Polytrimethylene Terephthalate Production - Cost Analysis - PTT E31B

Book Description

This report presents a cost analysis of Polytrimethylene Terephthalate (PTT) production starting from raw sugar and terephthalic acid. The process examined combines a process similar to DuPont process for generating propanediol and a process similar to Degussa (now Evonik) process for producing PTT. In this process, raw sugar (sucrose) is diluted and sucrose is hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose (invert sugars). The invert sugars are then fermented to produce Propanediol. This report was developed based essentially on the following reference(s): Keywords: 1,3-Polypropylene Terephthalate, TPA, Dimethyl Terephthalate, DMT, Bio-PDO, Trimethylene Glycol, PTT, Aerobic Fermentation

Polytrimethylene Terephthalate Production - Cost Analysis - PTT E11A

Book Description

This report presents a cost analysis of Polytrimethylene Terephthalate (PTT) production from terephthalic acid and propanediol. The process examined is similar to Degussa (now Evonik) process. This report was developed based essentially on the following reference(s): (1) US Patent 7223830, issued to Zimmer in 2007 (assigned to Lurgi Zimmer GmbH in 2008) (2) EP Patent 0859020, issued to Zimmer and Degussa (now Evonik) in 2006 (3) US Patent 68007, issued to Zimmer and Shell in 2004 (assigned to Lurgi Zimmer GmbH in 2008) Keywords: 1,3-Polypropylene Terephthalate, TPA, PDO, Dimethyl Terephthalate, DMT

Polytrimethylene Terephthalate Production - Cost Analysis - PTT E21A

Book Description

This report presents a cost analysis of Polytrimethylene Terephthalate (PTT) production starting from glucose syrup and terephthalic acid. The process examined combines a process similar to DuPont process for generating propanediol and a process similar to Degussa (now Evonik) process for producing PTT. In this process, a 70 wt% glucose-water syrup is used as raw material. This report was developed based essentially on the following reference(s): Keywords: 1,3-Polypropylene Terephthalate, TPA, Dimethyl Terephthalate, DMT, Bio-PDO, Trimethylene Glycol, PTT, Aerobic Fermentation

Polyethylene Terephthalate Production Process - Cost Analysis - PET E11A

Book Description

This report presents a cost analysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) production from ethylene glycol and purified terephthalic acid (PTA). The process examined is a typical melt-phase polymerization followed by solid-state polymerization. In this process, initially an oligomer intermediate is produced by the esterification of PTA with ethylene glycol. The oligomer then undergoes a melt-polymerization and a solid-state polymerization, leading to a bottle grade PET. This report was developed based essentially on the following reference(s): (1) "Polyesters, Thermoplastic", Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 5th edition (2) "Polyesters", Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 7th edition Keywords: Thermoplastic Polymer, Polyester, High Intrinsic Viscosity, Melt-Phase Polycondensation

Polyethylene Terephthalate Production Process - Cost Analysis - PET E12A

Book Description

This report presents a cost analysis of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) production from ethylene glycol and purified terephthalic acid (PTA). The process examined is similar to Invista NG3 process. In this process, PET oligomers are first polymerized in a melt-phase step, and then passed through a solid-state polymerization step. This report was developed based essentially on the following reference(s): US Patents 5786443 and 5730913, both issued to DuPont in 1998 (both assigned to Invista in 2004) Keywords: Thermoplastic Polymer, Polyester, High Intrinsic Viscosity, Melt-Phase Polycondensation

Polybutylene Terephthalate Production from DMT - Cost Analysis - PBT E11A

Book Description

This report presents a cost analysis of Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) production from dimethyl terephthalate (DMT). The process examined is a typical transesterification and polycondensation process. This report was developed based essentially on the following reference(s): Keywords: Polyester, Bishydroxybutyl Terephthalate, HBT, Melt Polymerization, Solid State Polymerization