Polystochastic Models for Complexity

Book Description

Complexity understanding and management will be a main source of efficiency and prosperity for the next decades and thus is of highest industrial and scientific interest. This book on the latest in polystochastic models for complexity includes case studies.

Polystochastic Models in Chemical Engineering

Book Description

Polystochastic models describe systems whose mode of evolution varies randomly according to the rule given by a hierarchy of conditioning processes. The author discusses the models used for random flow, the dynamics of dispersed systems, real flow and turbulent mixing. Attention is focussed on the fundamental role played by polystochastic models in chemical engineering. The author also draws attention to other areas of application such as the optimization of stochastic systems, dynamic programming and decision sciences, adaptive systems, communications and biophysics.

Implementing Polytope Projects for Smart Systems

Book Description

This book presents a domain of extreme industrial and scientific interest: the study of smart systems and structures. It presents polytope projects as comprehensive physical and cognitive architectures that support the investigation, fabrication and implementation of smart systems and structures. These systems feature multifunctional components that can perform sensing, control, and actuation. In light of the fact that devices, tools, methodologies and organizations based on electronics and information technology for automation, specific to the third industrial revolution, are increasingly reaching their limits, it is essential that smart systems be implemented in industry. Polytope projects facilitate the utilization of smart systems and structures as key elements of the fourth industrial revolution. The book begins by presenting polytope projects as a reference architecture for cyber-physical systems and smart systems, before addressing industrial process synthesis in Chapter 2. Flow-sheet trees, cyclic separations and smart configurations for multi-component separations are discussed here. In turn, Chapter 3 highlights periodic features for drug delivery systems and networks of chemical reactions, while Chapter 4 applies conditioned random walks to polymers and smart materials structures. Chapter 5 examines self-assembly and self-reconfiguration at different scales from molecular to micro systems. Smart devices and technologies are the focus of chapter 6. Modular micro reactor systems and timed automata are examined in selected case studies. Chapter 7 focuses on inferential engineering designs, concept-knowledge, relational concept analysis and model driven architecture, while Chapter 8 puts the spotlight on smart manufacturing, industry 4.0, reference architectures and models for new product development and testing. Lastly, Chapter 9 highlights the polytope projects methodology and the prospects for smart systems and structures. Focusing on process engineering and mathematical modeling for the fourth industrial revolution, the book offers a unique resource for engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs working in chemical, biochemical, pharmaceutical, materials science or systems chemistry, students in various domains of production and engineering, and applied mathematicians.

Polystochastic Models for Complexity

Book Description

This book is devoted to complexity understanding and management, considered as the main source of efficiency and prosperity for the next decades. Divided into six chapters, the book begins with a presentation of basic concepts as complexity, emergence and closure. The second chapter looks to methods and introduces polystochastic models, the wave equation, possibilities and entropy. The third chapter focusing on physical and chemical systems analyzes flow-sheet synthesis, cyclic operations of separation, drug delivery systems and entropy production. Biomimetic systems represent the main objective of the fourth chapter. Case studies refer to bio-inspired calculation methods, to the role of artificial genetic codes, neural networks and neural codes for evolutionary calculus and for evolvable circuits as biomimetic devices. The fifth chapter, taking its inspiration from systems sciences and cognitive sciences looks to engineering design, case base reasoning methods, failure analysis, and multi-agent manufacturing systems. Perspectives and integrative points of view are discussed in the sixth chapter with reference to the classification of sciences, cybernetics and its extensions, and to transdisciplinarity and categorification. Written for: engineers, researchers, and students in chemical, biochemical, computing and systems science engineering, in neuroscience, psychology, philosophy and mathematics

Modeling Multi-Level Systems

Book Description

This book is devoted to modeling of multi-level complex systems, a challenging domain for engineers, researchers and entrepreneurs, confronted with the transition from learning and adaptability to evolvability and autonomy for technologies, devices and problem solving methods. Chapter 1 introduces the multi-scale and multi-level systems and highlights their presence in different domains of science and technology. Methodologies as, random systems, non-Archimedean analysis, category theory and specific techniques as model categorification and integrative closure, are presented in chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 describe polystochastic models, PSM, and their developments. Categorical formulation of integrative closure offers the general PSM framework which serves as a flexible guideline for a large variety of multi-level modeling problems. Focusing on chemical engineering, pharmaceutical and environmental case studies, the chapters 5 to 8 analyze mixing, turbulent dispersion and entropy production for multi-scale systems. Taking inspiration from systems sciences, chapters 9 to 11 highlight multi-level modeling potentialities in formal concept analysis, existential graphs and evolvable designs of experiments. Case studies refer to separation flow-sheets, pharmaceutical pipeline, drug design and development, reliability management systems, security and failure analysis. Perspectives and integrative points of view are discussed in chapter 12. Autonomous and viable systems, multi-agents, organic and autonomic computing, multi-level informational systems, are revealed as promising domains for future applications. Written for: engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs and students in chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental and systems sciences engineering, and for applied mathematicians.

