Polariton Physics

Book Description

This book offers an overview of polariton Bose–Einstein condensation and the emerging field of polaritonics, providing insights into the necessary theoretical basics, technological aspects and experimental studies in this fascinating field of science. Following a summary of theoretical considerations, it guides readers through the rich physics of polariton systems, shedding light on the concept of the polariton laser, polariton microcavities, and the technical realization of optoelectronic devices with polaritonic emissions, before discussing the role of external fields used for the manipulation and control of exciton–polaritons. A glossary provides simplified summaries of the most frequently discussed topics, allowing readers to quickly familiarize themselves with the content. The book pursues an uncomplicated and intuitive approach to the topics covered, while also providing a brief outlook on current and future work. Its straightforward content will make it accessible to a broad readership, ranging from research fellows, lecturers and students to interested science and engineering professionals in the interdisciplinary domains of nanotechnology, photonics, materials sciences and quantum physics.

The Physics of Exciton-Polariton Condensates

Book Description

After the first demonstration of Bose Einstein condensation in the solid state in 2006 and the establishment of exciton polariton condensates in the wider scientific community, an intense interest has been attracted by this phenomenon at both theoretical and experimental level. This book presents in detail the different aspects of fundamental impor

Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities

Book Description

In the past decade, there has been a burst of new and fascinating physics associated to the unique properties of two-dimensional exciton polaritons, their recent demonstration of condensation under non-equilibrium conditions and all the related quantum phenomena, which have stimulated extensive research work. This monograph summarizes the current state of the art of research on exciton polaritons in microcavities: their interactions, fast dynamics, spin-dependent phenomena, temporal and spatial coherence, condensation under non-equilibrium conditions, related collective quantum phenomena and most advanced applications. The monograph is written by the most active authors who have strongly contributed to the advances in this area. It is of great interests to both physicists approaching this subject for the first time, as well as a wide audience of experts in other disciplines who want to be updated on this fast moving field.

The Physics of Exciton-Polariton Condensates

Book Description

In 2006 researchers created the first polariton Bose-Einstein condensate at 19K in the solid state. Being inherently open quantum systems, polariton condensates open a window into the unpredictable world of physics beyond the “fifth state of matter”: the limited lifetime of polaritons renders polariton condensates out-of-equilibrium and provides a fertile test-bed for non-equilibrium physics. This book presents an experimental investigation into exciting features arising from this non-equilibrium behavior. Through careful experimentation, the author demonstrates the ability of polaritons to synchronize and create a single energy delocalized condensate. Under certain disorder and excitation conditions the complete opposite case of coexisting spatially overlapping condensates may be observed. The author provides the first demonstration of quantized vortices in polariton condensates and the first observation of fractional vortices with full phase and amplitude characterization. Finally, this book investigates the dynamics of polariton populations trapped in neighboring potential traps – and shows that coherent population oscillations are observed – in direct analogy to the AC Josephson effect. This book puts significant weight on both the details of the experimental techniques and the theoretical tools used pick apart the experimental findings making it an invaluable aide for condensed matter researchers interested in exciton-polaritons condensates.

Surface Polaritons

Book Description

Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences, Volume I: Surface Polaritons: Electromagnetic Waves at Surfaces and Interfaces describes the basic properties of surface polaritons and the methods of generating these waves in the laboratory at frequencies of interest to condensed matter physicists. The selection first elaborates on surface phonon polaritons in dielectrics and semiconductors and surface exciton polaritons from the experimental viewpoint. Discussions focus on interface polaritons; surface vibrations in anisotropic crystals; experimental methods for the excitation and study of surface polaritons; and surface vibrations in isotropic crystals. The publication then ponders on surface electromagnetic wave propagation on metal surfaces; thermally stimulated emission of surface polaritons; and effects of the transition layer and spatial dispersion in the spectra of surface polaritons. The text takes a look at surface polaritons at metal surfaces and interfaces and resonance of transition layer excitations with surface polaritons. Topics include resonance of the film phonon with the substrate surface phonon polaritons; investigations of surface modifications in ultra-high vacuum; and use of surface plasma waves for the investigation of solid-liquid and solid-solid interfaces. The selection is a dependable reference for physicists and engineers wanting to conduct research on surface polaritons.

