Glottogenesis and Language Conflicts in Europe

Book Description

This book consisting of 21 articles is the result of three different symposia held in Zadar (2013), Moscow (2014) and Strasbourg (2016) with focus on two major topics: Glottogenesis and Conflicts in Europe and Safeguarding and protection of European lesser-used languages as formulated in the 1992 EU-Charter. PART I: Univ. of Zadar GLOTTOGENESIS ON THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT: General Introduction (Ureland), Hamel: From the Ice Age to modern languages SOUTHERN EUROPE: Genesis of French (Schmitt), Italian (Agresti, Begioni) and Spanish (Lüdtke) SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE: Genesis of Croatian (Socanac, Granic, Skelin Horvat/Simicic; Skevin/Markovic; Bulgarian (Choparinova) EASTERN EUROPE: Genesis of Russian (Oleinichenko, Iamshanova) CENTRAL EUROPE: Genesis of Germanic (Krasukhin) WESTERN AND CENTRAL EUROPE: Genesis of (Celtic): (Broderick) NORTHERN EUROPE: Genesis of North Sámi (Weinstock) PART II: Linguistic Institute of the Academy of Sciences Moscow Introduction (Ureland); Report on the Moscow Round Table (De Geer); The LSJ-Project (Steller) PART III: René Schickele-Gesellschaft and Council of Europe, Strasbourg Introduction (Ureland); Kalmyk (Bitkeeva); Latin (Merolle); Colloquium in Strasbourg (Woehrling)

State Traditions and Language Regimes

Book Description

Language policies are political. They have political consequences as well as political origins. In State Traditions and Language Regimes, scholars from Asia, Europe, and North America shift focus from the consequences of language policies to how and why states make language policy choices. This shift, theorized through the concept of "language regime," inserts an urgently needed political science perspective into the current dialogue between sociolinguists, who research the societal effects of language policies, and political theorists of language rights, who analyze the normative implications of policies. New analytical tools drawn from comparative politics are showcased to analyze paths taken by different states in establishing language regimes, at times disrupted and redirected at critical junctures. Contributions to the volume include analyses of Canada's increasingly court-driven language policies, the United States’ bifurcated language regime in the aftermath of 9/11, Ireland’s conflicted protection of the Irish language, France's linguistic Jacobin tradition disrupted by Europeanization, the role of political parties and coalitions in language regime stability and change in Taiwan and Southeast Asia, Poland's war-torn history informing policy toward regional languages, and the role of English in international peace-building. While other books look at the political and societal effects of language policy, none seeks to employ a historical institutionalism approach which sets language policy choice in the context of power relations embedded in state traditions. State Traditions and Language Regimes offers a comparative politics perspective, one that enriches interdisciplinary debate on language policy.

Langues et construction européenne

Book Description

Contributions praesentaees en nov. 2007 lors d'une confaerence.

Les enjeux de la nomination des langues

Book Description

Ce premier tome de la serie Le nom des langues, Les enjeux de la nomination d'une langue, presente une dizaine d'etudes de cas concernant: 1. les enjeux scientifiques de la nomination (en anglais, les emplois du terme language lui-meme, puis la nomination, le classement, le denombrement des langues en francais, du XVIIIeme siecle a aujourd'hui); 2. les enjeux de l'institution d'une langue (etudies dans les cas de la langue francaise-romane, de celui du kurde dans les textes legislatifs turcs, de celui de la denomination des langues chez les parlementaires francais en 1994); 3. les enjeux politiques et ideologiques de la nomination (pour l'Europe: cas du breton, des langues en Alsace, des emplois de deutsch et nederlands, et cas du macedonien; pour l'Hispano-Amerique: cas du pano; pour l'Afrique: cas du nom des langues au Mali); 4. les investissements singuliers (nommer le latin et dire ce terme; le recit mythique de la nomination de l'occitan par J. Deteil, dans La Deltheillerie). La categorie de langue resulte d'une elaboration, d'une construction qui ne denote pas un objet naturel: il s'agit en somme de savoir qui a procede a l'acte de delimiter et de nommer l'entite linguistique consideree, dans quelles circonstances et dans quel but. Le nom d'une langue est arbitraire et chacun se revele un mille-feuilles de significations. Ce feuilletage est sans fin car chacun - de l'homme de la rue au linguiste, a l'homme politique - y ajoute ou bien en retranche ce qui arrange la fin qu'il poursuit. Le nom d'une langue est susceptible de mener une trajectoire independante de l'histoire de cette langue, des parlers ainsi designes, et des locuteurs qui la parlent et qui, dans certains cas, manient sa ou ses formes ecrites. Le nom d'une langue est ainsi toujours le nom d'une autre realite, geographique, ethnique, linguistique, institutionnelle, sociolinguistique, et ainsi de suite.

Aid Activities in Europe and Oceania 2003

Book Description

Aid Activities in Europe and Oceania provides detailed information on individual commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of foreign aid to European and Oceanian countries for the year 2003. This yearly publication records the commitments reported ...

De Palerme À Penang

Book Description

The articles collected here trace the intellectual journey of Christian Giordano, head of the Social Anthropology Institute at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. The reader will be transported to places Giordano has explored, loved, or merely visited, from Sicily to Malaysia, from Switzerland to Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Each article illustrates a facet of his work. The journey starts with biographical sketches and continues through different fields of Political Anthropology (Citizenship, Multiculturalism, Ethnicity, Rural Studies, Trust, Postcolonial Studies, Honour). It ends with reflections on the use and abuse of Anthropology.

Aid Activities in Europe and Oceania 2002

Book Description

Aid Activities in Europe and Oceania provides detailed information on individual foreign aid commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid (OA) to countries in Europe and Oceania for the year ...

Aid Activities in Europe and Oceania 1999-2000

Book Description

Aid Activities in Europe and Oceania provides detailed information on individual commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid (OA) to countries in Europe and Oceania for the years 1999 and 2000 ...

Aid Activities in Europe and Oceania 2001-2002

Book Description

This publication provides detailed information on individual commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid (OA) to countries in Europe and Oceania for the years 2001 and 2002. This yearly ...