Police and Justice Co-Operation and the New European Borders

Book Description

When we consider the ideal of the `family' of nations implied by the European Union, it seems unnatural to deal with the question of where Europe's borders lie. Yet the question is urgently raised by grave issues of internal and external security. As the European Union's imminent eastward and southern expansion becomes reality--side by side with the evolving new emphasis on security spawned by the events of September 11, 2001--we must be sure that the Schengen norms remain viable. It is also crucial to take full account of the impact of the enlarged European Union on the non-candidate countries of Eastern Europe. This important book takes the position that trust is the essential ingredient. Fourteen distinguished authors reveal various ways of achieving a level of trust among the members of the enlarged European Union adequate to the need for full freedom, security, and justice. The contexts in which trust must be established include police and judicial cooperation; the fight against terrorism, organized crime, and human trafficking: the latent threats to freedom of movement posed by national responses to increased immigration; and the transparent extension of EU Justice and Home Affairs measures to the candidate countries. The authors include political actors, policymakers, advisers, experts, and researchers from all parts of Europe. Their individual and collective contributions, in each case built solidly on thorough analysis of the relevant issues, bring a wide range of profound and wide-reaching insights to a vital subject. The book is of great significance not only for those charged with law enforcement and security, but also to all academics and policymakers concerned with the future of Europe.

Security versus Justice?

Book Description

One of the most dynamic areas of EU law since the great changes brought to the EU constitutional order by the Amsterdam Treaty in 1999 has been cooperation in the fields of policing and criminal justice. Both fields have already been the subject of substantial legislative effort in the EU and an increasing amount of judicial activity in the European Court of Justice. In 2007 - after the Constitutional Treaty of 2004 failed - the new Reform Treaty planned very substantive changes to these policies. Bringing together a wide-ranging set of topics and contributors, this book enables readers to understand these changes by examining three key questions: how did we get to the Reform Treaty; what have been - and still are - the key struggles in competence; and how do the changes fit into the transformation of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the EU?

Europol and Police Cooperation in Europe

Book Description

This research examines the European intelligence agency, Europol. It looks at the application of the centralized mode of information exchange to the information and intelligence exchange process between Europol and member states. The data gathered shows whether this agency is the most appropriate mode of data collection, or whether another model should have been adopted.

The Future of Police and Judicial Cooperation in the EU

Book Description

Since the early 1990s, cross-border police and judicial cooperation has become a very important domain of the European Union. The Lisbon Treaty – if accepted by all the Member States – will certainly be a major stimulus to its further development in the field of internal security as well as in the field of external policy. In any event, the recent proposal for a new third comprehensive policy programme with regard to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice – the so-called Stockholm Programme – foreshadows some of the changes the Brussels institutions and the Member States would like to embrace in the coming years. This book contains the contributions of scholars and practitioners to a conference on the future of police and judicial cooperation in the European Union that took place in November 2008 at Tilburg University. Referring to what has been achieved in this domain since the Treaty of Maastricht, these papers not only assess the proposals that have been put forward in successive policy documents relating to the Stockholm Programme, but they also pinpoint to the ongoing problems in the theory and practice of police and judicial cooperation within the European Union and to the ways in which these questions could best be solved.

Trust in International Police and Justice Cooperation

Book Description

The use of extra-territorial intelligence is growing among security, border, and public agencies. Internationally, rapidly evolving efforts to tackle transnational crime entail the exchange of intelligence across jurisdictions and state borders as well as the 'linking' of law enforcement operations. This book provides a number of different perspectives from across Europe, Australasia and Canada to examine recent cooperation experiences and the challenges faced in practice. The book brings together scholars from a range of legal and criminological fields to examine the legal imperatives and social parameters that shape international police and justice cooperation and highlights the importance of both trust and clear legal rules to ensure effective cooperation. It focuses on areas where cooperation is now mandated, but where significant issues are raised, including the international and regional methods of information and intelligence exchange and challenges to human rights protection; the coordination of international and regional exchange of evidence, such as forensic bioinformation; police cooperation in international investigations and the added value of formalising investigative strategies across jurisdictions regionally and internationally and the operation, accountability and legitimacy of organisations and institutions of 'cooperation' in law enforcement and specific international policing 'missions'.

