Book Description

Une politique linguistique est une volonté (nationale, régionale, entrepreneuriale). Une politique linguistique c'est l'action menée par une communauté pour développer au mieux, selon les objectifs visés, la diffusion de la ou des langues qui y circulent. Les langues englobent nécessairement les cultures, et bien que cela soit un pléonasme, il faudrait parler de " politique linguistique culturelle ". Un équilibre doit se construire entre le niveau international, et le patrimonial, l'identitaire.

Canadian Language Policies in Comparative Perspective

Book Description

Capturing the dynamism of Canadian language policies, the essays in this volume analyze and compare the effects, histories, and features of language policies as they have been enacted and implemented by Canadian provincial and federal governments. The contributors' comparisons reveal significant domestic and international implications for language policy. An important study of a social and political issue that has immediate local, national, and international consequences, Canadian Language Policies in Comparative Perspective assembles knowledgeable authorities on language policy to provide a comprehensive synthesis of its consequences.

La Charte. La loi 101 et les Québécois d'expression anglaise / The Charter. Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec

Book Description

La Charte. La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise La Charte de la langue française, communément appelée loi 101, a profondément changé le Québec. Introduite en 1977, la loi décrète la primauté du français dans les ministères et organismes, dans certains lieux de travail et dans l’affichage commercial. Depuis, la minorité d’expression anglaise a connu un déclin démographique et économique et des fermetures d’écoles. Néanmoins, on remarque une croissance de sa vitalité organisationnelle et de sa participation dans le Québec francophone. En explorant les dimensions historiques, politiques, juridiques et socio-économiques de la Charte en lien avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise, cet ouvrage, qui comprend des textes en anglais et en français, fait ressortir la complexité entourant ces questions. The Charter: Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec The Charter of the French Language, also called Bill 101, profoundly changed Quebec. The 1977 law made state institutions, certain workplaces, and commercial signs predominantly French. Since the law's adoption, the English-speaking minority has experienced population loss, economic decline, and school closures, but also a growing organizational vitality and increased participation in Francophone Quebec. This book features chapters in English or French by researchers and engaged citizens. They explore the Charter in relation to English-speaking Quebec and within a broad historical, political, legal, and socio-economic context. A complex view of the Quebec law and its communities emerges.

Quebec-Ontario Relations

Book Description

Ontario-Quebec relations have flourished in recent years. Environmental and economic agreements have proliferated (infrastructure, trade, investment, labour mobility) and a total of three joint provincial -cabinet meetings were held between 2008, 2009, and 2010. These closer ties provide a good opportunity to reflect on the provinces' shared destiny. Our objective in this book is to contribute to the body of knowledge on -Ontario-Quebec relations and spark renewed interest among researchers on this topic.Our methodology combines historical and comparative approaches. The first part focuses specifically on the origin and current state of relations between the two provinces. It offers a "big picture" view of interprovincial relations from a number of perspectives (political, economic, social, and public policy). The second part compares key public policy issues in the provinces in a wide range of fields. The analyses provided illustrate the similarities and differences between Ontario and Quebec, and provide a better understanding of the issues and policies that affect Ontario-Quebec relations."

Les politiques linguistiques

Book Description