Return of Caribou to Ungava

Book Description

The George River caribou herd increased from 15,000 animals in 1958 to 700,000 in 1988 - the largest herd in the world at the time. The authors trace the fluctuations in this caribou population back to the 1700s, detail how the herd escaped extinction in the 1950s, and consider current environmental threats to its survival. In an examination of the life history and population biology of the herd, The Return of Caribou to Ungava offers a synthesis of the basic biological traits of the caribou, a new hypothesis about why they migrate, and a comparison to herd populations in North America, Scandinavia, and Russia. The authors conclude that the old maxim, "Nobody knows the way of the caribou," is no longer valid. Based on a study in which the caribou were tracked by satellite across Ungava, they find that caribou are able to navigate, even in unfamiliar habitats, and to return to their calving ground, movement that is central to the caribou's cyclical migration. The Return of Caribou to Ungava also examines whether the herd can adapt to global warming and other changing environmental realities.

Biology of the Kaminuriak Population of Barren-ground Caribou

Book Description

"The winter range of barren-ground caribou in northwestern Manitoba was studied to learn what potential forage was available, and how weather, in particular snow conditions, affected the foraging of caribou"--Abstract.

Arctic Animal Ecology

Book Description

A large number of comprehensive publications has been devoted to the Antarctic, to its plant and animal life. It is therefore relatively easy to familiarize oneself with the current state of Antarctic research. Nothing comparable is available for the Arctic. The heterogeneity and richness of the northern polar regions seem to have discouraged any attempt at a synthethic approach. This book has evolved from an attempt to summarize the results of 15 years of ecological and physiological research work in the Arctic - mostly on Spitsbergen. The necessity of comparing our results and the ecological conditions of Spitsbergen with other arctic regions grew into a full-sized book on arctic animal ecology. It is not meant as an exhaustive survey ofthe relevant literature. Instead I have tried to show how closely the various fields of research are interwoven, how many questions can be solved if only notice is taken of fellow scientists and their results, and how much arctic animals have in common. This book would not have been possible without the helpfulness of many colleagues. Above all I should like to mention Professor Ronning and Professor Solem of Trondheim University (Norway), Professor Arnthor Gardasson of Reykjavik University (Iceland), Dr. NettIeship, Dr. Oliver and Dr. Ryder of Canada and Professor West of Fairbanks University (Alaska, USA).

Of Men and Herds in Canadian Plains Prehistory

Book Description

This is a preliminary study of temporal and spatial relationships between Canadian Plains peoples, climates and bison populations over the past 10,000 years. Discreteness of two bison populations, hunting and band movements and communication are discussed together with the probable role of grassland faciation as a control on bison migration.

Arctic and Alpine Environments

Book Description

Originally published in 1974, Arctic and Alpine Environments examines, the relatively simple ecosystems of arctic and alpine lands that still occupy extensive areas little disturbed by modern technology. The book argues that there is a necessity for carefully controlled development of the resources of these regions and suggests that there is a risk of irreversible disturbance without full understanding of these regions. This book provides a detailed documentation of cold-stressed arctic and alpine terrestrial environments and systematically deals with the present and past physical environment – climate, hydrology and glaciology; biota – treeline, vegetation, vertebrate zoology, and historical biogeography; abiotic processes – geomorphological and pedological and the role of man – bioclimatology, archaeology and technological impact, including radioecology. The book will appeal to academics and students of environmental and biological science, as well as providing a significant source for conservationists’, government agencies and industrial organizations.

Wildlife Review

Book Description