Cross-Border Law Enforcement

Book Description

This innovative volume explores issues of law enforcement cooperation across borders from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. In doing so it adopts a comparative framework hitherto unexplored; namely the EU and the Australsian/Asia-Pacific region whose relative geopolitical remoteness from each other decreases with every incremental increase in globalisation. The borders under examination include both macro-level cooperation between nation-states, as well as micro-level cooperation between different Executive agencies within a nation-state. In terms of disciplinary borders the contributions demonstrate the breadth of academic insight that can be brought to bear on this topic. The volume contributes to the wider context for evidence-based policy-making and knowledge-based policing by bringing together leading academics, public policy-makers, legal practitioners and law enforcement officials from Europe, Australia and the Asian-Pacific region, to shed new light on the pressing problems impeding cross-border policing and law enforcement globally and regionally. Problems common to all jurisdictions are discussed and innovative ‘best practice’ solutions and models are considered. The book is structured in four parts: Police cooperation in the EU; in Australia; in the Asia-Pacific Region; and finally it considers issues of jurisdiction and due process/human rights issues, with a focus on regional cooperation strategies for countering human trafficking, organised crime and terrorism. The book will be of interest to both academic and practitioner communities in policing, criminology, international relations, and comparative Asia-Pacific and EU legal studies.

Policing Cooperation Across Borders

Book Description

This book provides new insights into police cooperation from a comparative socio-legal perspective. It presents a broad analysis of comparable police cooperation strategies in two systems: the EU and Australia. The evolution of regulatory trends and cooperation models is analysed for both systems and possible transferable strategies identified. Drawing on interviews with practitioners in the EU and Australia this book highlights a number of areas where the EU can be compared to a federal system and addresses the advantages and disadvantages of being a Union or a federation of states with a view to police cooperation practice. Particular topics addressed are the evolution of legal frameworks regulating police cooperation, informal cooperation strategies, Joint Investigation Teams, Europol and regional cooperation. These instruments foster police cooperation, but could be improved with a view to cooperation practice by learning from regulatory techniques and practitioner experiences of the respective other system.

Police Cooperation and Sovereignty in the EU

Book Description

The State and the police are traditionally seen as closely connected phenomena. Today, however, rapid EU legal developments mean that European police forces are no longer tied to a specific national legal context or a specific territory in the way they used to be. Norway is not a member of the EU. Or is it? This book shows that although it lacks formal membership status, Norway has become part of almost all of the major EU police cooperation measures and agreements. Not only does this mean that foreign police forces may operate on Norwegian territory and vice versa, but in addition, a wide range of EU regulations and cooperation instruments are incorporated directly into Norwegian law. With the increased focus on international and transnational police cooperation in mind, what does it mean to be a sovereign state in Europe today? This book combines strong legal and theoretical analyses of a specific national system to show how this country is tied to and dependent on a wider international and supranational system of legal rules, technologies and concepts. This makes the book relevant not only for the Norwegian prosecution and police authorities, but also for readers outside Norway interested in exploring how and whether the police as a modern state function has changed through the implementation of international cross-border cooperation mechanisms.

Police Co-operation in Europe

Book Description


Rethinking International Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the EU

Book Description

In the European Union, international cooperation in criminal matters has grown exponentially over the past few decades. Importantly, there are a wide variety of authorities involved therein, rendering the traditional distinction between police and judicial cooperation as outdated. Furthermore, its rapid growth exposed this policy field to inconsistencies and incoherence. Additionally, despite the wave of new legislation, important lacunae can be identified, setting important challenges for the future. The combination of these issues clarifies the title of this book: there is a pressing need to rethink international cooperation in criminal matters. In answer to a call from the European Commission, the contributors of this book have designed a comprehensive methodological framework to review the entirety of international cooperation in criminal matters, combining desktop reviews, expert consultations, Member State questionnaires, and focus group meetings in each of the Member States to obtain a comprehensive overview of the currently experienced obstacles and future policy options that are both needed and feasible. Over 150 individuals from different backgrounds contributed to the study, including academics, lawyers, policy makers, police, customs, intelligence services, prosecution, judiciary, correctional authorities, Ministries of Justice, and Home Affairs. The book provides an overview of the research findings and the recommendations formulated. These findings include, but are not limited to: (1) a helicopter view on cooperation with criminal justice finality, (2) a clear demarcation of the role of the judicial authorities, (3) a comprehensive review of refusal grounds, including proportionality and capacity concerns, (4) an assessment of gaps in the current body of instruments regulating international cooperation in criminal matters and possible remedies thereto, (5) a well-considered further development of Eurojust, and (6) ensuring EU wide effect of mere domestic actions. This book represents the first overall analysis of the entirety of international cooperation in criminal matters in the EU. As essential reading, it is an analysis that moves beyond the actors, bringing logic back, footed in reality. (Series: Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy [IRCP] - No. 42)