Book Description
A brief on my vision on why I would write a stark eye view of the political arena. Sometimes I can't help but have strong feelings that the Lord and my Guarding Angel Michael is constantly on my shoulder watching over me and nudging me on. I'll cite an example that happened to me back when G.W. Bush and AI Gore were in the final throes of trying to determine who was the real elected President. Florida was the center of the crisis. Well about one a.m. in the morning I woke up with a word in my head. I had no idea where it came from. I had never heard it - wasn't sure why it was there- since I hadn't seen it before. It frustrated me to the point of looking it up in the new world dictionary. After hunting for the word that I was unsure of the spelling, I found the word Conflagration which meant a great and destructive fire. My frustration led me to the computer and I started typing an article. At approximately 9 am, I had completed an article that was ready for the opinion page of the Vero Beach Press Journal newspaper. My creativity had turned a great destructive fire into a destructive verbal fire. As an aside, this is one of many reasons for arriving at the book title- "POLITICAL BALDERDASH." Buy it, read it, you'll like it!