Point Defects in Semiconductors II

Book Description

In introductory solid-state physics texts we are introduced to the concept of a perfect crystalline solid with every atom in its proper place. This is a convenient first step in developing the concept of electronic band struc ture, and from it deducing the general electronic and optical properties of crystalline solids. However, for the student who does not proceed further, such an idealization can be grossly misleading. A perfect crystal does not exist. There are always defects. It was recognized very early in the study of solids that these defects often have a profound effect on the real physical properties of a solid. As a result, a major part of scientific research in solid-state physics has,' from the early studies of "color centers" in alkali halides to the present vigorous investigations of deep levels in semiconductors, been devoted to the study of defects. We now know that in actual fact, most of the interest ing and important properties of solids-electrical, optical, mechanical- are determined not so much by the properties of the perfect crystal as by its im perfections.

Point Defects in Semiconductors I

Book Description

From its early beginning before the war, the field of semiconductors has developped as a classical example where the standard approximations of 'band theory' can be safely used to study its interesting electronic properties. Thus in these covalent crystals, the electronic structure is only weakly coupled with the atomic vibrations; one-electron Bloch functions can be used and their energy bands can be accurately computed in the neighborhood of the energy gap between the valence and conduction bands; nand p doping can be obtained by introducing substitutional impurities which only introduce shallow donors and acceptors and can be studied by an effective-mass weak-scattering description. Yet, even at the beginning, it was known from luminescence studies that these simple concepts failed to describe the various 'deep levels' introduced near the middle of the energy gap by strong localized imperfections. These imperfections not only include some interstitial and many substitutional atoms, but also 'broken bonds' associated with surfaces and interfaces, dis location cores and 'vacancies', i.e., vacant iattice sites in the crystal. In all these cases, the electronic structure can be strongly correlated with the details of the atomic structure and the atomic motion. Because these 'deep levels' are strongly localised, electron-electron correlations can also playa significant role, and any weak perturbation treatment from the perfect crystal structure obviously fails. Thus, approximate 'strong coupling' techniques must often be used, in line' with a more chemical de scription of bonding.

Point Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators

Book Description

The precedent book with the title "Structural Analysis of Point Defects in Solids: An introduction to multiple magnetic resonance spectroscopy" ap peared about 10 years ago. Since then a very active development has oc curred both with respect to the experimental methods and the theoretical interpretation of the experimental results. It would therefore not have been sufficient to simply publish a second edition of the precedent book with cor rections and a few additions. Furthermore the application of the multiple magnetic resonance methods has more and more shifted towards materials science and represents one of the important methods of materials analysis. Multiple magnetic resonances are used less now for "fundamental" studies in solid state physics. Therefore a more "pedestrian" access to the meth ods is called for to help the materials scientist to use them or to appreciate results obtained by using these methods. We have kept the two introduc tory chapters on conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of the precedent book which are the base for the multiple resonance methods. The chapter on optical detection of EPR (ODEPR) was supplemented by sections on the structural information one can get from "forbidden" transitions as well as on spatial correlations between defects in the so-called "cross relaxation spectroscopy". High-field ODEPR/ENDOR was also added. The chapter on stationary electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) was supplemented by the method of stochastic END OR developed a few years ago in Paderborn which is now also commercially available.

Point and Extended Defects in Semiconductors

Book Description

The systematic study of defects in semiconductors began in the early fifties. FrQm that time on many questions about the defect structure and properties have been an swered, but many others are still a matter of investigation and discussion. Moreover, during these years new problems arose in connection with the identification and char acterization of defects, their role in determining transport and optical properties of semiconductor materials and devices, as well as from the technology of the ever in creasing scale of integration. This book presents to the reader a view into both basic concepts of defect physics and recent developments of high resolution experimental techniques. The book does not aim at an exhaustive presentation of modern defect physics; rather it gathers a number of topics which represent the present-time research in this field. The volume collects the contributions to the Advanced Research Workshop "Point, Extended and Surface Defects in Semiconductors" held at the Ettore Majo rana Centre at Erice (Italy) from 2 to 7 November 1988, in the framework of the International School of Materials Science and Technology. The workshop has brought together scientists from thirteen countries. Most participants are currently working on defect problems in either silicon submicron technology or in quantum wells and superlattices, where point defects, dislocations, interfaces and surfaces are closely packed together.

