Politica comparativa

Book Description

En un panorama global en evolución, comprender los matices de los sistemas políticos es esencial. *Política Comparada*, parte de la serie *Ciencias Políticas*, ofrece un análisis exhaustivo de la gobernanza, la dinámica del poder y los resultados de las políticas en diversos contextos, lo que la convierte en un recurso clave para comprender las estructuras políticas globales. Reflejos: - 1: Política comparada: explore conceptos fundamentales, metodologías y la importancia de la política comparada. - 2: Ciencias Políticas - Profundiza tu comprensión de las ciencias políticas y su vínculo con la política comparada. - 3: Estudio de caso: aprenda cómo los estudios de caso iluminan fenómenos políticos más amplios. - 4: democratización - Examinar los procesos y desafíos en la transición a sistemas democráticos. - 5: Arend Lijphart - Descubra las contribuciones de Lijphart a la democracia y el diseño institucional. - 6: Teoría de la Modernización - Analizar cómo el desarrollo económico y social afecta el cambio político. - 7: Barrington Moore Jr. - Estudia el trabajo de Moore sobre los orígenes sociales de la dictadura y la democracia. - 8: Theda Skocpol - Comprender las teorías de Skocpol sobre las estructuras estatales y las revoluciones sociales. - 9: Neil Smelser - Profundiza en la investigación de Smelser sobre el cambio social y su relevancia. - 10: Juan José Linz - Explore la investigación de Linz sobre el autoritarismo y las crisis democráticas. - 11: Adam Przeworski - Conozca las ideas de Przeworski sobre la democracia y el desarrollo económico. - 12: Institucionalismo histórico - Investigar el papel del institucionalismo histórico en la configuración de los resultados políticos. - 13: Guillermo O'Donnell - Examina el trabajo de O'Donnell sobre el autoritarismo burocrático y las transiciones democráticas. - 14: Gabriel Almond - Descubra las contribuciones de Almond a la cultura política. - 15: Gerardo L. Munck - Comprender el rigor metodológico de Munck en la investigación comparada. - 16: Alfred Stepan - Estudia las ideas de Stepan sobre el Estado, la democracia y la religión. - 17: David Collier - Explore el trabajo de Collier sobre metodología y formación de conceptos. - 18: Philippe C. Schmitter - Conozca las teorías de Schmitter sobre el corporativismo y las transiciones democráticas. - 19: Teoría de la coyuntura crítica - Comprender el significado de la teoría de la coyuntura crítica en las transformaciones políticas. - 20: Orígenes sociales de la dictadura y la democracia - Investigar las raíces sociales de los regímenes políticos. - 21: Federalismo comparado - Explora las variaciones e implicaciones de los sistemas federales. Este libro ofrece conocimientos estructurados sobre política comparada, lo que lo hace invaluable para profesionales, estudiantes y entusiastas que buscan mejorar su comprensión de los sistemas políticos globales.

Fundamentos de política comparada

Book Description

Este manual investiga las ideas y cuestiones clave que conforman la disciplina de la política comparada: libertad vs. igualdad y cómo se reconcilian o equilibran esos ideales. A partir de ahí se abordan las instituciones básicas del poder -los estados, los mercados, las sociedades, las democracias y los regímenes no democráticos- y se analizan pormenorizadamente en los diversos sistemas políticos. La obra está concebida de forma que proporcione al estudiante las herramientas básicas para comprender la dinámica política del mundo y está respaldada por una sólida estructura pedagógica, con numerosas figuras, tablas, cronologías, listas de conceptos clave y recuadros.

The Great Cat Massacre

Book Description

The landmark history of France and French culture in the eighteenth-century, a winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize When the apprentices of a Paris printing shop in the 1730s held a series of mock trials and then hanged all the cats they could lay their hands on, why did they find it so hilariously funny that they choked with laughter when they reenacted it in pantomime some twenty times? Why in the eighteenth-century version of Little Red Riding Hood did the wolf eat the child at the end? What did the anonymous townsman of Montpelier have in mind when he kept an exhaustive dossier on all the activities of his native city? These are some of the provocative questions the distinguished Harvard historian Robert Darnton answers The Great Cat Massacre, a kaleidoscopic view of European culture during in what we like to call "The Age of Enlightenment." A classic of European history, it is an essential starting point for understanding Enlightenment France.

Constructing the Political Spectacle

Book Description

Thanks to the ready availability of political news today, informed citizens can protect and promote their own interests and the public interest more effectively. Or can they? Murray Edelman argues against this conventional interpretation of politics, one that takes for granted that we live in a world of facts and that people react rationally to the facts they know. In doing so, he explores in detail the ways in which the conspicuous aspects of the political scene are interpretations that systematically buttress established inequalities and interpretations already dominant political ideologies.

Handbook of Bibliometric Indicators

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At last, the first systematic guide to the growing jungle of citation indices and other bibliometric indicators. Written with the aim of providing a complete and unbiased overview of all available statistical measures for scientific productivity, the core of this reference is an alphabetical dictionary of indices and other algorithms used to evaluate the importance and impact of researchers and their institutions. In 150 major articles, the authors describe all indices in strictly mathematical terms without passing judgement on their relative merit. From widely used measures, such as the journal impact factor or the h-index, to highly specialized indices, all indicators currently in use in the sciences and humanities are described, and their application explained. The introductory section and the appendix contain a wealth of valuable supporting information on data sources, tools and techniques for bibliometric and scientometric analysis - for individual researchers as well as their funders and publishers.

Enhancing Synergies in a Collaborative Environment

Book Description

This volume contains a selection of the best papers presented at the 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, XX International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, and International IIE Conference 2014, hosted by ADINGOR, ABEPRO and the IIE, whose mission is to promote links between researchers and practitioners from different branches, to enhance an interdisciplinary perspective of industrial engineering and management. The conference topics covered: operations research, modelling and simulation, computer and information systems, operations research, scheduling and sequencing, logistics, production and information systems, supply chain and logistics, transportation, lean management, production planning and control, production system design, reliability and maintenance, quality management, sustainability and eco-efficiency, marketing and consumer behavior, business administration and strategic management, economic and financial management, technological and organizational innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship, economics engineering, enterprise engineering, global operations and cultural factors, operations strategy and performance, management social responsibility, environment and sustainability. This book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners working in any of the fields mentioned above.

Contemporary Spanish Politics

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With a focus predominantly on the two governments of José Maria Aznar between 1996 and 2004, and the José Luis Zapatero government after 2004, this book provides an introduction for students of Spain's history and its contemporary politics.

Education at a Glance

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The OECD education indicators enable countries to see themselves in light of other countries performance. They reflect on both the human and financial resources invested in education and on the returns of these investments.

The Intentional Teacher

Book Description

Young children and teachers both have active roles in the learning processHow do preschoolers learn and develop? What are the best ways to support learning in the early years? This revised edition of The Intentional Teacher guides teachers to balance both child-guided and adult-guided learning experiences that build on children's interests and focus on what they need to learn to be successful in school and in life.This edition offers new chapters on science, social studies, and approaches to learning. Also included is updated, expanded information on social and emotional development, physical development and health, language and literacy, mathenatics, and the creative arts. In each chapter are many practical teaching strategies that are illustrated with classroom-based anecdotes.The Intentional Teacher encourages readers to- Reflect on their principles and practices- Broaden their thinking about appropriate early curriculum content and instructional methods- Discover specific ideas and teaching strategies for interacting with children in key subject areasIntentional teaching does not happen by chance. This book will help teachers apply their knowledge of children and of content to make thoughtful, intentional use of both child-guided and adult-guided experiences.