Cavity Polaritons

Book Description

Volume 32 of the series addresses one of the most rapidly developing research fields in physics: microcavities. Microcavities form a base for fabrication of opto-electronic devices of XXI century, in particular polariton lasers based on a new physical principle with respect to conventional lasers proposed by Einstein in 1917. This book overviews a theory of all major phenomena linked microcavities and exciton-polaritons and is oriented to the reader having no background in solid state theory as well as to the advanced readers interested in theory of exciton-polaritons in microcavities. All major experimental discoveries in the field are addressed as well. · The book is oriented to a general reader and is easy to read for a non-specialist.· Contains an overview of the most essential effects in physics of microcavities experimentally observed and theoretically predicted during the recent decade such as:. · Bose-Einstein condensation at room temperature.· Lasers without inversion of population.· Microcavity boom: optics of the XXI century!· Frequently asked questions on microcavities and responses without formulas. · Half-light-half-matter quasi-particles: base for the future optoelectronic devices

Polaritons in Periodic and Quasiperiodic Structures

Book Description

In recent years there have been exciting developments in techniques for producing multilayered structures of different materials, often with thicknesses as small as only a few atomic layers. These artificial structures, known as superlattices, can either be grown with the layers stacked in an alternating fashion (the periodic case) or according to some other well-defined mathematical rule (the quasiperiodic case). This book describes research on the excitations (or wave-like behavior) of these materials, with emphasis on how the material properties are coupled to photons (the quanta of the light or the electromagnetic radiation) to produce “mixed waves called polaritons. · Clear and comprehensive account of polaritons in multilayered structures · Covers both periodic and quasiperiodic superlattices · Careful attention to theoretical developments and tools · Invaluable guide for researchers in this field · Shows developments from the basics to advanced topics

Near-Field Optics and Surface Plasmon Polaritons

Book Description

This up-to-date overview describes in detail the physics of localized surface plasmon polaritons excited near fine metallic structures and the principles of near-field optics and microscopy related to this localized field. It also covers wider fields, from local spectroscopy to atom manipulation.

24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors

Book Description

The proceedings of this important conference consist of plenary and invited papers published in hard copy and CD-ROM versions. The contributed oral and poster presentations are included in the CD-ROM version only.

Quantum Simulations with Photons and Polaritons

Book Description

This book reviews progress towards quantum simulators based on photonic and hybrid light-matter systems, covering theoretical proposals and recent experimental work. Quantum simulators are specially designed quantum computers. Their main aim is to simulate and understand complex and inaccessible quantum many-body phenomena found or predicted in condensed matter physics, materials science and exotic quantum field theories. Applications will include the engineering of smart materials, robust optical or electronic circuits, deciphering quantum chemistry and even the design of drugs. Technological developments in the fields of interfacing light and matter, especially in many-body quantum optics, have motivated recent proposals for quantum simulators based on strongly correlated photons and polaritons generated in hybrid light-matter systems. The latter have complementary strengths to cold atom and ion based simulators and they can probe for example out of equilibrium phenomena in a natural driven-dissipative setting. This book covers some of the most important works in this area reviewing the proposal for Mott transitions and Luttinger liquid physics with light, to simulating interacting relativistic theories, topological insulators and gauge field physics. The stage of the field now is at a point where on top of the numerous theory proposals; experiments are also reported. Connecting to the theory proposals presented in the chapters, the main experimental quantum technology platforms developed from groups worldwide to realize photonic and polaritonic simulators in the laboratory are also discussed. These include coupled microwave resonator arrays in superconducting circuits, semiconductor based polariton systems, and integrated quantum photonic chips. This is the first book dedicated to photonic approaches to quantum simulation, reviewing the fundamentals for the researcher new to the field, and providing a complete reference for the graduate student starting or already undergoing PhD studies in this area.