Charged Semiconductor Defects

Book Description

Defects in semiconductors have been studied for many years, in many cases with a view toward controlling their behaviour through various forms of “defect engineering”. For example, in the bulk, charging significantly affects the total concentration of defects that are available to mediate phenomena such as solid-state diffusion. Surface defects play an important role in mediating surface mass transport during high temperature processing steps such as epitaxial film deposition, diffusional smoothing in reflow, and nanostructure formation in memory device fabrication. “Charged Defects in Semiconductors” details the current state of knowledge regarding the properties of the ionized defects that can affect the behaviour of advanced transistors, photo-active devices, catalysts, and sensors. Features: group IV, III-V, and oxide semiconductors; intrinsic and extrinsic defects; and, point defects, as well as defect pairs, complexes and clusters.

Defects in Semiconductors

Book Description

This volume, number 91 in the Semiconductor and Semimetals series, focuses on defects in semiconductors. Defects in semiconductors help to explain several phenomena, from diffusion to getter, and to draw theories on materials' behavior in response to electrical or mechanical fields. The volume includes chapters focusing specifically on electron and proton irradiation of silicon, point defects in zinc oxide and gallium nitride, ion implantation defects and shallow junctions in silicon and germanium, and much more. It will help support students and scientists in their experimental and theoretical paths. Expert contributors Reviews of the most important recent literature Clear illustrations A broad view, including examination of defects in different semiconductors

Point Defects in Solids

Book Description

Volume 1 of Point Defects in Solids has as its major emphasis defects in ionic solids. Volume 2 now extends this emphasis to semiconductors. The first four chapters treat in some detail the creation, kinetic behavior, inter actions, and physical properties of both simple and composite defects in a variety of semiconducting systems. Also included, as in Vol. 1, are chapters on special topics, namely phonon-defect interactions and defects in organic crystals. Defect behavior in semiconductors has been a subject of considerable interest since the discovery some twenty-five years ago that fast neutron irradiation profoundly affected the electrical characteristics of germanium and silicon. Present-day interest has been stimulated by such semiconductor applications as solar cell power plants for space stations and satellites and semiconductor particle and y-ray detectors, since in both radiation damage can cause serious deterioration. Of even greater practical concern is the need to understand particle damage in order to capitalize upon the develop ing technique of ion implantation as a means of device fabrication. Although the periodic international conferences on radiation effects in semiconductors have served the valuable function of summarizing the extensive work being done in this field, these proceedings are much too detailed and lack the background discussion needed to make them useful to the novice.

Structural Analysis of Point Defects in Solids

Book Description

Strutural Analysis of Point Defects in Solids introduces the principles and techniques of modern electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy essentialfor applications to the determination of microscopic defect structures. Investigations of the microscopic and electronic structure, and also correlations with the magnetic propertiesof solids, require various multiple magnetic resonance methods, such as ENDOR and optically detected EPR or ENDOR. This book discusses experimental, technological and theoretical aspects of these techniques comprehensively, from a practical viewpoint, with many illustrative examples taken from semiconductors and other solids. The nonspecialist is informed about the potential of the different methods, while the researcher faced with the task of determining defect structures isprovided with the necessary tools, together with much information on computer-aided methods of data analysis and the principles of modern spectrometer design.

Defects and Diffusion in Semiconductors

Book Description

This fifth volume in the series covering the latest results in the field includes abstracts of papers which appeared within the approximate period of mid-2001 to mid-2002. The scope of this coverage again includes, in addition to traditional semiconductors, the increasingly important carbide, nitride and silicide semiconductors. Semiconducting oxides are not covered, as information on these can be found in the "Defects and Diffusion in Ceramics" series. However, the invited papers this time deal exclusively with staple semiconducting materials: including work on interstitial clusters, intrinsic point defects, and {113} defects in silicon; defect states in InAs quantum dots and defect generation at ZnSe/GaAs interfaces. There are also papers treating a wide range of general themes: such as tracer diffusion in a concentrated lattice gas, defect luminescence in layered chalcogenide semiconductors, defect formation after laser thermal processing, redistribution of point defects in an inhomogeneous temperature field, and very general mathematical techniques for determining basic diffusion parameters.