Portraits of Tibetan Buddhist Masters

Book Description

Renowned photographer Don Farber, one of the most important chroniclers of Buddhism today, brings the face and the spirit of contemporary Tibetan Buddhism alive with this remarkable book. Portraits of Tibetan Buddhist Masters―a collection of superb color photographs presented with brief biographies and teachings from each master―is a vibrant work, a testament to the compassion and wisdom that lies at the heart of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Farber felt compelled to record the last of the living Buddhist masters who received their training in Tibet and then fled the country following the invasion by China, as well as other masters who survived many years of imprisonment during the Cultural Revolution. He has worked with a sense of urgency to photograph and interview these extraordinary beings who have been the custodians of this endangered Buddhist tradition. His collection of portraits also includes some of the bright lights of Tibetan Buddhism, the younger masters who will carry the tradition into the future. As a photographic archive of Tibetan Buddhist masters, this book plays an important role in preserving Tibetan culture, in all its richness and complexity, through the words and faces of its esteemed masters.

Portraits of the Masters

Book Description

Oliver Hoare's impressive collection of Tibetan portrait bronzes is presented together with an in-depth history of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The volume contains chapters in Tibetan art, religion, and culture describing the successive schools such as the Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, Kadam and Geluk. Color plates of the portrait bronzes of the leaders of the schools are incorporated, accompanied by the stories associated with each leader.

Enlightened Living

Book Description

This collection of translated writings addresses the issue of engaging in secular life with Buddhist intentions. It includes practical advice by great Tibetan teachers such as Paltrul Rinpoche and Jigme Lingpa. Combining folktales and poetry, their teachings pieces impart the essence of spirituality in a pithy, direct fashion. "There are three things that you should place: Your body on the seat; Your mind in your body; And relaxation in the mind. There are three things that should be in conformity: Conversations with friends; Clothes with the country; And mind with the Dharma." Paltrul Rinpoche Tulku Thondup is a living advocate of the Tibetan tradition, He has translated and published many books and has taught at Harvard University. He is hte author of the Healing Power of Mind.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Book Description

Photographer Don Farber has followed His Holiness the Dalai Lama for 30 years. This documentary and inspirational work celebrates the life and work of a leader unique in the modern world. Farber's photographs capture the charismatic spiritual figure, highlighting the reverence shown to him wherever he goes. Of equal interest are the quieter moments that reveal the private individual and his compelling humanity. Through following in the footsteps of His Holiness we learn more about his character, and about the central tenets of Tibetan Buddhism. Text in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Chinese SELLING POINTS A visual biography of one of the world's major spiritual leaders Of interest both to Buddhist scholars and all those drawn to a message of peace and compassion ILLUSTRATIONS 73 colour & bw photographs

Portraits of the Masters

Book Description

Buddhist Art Coloring Book 2

Book Description

Sacred art presented as coloring templates for contemplation and creativity—stunning and detailed artwork from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Drawing on his brush paintings in The Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs and other works, Robert Beer has selected 50 images meant to be used as templates for coloring. The book features figures spanning centuries of the tradition, including spiritual adventurers, rebellious saints, and enlightened Tantric masters. The detailed artwork is elegant and meaningful—drawing on Buddhist teachings to give each piece greater depth.

Tibetan Painting

Book Description

In the Presence of Masters

Book Description

Thirty of the most creative, eloquent, and energetic Tibetan Buddhist teachers of Westerners in recent decades are featured in this collection of teachings that are certain to be highly treasured by all students of Buddhism. The contributors are masters who helped establish Buddhism in the West, founding centers in North America, Great Britain, Australia, and Europe; publishing books in English; and gaining recognition among Western Buddhists. Their teachings, drawn exclusively from the spoken word as given in talks and seminars, convey the directness and power for which the oral tradition is so valued in Buddhism. The book highlights the teachings of the practice lineages, the branch of Tibetan Buddhism that emphasizes meditation practice, personal experience, and spiritual realization. Selections are thematically organized, including topics such as the major approaches to the spiritual path, meditation and other practices, Buddhist ethics, tantric practice, and the role of the teacher. Includes the following teachers: Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche • Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche • Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche • Deshung Rinpoche • Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche • Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche • Dudjom Rinpoche • Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche • The Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche • Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche • Gen Lamrimpa • The Third Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche • Kalu Rinpoche • Venerable Khandro Rinpoche • Khenpo Könchog Gyaltsen • Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche • Lama Lodö • Lama Thubten Yeshe Rinpoche • Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche • Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche • Ringu Tulku Rinpoche • Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche • Sogyal Rinpoche • Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche • Thinley Norbu Rinpoche • Thrangu Rinpoche • Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche • Tulku Thondup Rinpoche • Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche • Lama Zopa Rinpoche

A History of Tibetan Painting

Book Description

The present book is a first attempt at exploring the sacred painting traditions of Tibet from the mid-15th through 20th centuries on the basis of both the surviving pictorial remains and the extensive written sources that survive in the Tibetan language. The study of this period of Tibetan art history has in effect been neglected in recent years in favor of the earliest periods. Yet the vast majority of extant masterpieces of Tibetan Buddhist painting belong to this more recent period, and the relevant written and pictorial resources now available, though they have never been fully utilized until now, are in fact quite rich. The present study attempts in the first place to identify the great founders of the main schools of Tibetan painting and to locate references to their surviving works of sacred art. Through recourse to the artists own writings, if available, to the biographies of their main patrons, and to other contemporaneous or nearly contemporaneous sources, it has been possible to clarify many of the circumstances of the careers of such famous Tibetan painters as sMan-bla-don-grub, mKhyen-brtse-chen-mo and Nam-mkha-bkra-shis, who were the founders of the sMan-ris, mKhyen-ris and Karma sgar-bris traditions, respectively. For the convenience of students and researchers, the book includes a survey of the main available Tibetan sources and studies, both traditional and modern, as well as a detailed summary of previous Western research on this subject. It also presents the texts and translations of the most important passages from the main traditional sources. This richly illustrated volume also includes detailed indices, and it will be an indispensable guide and reference work for anyone interested in Tibetan art.