Roads to Higher Dimensional Polytopic Projects

Book Description

High dimensional reference architectures presented here allows confronting and prevailing over the growing complexity of polytopic projects implementations. Such projects should be envisaged giving that conventional systems operations, equipments, methodologies or organizations will reach their limits for self-evolvability in high complexity conditions. Self-evolvable high complexity systems are based on high dimensional polytopic reference architectures. Polytope is the general term of the sequence: point, line, polygon, polyhedron and so on.The polytopic projects are targeting the artificiality, not only for materials where it is well known and applied, but also for biological, cognitive, intelligent and mathematical systems. The book highlights the polytopic projects basic similarity despite the noticeable difference as domains of application. The roads to follow and the algebra of changing roads are emphasized. The book is divided in 9 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the Polytopic Roadmap to 4D and beyond. The role for the dialogue of processes in duality of the non-Aristotelian Logic of Contradiction and of Included Middle is emphasized for different domains. Chapter 2 refers to chemical systems. Supramolecular chemistry, metal organic frameworks, MOF, and reaction networks, are the examples considered in the frame of polytopic chemistry. Chapter 3 refers to biological systems. Biological dynamical hierarchies and quasi-species are the considered case studies. Technological and scientific projects targeting artificiality for cells and viruses are considered. Chapter 4 refers to cognitive systems. Developmental stages, formal and relational concepts analysis, and neural coding are considered here. The roles of the 4D systems of systems of systems and of conceptual 4D-cube are emphasized. Artificiality for cognitive systems is the object of study. Chapter 5 refers to mathematical systems. Modeling levels and the 4D digital twins are discussed. Hopf monoids as tools for the study of combinations and separations, dual graded graphs and V-models are informally presented. Chapter 6 refers to application of formal concept analysis, FCA, for high dimensional separations, nesting and drug delivery. Chapter 7 refers to polytopic engineering systems as multiscale transfer, distributors-collectors, cyclic operations, middle vessel columns, mixing, assembly and designs. Equipments have been characterized using Polytopic Roadmaps and classified by Periodic Tables. Chapter 8 introduces polytopic industry, economy, society and sustainability. Chapter 9 outlines new domains of interest as arts and architecture, transdisciplinarity, complex systems and unity of sciences and engineering. Polytopic Roadmaps are proposed as Method for experts from various fields to synthesize their thinking and capabilities into new projects implementation to face and surpass high complexity. A repetitive finding of this book is that self-evolvability observed in physical systems is based on the same directed sequence of reference architectures as the self-evolvability of concepts in our mind. Continuing to develop the field of self-evolvable systems and presenting the polytopic roadmaps for 4D and beyond advances in ever growing complexity domains, the book will be useful to engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs and students in different branches of production, complex systems sciences and engineering, ecology and applied mathematics.

Self-Evolvable Systems

Book Description

This monograph presents key method to successfully manage the growing complexity of systems where conventional engineering and scientific methodologies and technologies based on learning and adaptability come to their limits and new ways are nowadays required. The transition from adaptable to evolvable and finally to self-evolvable systems is highlighted, self-properties such as self-organization, self-configuration, and self-repairing are introduced and challenges and limitations of the self-evolvable engineering systems are evaluated.

Polytopic Roadmaps

Book Description

This book is useful to engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and students in different branches of production, engineering, and systems sciences. The polytopic roadmaps are the guidelines inspired by the development stages of cognitive-intelligent systems, and expected to become powerful instruments releasing an abundance of new capabilities and structures for complex engineering systems implementation. The 4D approach developed in previous monographs and correlated with industry 4.0and Fourth Industrial Revolution is continued here toward higher dimensions approaches correlated with polytopic operations, equipment, technologies, industries, and societies. Methodology emphasizes the role of doubling, iteration, dimensionality, and cyclicality around the center, of periodic tables and of conservative and exploratory strategies. Partitions, permutations, classifications, and complexification, as polytopic chemistry, are the elementary operations analyzed. Multi-scale transfer, cyclic operations, conveyors, and assembly lines are the practical examples of operations and equipment. Polytopic flow sheets, online analytical processing, polytopic engineering designs, and reality-inspired engineering are presented. Innovative concepts such as Industry 5.0, polytopic industry, Society 5.0, polytopic society, cyber physical social systems, industrial Internet, and digital twins have been discussed. The general polytopic roadmaps, (GPTR), are proposed as universal guidelines and as common methodologies to synthesize the systemic thinking and capabilities for growing complexity projects implementation.

Advanced Polytopic Projects

Book Description

This book focuses on new developments in polytopic projects, particularly on implementation domains and case studies, as well as high-dimensional methodology. Polytopic projects are based on a general reference architecture inspired and shared by the functional organization of organisms and enterprises as informational and cognitive systems, the scientific and engineering methodology and the operational structure of existing self-evolvable and self-sustainable systems.