of G.G. Darah. The book is a ground-breaking collection of essays; some are couched as tributes to the ebullient celebrant, there are others on more serious discourses in the areas of literary theories and criticism, language and linguistics, popular literature and politics, the African woman, identity and contemporary realities, oral literature, the news media and cultural studies. The essays, on their own, attest to the vivacity and liveliness as well as the encouraging state of health of publishing in the Nigerian academia, which in this collection alone, parades forty-two essays in different fields or discourses.

Critical Perspectives on Dennis Brutus

Book Description

Poet, activist, teacher, and scholar, Dennis Brutus is an influential figure in African literature. Exploring his life and writings, this volume looks at Brutus's childhood, university days, his arrest and imprisonment, and his eventual return to South Africa in 1991.

The Black Theatre Movement in the United States and in South Africa

Book Description

El creixement dels moviments sociopolítics entre els anys seixanta i noranta als Estats Units i a Sud-àfrica va establir els ferms fonaments sobre els quals, amb una força i ímpetu sense precedents, es va forjar el teatre negre d?aquests anys. Forma i contingut van sorgir a l?una del compromís polític i artístic adoptat per aquests artistes contra l?imperialisme, el colonialisme i el racisme occidentals. Per primera vegada en la història, el teatre negre dels Estats Units i de Sud-àfrica analitzava i valorava les arrels negres per a poder il·luminar la recerca d?un futur de llibertat. No obstant això, el context sociopolític i les circumstàncies específiques de cada país han generat igualment els trets distintius del teatre afronord-americà i negre sud-africà (incloses les diferències de gènere) manifestos en ramificacions artístiques totalment heterogènies i úniques.

Soweto Poetry

Book Description

This anthology seeks to understand and appreciate a major phenomenon in South African literary and political life - the rise to prominence of a Black Consciousness poetry, called the New Black Poetry of the 1970s, or Soweto Poetry. The contributions, republished here 25 years later, gain resonance in retrospect. They draw on the insights of many leading literary commentators including Peter Abrahams, H.I.E Dhlomo, Nat Nakasa, Es'kia Mphahlele, James Matthews, Lionel Abrahams, Douglas Livingstone, Njabulo S. Ndebele, and Mbulelo Mzamane. They remind us of what editor Michael Chapman identifies as the inheritance of the Soweto voices, part of a global movement towards a non-elitist poetry of ethical power. The challenge of such an aesthetic, a poetry that is both simple and profound, lends continuing relevance to these perspectives. This collection was initially published in the revolutionary aftermath of Soweto '76 and is reprinted in this current edition.

The Black Theatre Movement in the United States and in South America

Book Description

El creixement dels moviments sociopolítics entre els anys seixanta i noranta als Estats Units i a Sud-àfrica va establir els ferms fonaments sobre els quals, amb una força i ímpetu sense precedents, es va forjar el teatre negre d'aquests anys. Forma i contingut van sorgir a l'una del compromís polític i artístic adoptat per aquests artistes contra l'imperialisme, el colonialisme i el racisme occidentals. Per primera vegada en la història, el teatre negre dels Estats Units i de Sud-àfrica analitzava i valorava les arrels negres per a poder il·luminar la recerca d'un futur de llibertat. No obstant això, el context sociopolític i les circumstàncies específiques de cada país han generat igualment els trets distintius del teatre afronord-americà i negre sud-africà (incloses les diferències de gènere) manifestos en ramificacions artístiques totalment heterogènies i úniques.