Poverty and the Social Dimensions of Structural Adjustment in Côte D'Ivoire

Book Description

During the 1980s, many developing countries have entered into an explicit process of structural adjustment. The need for such adjustment has been brought about through combinations of external and internal shocks which have led to unsustainable external deficits. Adjustment is not costless. It calls for changes in the composition of output, with more emphasis being placed on exports, and an outward looking strategy. Therefore, there will be distributional effects with both gainers and losers. Who are the likely losers? Are they already in poverty? If so, how can the adjustment process be managed so as to protect them? This paper addresses these questions by putting forward a conceptual framework and implementing it for the specific case of Cote d'Ivoire. This paper is divided into five sections : 1) lays out the conceptual framework of analysis at the macro and micro level; 2) reviews the structural adjustment program in order to highlight salient features that relate to poverty alleviation; 3) develops an empirical poverty profile for 1985; 4) attempts to link the macroeconomic developments of 1980-85 to poverty; and finally 5) looks ahead and draws out some policy conclusions for future design of structural adjustment loans (SALs).

Tools for Institutional, Political, and Social Analysis of Policy Reform

Book Description

"Analysis of the distributional impact of policy reforms plays an important role in the elaboration and implementation of poverty reduction strategies in developing and transitional countries, promoting evidence-based policy choices and fostering debate on policy reform options. International agencies and national partners are increasingly encouraging a more systematic application of policy reform analysis. Requisite to a systematic application is capacity building within countries as well as within donor agencies." "Tools for Institutional, Political, and Social Analysis of Policy Reform: A Sourcebook for Development Practitioners contributes to this agenda by introducing a framework and a set of practical tools that analyze the institutional, political, and social dimensions of policy design and implementation. The authors fill a perceived gap in knowledge of the application of social tools and complement existing guidance on conventional economic analysis of distributional impacts of reform." "This book will be of interest to commissioners and practitioners working in policy analysis in a range of areas - including macroeconomic, sectoral, and public sector policy - that are subject to ongoing policy reform discussions."--BOOK JACKET.

Making Adjustment Work for the Poor

Book Description

This document was written as part of the work undertaken under the Social Dimensions of Adjustment (SDA) Program in Africa. The program aims at thoroughly integrating social dimensions into economic and financial decision-making. To do so, it pursues several parallel tracks. 1) within each country a special institution building effort is being launched to strengthen national capability for policy analysis and project identification, preparation and implementation. 2) country-specific studies dealing with poverty alleviation and economic policy are being undertaken. 3) developing an adequate data base for analysis of social issues and formulating socioeconomic policy through monitoring surveys and integrated household surveys. 4) improving the understanding of the links among conceptual, empirical, and policy issues involved in the integration of social and economic policies and programs. This report deals mostly with the last track. The objective is to provide guidance to researchers and practioners in assembling and anlyzing the necessary data in order to achieve the objectives of the SDA initiative. It then explores the major policy issues that must be faced by governments to integrate social dimensions in the design of their structural adjustment programs and development plans.