Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing

Book Description

This book provides basic and advanced concepts of synthetic aperture radar (SAR), PolSAR, InSAR, PolInSAR, and all necessary information about various applications and analysis of data of multiple sensors. It includes information on SAR remote sensing, data processing, and separate applications of SAR technology, compiled in one place. It will help readers to use active microwave imaging sensor-based information in geospatial technology and applications. This book: Covers basic and advanced concepts of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing Introduces spaceborne SAR sensors Discusses applications of SAR remote sensing in earth observation Explores utilization of SAR data for solid earth, ecosystem, and cryosphere, including imaging of extra-terrestrial bodies Includes PolSAR and PolInSAR for aboveground forest biomass retrieval, as well as InSAR and PolSAR for snow parameters retrieval This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in remote sensing, photogrammetry, geoscience, image processing, agriculture, environment, forestry, and image processing.


Book Description

The Earth has limited material and energy resources. Further development of the humanity will require going beyond our planet for mining and use of extraterrestrial mineral resources and search of power sources. The exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon is a first natural step on this direction. Lunar materials may contribute to the betterment of conditions of people on Earth but they also may be used to establish permanent settlements on the Moon. This will allow developing new technologies, systems and flight operation techniques to continue space exploration. In fact, a new branch of human civilization could be established permanently on Moon in the next century. But, meantime, an inventory and proper social assessment of Moon’s prospective energy and material resources is required. This book investigates the possibilities and limitations of various systems supplying manned bases on Moon with energy and other vital resources. The book collects together recent proposals and innovative options and solutions. It is a useful source of condensed information for specialists involved in current and impending Moon-related activities and a good starting point for young researchers.

Automatic Crater Detection for Lunar Surface and SAR Image Simulation

Book Description

This research work focuses on development of algorithms for automated methods applied to Lunar impact craters utilizing imagery and DEM datasets obtained from various Lunar missions. Our work can be summarized into four categories of algorithms namely for automatic detection of Lunar craters from optical or DEM image; automatic classification of Lunar craters according to their modification stages; automatic determination of morphometric parameters of craters and simulation of dependencies of projectile and target properties on impact crater formation mechanism. The objectives aimed upon and achieved in this study are summarized as: I. Propose a robust and efficient crater detection algorithm for optical as well as DEM images a. Perform objective and subjective analysis of edge detection operators b. Implement commonly used crater detection techniques to provide common platform for comparison c. Validation of invariances of SIFT representation We propose a crater detection technique comprising of two phases employing both unsupervised and supervised techniques. In the first phase, crater candidates are identified using a memory efficient circle fitting algorithm with modifications to reduce false detections. The prospective craters detected are fed to the second phase wherein the crater detection problem is implemented as an image classification problem classifying into crater/non-crater category. We propose classification framework which extracts local features from image using Scale Invariant feature transform followed by sparse coding, pooled using Spatial Pyramid matching and classified by SVM classifier. II. Present a Novell framework for automatic determination of morphometric parameters of Lunar craters This study focuses on development of algorithms for automatically determining morphometric parameters from a given crater image. The morphometric parameters under study are diameter(D), depth(d), rim width(w) and rim height (h).. III. Automatic classification of crater according to its modification stage as fresh/degraded/floor-fractured

Polarisation: Applications in Remote Sensing

Book Description

This is a monograph concerning the scattering of electromagnetic waves from surfaces to generate information for the purposes of remote sensing. It combines, for the first time, a treatment of two important new ideas, namely information from the orientation or polarisation of the wave and how it can be combined with interferometry.

A Kalman Approach to Lunar Surface Navigation Using Radiometric and Inertial Measurements

Book Description

Future lunar missions supporting the NASA Vision for Space Exploration will rely on a surface navigation system to determine astronaut position, guide exploration, and return safely to the lunar habitat. In this report, we investigate one potential architecture for surface navigation, using an extended Kalman filter to integrate radiometric and inertial measurements. We present a possible infrastructure to support this technique, and we examine an approach to simulating navigational accuracy based on several different system configurations. The results show that position error can be reduced to 1 m after 5 min of processing, given two satellites, one surface communication terminal, and knowledge of the starting position to within 100 m. Chelmins, David T. and Welch, Bryan W. and Sands, O. Scott and Nguyen, Binh V. Glenn Research Center LUNAR SURFACE; SURFACE NAVIGATION; SPACE EXPLORATION; POSITION ERRORS; SYSTEMS ENGINEERING; TELECOMMUNICATION; HABITATS; KALMAN FILTERS; RADIOMETERS