Polyester Polymer Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays

Book Description

The objectives of the scanning tour included observation of a PPC overlay placement, inspection of existing overlays, and discussion of selected topics related to PPC. The scanning tour comprised a 3-day visit to California. Items related to material properties, mixture and overlay design, laboratory testing, and construction and field testing were investigated. Several recommendations relevant to Utah bridge deck preservation practice were developed based on the findings and then incorporated into a revised UDOT PPC specification.

Long-term Performance of Polymer Concrete for Bridge Decks

Book Description

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 423: Long-Term Performance of Polymer Concrete for Bridge Decks addresses a number of topics related to thin polymer overlays (TPOs). Those topics include previous research, specifications, and procedures on TPOs; performance of TPOs based on field applications; the primary factors that influence TPO performance; current construction guidelines for TPOs related to surface preparation, mixing and placement, consolidation, finishing, and curing; repair procedures; factors that influence the performance of overlays, including life-cycle cost, benefits and costs, bridge deck condition, service life extension, and performance; and successes and failures of TPOs, including reasons for both.

Polymer Concrete Overlay Test Program

Book Description

This report describes work done on various combinations of monomers and polymer concrete mixes and identifies the mixes showing the greatest potential for use in bridge deck overlays. Presented are test results showing physical properties of various polymer concrete mixes, such as compressive strength, split tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, thermal coefficient of expansion, and shrinkage coefficient. The effects of polymer content, work time, and temperature on various properties are also discussed. The development of two polymer concrete systems with excellent membrane potential are described along with the details of bonding characteristics of several systems. Finally, a polymer concrete mix with suitable properties for deck and pavement patching is detailed.

Polymer-Modified Concretes in Bridge Deck Overlay Systems

Book Description

Premature failure of portland cement concrete bridge decks is of national concern, particularly in those areas where chloride residues accumulate in the concrete from winter deicing operations. West Virginia's research and field usage indicates that the application of a relatively thin (1 to 2-in.) overlay of portland cement concrete or mortar containing a latex modifier may result in a significant increase in the useful life of bridge decks. Eighteen structures, including both new construction and renovation of existing decks, have received the latex-modified concrete overlay. Results to date have been most encouraging.

Concrete Bridge Protection and Rehabilitation

Book Description

This report presents the rapid methods used by state highway agencies for the protection, repair and rehabilitation of bridge decks. The report is based on a review of the literature; the responses to questionnaires sent to state departments of transportation, Canadian provinces, selected turnpike and thruway authorities, technology transfer centers, and material suppliers; and the evaluation of 50 bridge decks located in seven states. Polymer overlays, sealers, high-early strength hydraulic cement concrete overlays, and patches are compared for their performance characteristics and service life.

Premixed Polymer Concrete Overlays

Book Description

The results of a study undertaken to evaluate premixed polymer concrete overlays (PMPCO) over a 3-year period are presented. The PMPCO evaluated were constructed with polyester amide para resin and silica sand 1;. polyester styrene resin 1 and silica sand 2; polyester styrene resin 2, basalt aggregate and coke breeze (for conductivity); polyester styrene resin 2, silica sand 3 and coke breeze; and vinyl ester styrene resin, silica sand 2, and coke breeze. The mixing of the ingredients was done with either portable concrete mixers, mortar mixers, or a continuous batching mobile concrete mixer. The overlays were struck off and consolidated with a vibrating screed or a slip form paver. The report indicates that a nonconductive PMPCO with high bond strength, low permeability, and high skid resistance can be successfully installed by a contractor and opened to traffic after only three hours of curing. The report indicates that a conductive PMPCO with high bond strength and skid resistance can be successfully installed as a secondary anode for a cathodic protection system. Also, it is shown that the special provision for a PMPCO should require the installation of test patches or test sections of overlay prior to placing the final overlay to assure that the surface preparation is adequate and the mixing, installation equipment, procedures, and materials will provide a satisfactory overlay.

Polymer Concrete Overlays

Book Description

The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of a polyester polymer concrete; CVI Industries, CVI Perma Deck II, as a thin overlay for concrete decks. The purpose of using a polymer concrete is to obtain a fast cure and to waterproof the deck. The CVI Perma Deck II, was placed on two decks after deteriorated and delaminated areas were repaired. Two aggregate gradations were used and problems were encountered with each gradation. Replacement or repairs of both deck surfaces will be required during the summer of 1986.